Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1659: , Laixiang's parents!

However, just after Zhang Xiang sent Xiao Yan out of the house, watching her walk into the house. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

In front of him, there suddenly appeared a woman who didn't know her, who was about forty years old, wearing a purple sweater, and she was very scholarly.

She looks very much like Senior Sister Laixiang. Although she is not young anymore, her face is still beautiful, giving a charming citrus.

And the expression on her face is not like Laixiang-senpai's often blank expression, just a little serious.

"Hello, are you Tai-kun Yu?" A slightly thick voice rang from behind this woman.

At this time, Zhang Xiang noticed that behind a woman, another man was standing.

He is dressed in more formal clothes, has short black hair, and some silver hair has begun to appear in his hair. There is a breath of writing on his body, and he is obviously a person who has read poetry.

"Excuse me, are you?" Zhang Xiang showed a tentative expression on his face.

Although, he already had the answer in his heart.

"We are Laixiang's parents." The middle-aged woman in a purple sweater, no, it should be said that she is Laixiang's mother, said to Zhang Xiang.

At the same time, not far away.

The figure of Senior Sister Laixiang also appeared in Zhang Xiang's field of vision.

"Dad, mom?" Laixiang-senpai's expression was a little flat, but she called out Xiaokong, Miyu and others who were allowed to pass, all slightly surprised.

"Sister Laixiang..."

"Dad and mom?!"

Xiaokong and Miyu exclaimed, with a hint of weirdness on their faces. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

However, at this moment.

The passing fireworks pulled their clothes.

"Hello, uncle and aunt." Hua Huo bowed to each other.

At the same time, Xiaokong and Miyu also recovered, bowed to each other and said hello.

After all, in Neon's words, facing the elders of friends, there is no lack of etiquette at all.

Facing the bows of Xiaokong and the others, Laixiang-senpai's mother also responded to Xiaokong and the others.


Two minutes later, in Xiaoniaoyou's home.

Zhang Xiang sits on the single sofa, and to his left is Senior Sister Lai Xiang, who is also sitting on the sofa.

However, sitting on the couch next to them were Sister Laixiang's parents.

The atmosphere in the room seemed a little dull, and no one had the intention to speak first, especially Senior Sister Laixiang, who seemed even more expressionless, as if she hadn't seen her parents at all.

If Zhang Xiang hadn't known that Senior Sister Laixiang looked like this, then he would really be at a loss.

At this moment, Xiaokong, who had been busy in the kitchen for a while, also came out with a plate.

"Uncle and aunt, please use tea." Xiaokong walked to the parents of Laixiang-senpai and put the black tea and snacks in front of them.

At the same time, Xiao Kong also put another refreshment in front of Zhang Xiang and the others.

Then she returned to the kitchen with the remaining plates.

Miyu, Xiao Hina, and Hua Huo are all in the kitchen, waiting quietly for the development of the situation.

Because they knew that Senior Sister Laixiang ran away from home.

Therefore, the parents of Senior Sister Laixiang came up today, and something must have happened, or reconciliation, or conflict broke out.

"Uncle and Auntie, hello, please have tea, if it gets cold, it won't be good." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and pointed to the black tea in front of him.

"Well, thank you." Senior Sister Laixiang's mother nodded gracefully and said.

Laixiang-senpai’s mother followed Laixiang-senpai. The mother and daughter have similar appearances and intonations, but unfortunately they also have no expressions and their tone of voice is a little flat.

However, it is no wonder.

After all, in their minds, Zhang Xiang was the guy who abducted their precious daughter.

Although, it was Senior Sister Laixiang who took the initiative to live in.

And just after the black tea's smoke was slightly lingering, and Laixiang-senpai's parents took a sip, the topic finally entered the topic.

"You Taijun, right?" Senior Sister Laixiang's father raised his head and looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

After a pause, he said again.

"Although you don't know, this should not be the first time we met." Miss Lai Xiang's father's tone was calm and ethical, and his expression did not change at all. He just looked at Zhang Xiang like a gentleman.

And listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang was also slightly surprised.

"Isn't it the first time we met?" Zhang Xiang asked in surprise.

"Yes, the last time we met, it should have been my last Christmas business trip, occasionally when I saw you and my daughter outside the mall. Only then did I know you existed." Senior sister's father paused when he said that, looked in the direction of senior sister Laixiang, and then looked at Zhang Xiang.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't seem to notice it at all.

"Oh, is that right?" Zhang Xiang nodded.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Senior Sister Laixiang's father frowned slightly, obviously a little angry.

"From the time I knew you, I started investigating. My knowledge of you was from the time I didn’t know at all to the present. You are a student of Tama College. But the grades are not Not so good. I was absent from class for a long time last semester. I heard that it was for a part-time job. As for your part-time job, I am an outsider. I don’t know exactly what happened. But what I want to say is It’s not the right choice to work while absent from school like this. It’s a disrespect for knowledge.” Senior Sister Laixiang’s father said that, his tone became a little heavier.

At this time, Zhang Xiang remembered what Senior Sister Laixiang had told him about his parents.

Both her parents are intellectuals.

Her mother is a well-known scholar and has published many books, and she is often invited to meetings and lectures.

And her father was a professor at a university, studying ancient literature and other things.

He is also a prestigious intellectual in the field of literature.

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