Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1665: , Old professor

And Senior Sister Laixiang's parents have been guests at Xiaoniaoyou's house for a long time. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

From the afternoon, until 8 o'clock in the evening, I still stayed at Xiaoniaoyou's house.

During this whole process, Laixiang-senpai's parents began to gradually become familiar with the family members of Xiaoniaoyou.

And in the familiar process, the one who makes the biggest contribution is the youngest.

Because of the innocent words of the young chicks, and the kind of cute feeling that came out inadvertently, the mother of Laixiang-senpai laughed very happy.

Even the father of Laixiang-senpai who didn't show a smile showed a smile on his stern face.

This time, Laixiang-senpai was very surprised.

However, Zhang Xiang and others felt a little accustomed to it.

After all, when Laixiang-senpai faced others, she was as expressionless as her parents, and she only smiled when she was facing Xiao Hina and others.

In general, the cute lethality of the little chicks is for everyone.

As long as it is a normal human, I am afraid that it will be kind to such a cute and kind little chick.

Of course, in this one, there is an episode in it.

That is, after getting rid of the last time, the professor of Chinese Studies that Zhang Xiang never saw again did not know where to find Zhang Xiang's address, and he came up directly to block the door.

Zhang Xiang must be his disciple.

Faced with such a stubborn old stubbornness, Zhang Xiang really didn't know what to do. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

After all, Zhang Xiang really couldn't do anything impolite in a community where she got along very well, and when Laixiang's parents were there.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang had to greet the other party and let Xiaokong serve tea to greet the other party.

However, just when Zhang Xiang thought of a method to use, he refused the other party's invitation.

An unexpected thing happened.

That is, Senior Sister Laixiang’s parents actually knew the old stubborn man who taught Chinese Studies, and they were once his students.

Of course, the students here are not apprentices, but the normal teacher-student relationship.

At that time, Zhang Xiang just remembered it.

It seems that Raika-senpai’s parents all graduated from Tama Bun Academy.

Although they don't work in it now, they should still be in touch with the teacher.

And based on the old stubborn age, the parents who taught Sister Laixiang were really nothing new.

What surprised Zhang Xiang even more was that Laixiang-senpai was still more familiar with the old stubborn.

In the explanations given by Sister Laixiang's parents, Zhang Xiang learned that Sister Laixiang had been led by her parents to visit each other when she entered Tama Wen College.

Moreover, she had deliberately visited the other side to study, but unfortunately she was rejected because of her aptitude.

When he heard this, Zhang Xiang was really surprised.

Because, in his impression, Sister Raixiang entered the Tama School of Letters with the first grade in the school, and even after that, she occupied the School of Letters for a long time. She was the first in the department. The head is inside.

But then, Zhang Xiang felt very sad.

Because, facing such a smart person as Senior Sister Laixiang, the other party did not accept as a disciple.

Why does the other party have to chase after themselves to be the other's apprentice?

He himself only got the full score on the Chinese test paper once. Would you like to go after it? !

Although that paper is a bit more difficult, it seems that Laixiang-senpai didn't have a perfect score, but only got 90 points.

However, the difference is only a tenth, and it will soon catch up!

However, what makes Zhang Xiang feel vomiting blood is.

Old stubbornness is worthy of being old stubborn. He insisted that if it is four or fifty points, it is not difficult for students to learn to reach eighty or ninety points.

However, he was in the last ten points of this test paper, but set many traps in it.

Only a truly talented person can break these traps and make an answer that satisfies him.

This is where he really likes Zhang Xiang.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiang almost didn't vomit blood to show him on the spot.

Because, he didn't notice any trap at all.

However, when he said this, the old stubborn one was even happier.

He said: ‘That’s right, because only those who are truly talented and subconsciously organize the knowledge of Chinese culture will not see the existence of this trap and write the correct answer directly. Sure enough, you are a god-given wizard, if you are not my student, then you will waste the talent God has given you. ’

Speaking of which, how can Zhang Xiang shirk his talents?

He can only shirk the need to take care of his family and work.

However, it made him feel even more speechless and stabbed.

When he said these things, Sister Laixiang actually stood up and said, I will help Zhang Xiangjun take care of the sisters, please rest assured.

Then, I was attracted by the prospect that the old stubborn would become a master of Chinese studies and become the object of everyone’s longing. I want to make my uncle better in the future and not be dragged down by them. She patted her chest and said that they would take care of themselves.

And, in the middle of the conversation, in order to make Zhang Xiang even taller.

They told Zhang Xiang that he is a well-known cartoonist who has made enough money, what works he drew, and started a big company, which is already worth tens of billions. (In order not to scare the three sisters of Xiaoniaoyou, Zhang Xiang only revealed that his company is worth ten billion, not ten trillion. But even so, they were shocked.)

Listening to Xiaokong and others scrambling to praise himself.

Zhang Xiang was both happy, and he felt bleeding from the bottom of his heart.

Fortunately, it is difficult to hear so many beautiful voices complimenting oneself in normal times.

And the blood dripping from the bottom of my heart is that Xiaokong and others are praising himself, unknowingly pushing him into a bottomless abyss...

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