Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1667: , The key to Gensokyo!

And after a slightly chaotic and laughing afternoon, and after the evening had passed, the time finally came to the evening. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Because of the many things that happened today, everyone can't help but feel a little tired.

Therefore, not long after, at about eleven o'clock, everyone was already going to bed.

Of course, in Miyu's words, girls can't'stay up all night' past eleven, as that will make the skin very bad.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't just go to sleep like this.

For him, there are more important things to do.

That was looking for something to restore the vitality of the Ten Guards.

"Then, let's start." Zhang Xiang stretched his right hand into the void, seeming to be looking for something.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang's face showed a hint of joy.

"Found it!" Zhang Xiang said as he drew his right hand out of the void.

On his right hand, a scarlet light group appeared.

In that light cluster, countless scarlet threads circulate in it, just like countless scarlet threads are turning in circles.

But the key is not this one, but in the circulation of these scarlet lines, a special spatial fluctuation is transmitted, and there is a feeling that it is incompatible with this space, and it may be broken and empty at all times.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang finally said what this thing was.

"The key to Gensokyo!" Zhang Xiang held the scarlet light ball in his right hand and placed it in front of him. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"No matter how many times I look at it, I still feel beautiful..." Zhang Xiang looked at the light ball in front of him and exclaimed.

That's right, the scarlet light group that appeared on Zhang Xiang's right hand was the key to Gensokyo's space.

Originally, according to Remilia, Gensokyo was shrouded in a double barrier.

Unless it was one of the big monsters with spatial abilities that shot, or some unscrupulous person who controlled the big barrier opened the barrier.

Otherwise, outsiders want to go in from the outside, and people inside want to come out from the inside. Only by finding the Hakurei Shrine that maintains the inside and outside of Gensokyo can it be possible.

Even with the spatial coordinates of Gensokyo, it is difficult to do it.

However, this matter has changed in Zhang Xiang's body.

Since the last time Remilia had seen Zhang Xiang’s "traveling" with her own eyes, she had determined that the roulette that would allow Zhang Xiang to travel to different worlds was a roulette that was superior to an artifact and could communicate with all the worlds. The presence.

Therefore, as long as you have the correct spatial coordinates.

The roulette hidden in Zhang Xiang's soul, let alone traveling into Gensokyo, is not difficult even if you specify a crossing point accurate to the centimeter.

It is not difficult to imagine that the power required to break through a different world is definitely greater than in the same world, but in different space nodes, it is just that Gensokyo is enveloped by barriers.

Since that single ability is enough to break through another world, why can't it break through those two kinds of barriers?

However, it just needs the correct coordinates.

It just so happens that Remilia has the spatial coordinates of Gensokyo.

As a result, all the conditions were put together. (Of course, so many conditions are needed now, it's just that the protagonist has not analyzed Gensokyo’s enchantment yet. Once the analysis is completed, you can enter at any time. Of course, even the current one, as long as he arrives in person On the edge of Gensokyo, it is possible to directly violently break a gap in Gensokyo’s barrier.)

Although, Remilia gave Zhang Xiang the space coordinates so that he would take the chicks and the others to sit down and so on.

But, now it happens to come in handy.

"Come on, grinding the roulette!" Zhang Xiang stretched out his left hand, thinking of the roulette loaded with a lot of spatial coordinates.

And just as his words fell, a breath of eternal ancientness permeated instantly, dyeing the entire world into a gray color, and even time and space seemed to be suspended.

In front of Zhang Xiang, wisps of scarlet color came out of confusion from all directions and diffused towards the middle.

At the same time, a huge roulette appeared in front of Zhang Xiang from virtual to real.

This is the only treasure left in his soul in that lifetime.

Its name is: Motian Roulette. In its heyday, it was a terrifying existence that could fix the entire world in space and time and wipe it away.

The singularity of the world that Zhang Xiang used in his previous life to promote immortality is the result of Zhang Xiang's use of it to completely wipe out a certain world.

However, after Zhang Xiang was punished for failing to promote Immortality, most of this treasure's ability was lost.

Now, all that is left is to help Zhang Xiang break through the space and adjust the role of different worlds and space speeds.

However, even so, this is still a very powerful treasure.

As long as Zhang Xiang succeeds in opening up a new world and warming it up again, he will definitely be able to restore his original strength.

And it was at this moment when Zhang Xiang's entire field of vision super huge roulette appeared.

He let go of the scarlet light group on his right hand.

"Go, the space coordinates of Gensokyo will become part of the collection of space coordinates of countless dimensional worlds collected here!" Zhang Xiang said softly.

At the same time, the huge roulette that was spinning slowly in midair also paused slowly.

The scarlet light ball slowly floated into one of the grids and was embedded in it.

Then, between the red flashes, a spatial coordinate was frozen on it.

On the top, three characters of "Gensokyo" are also marked.

"Open it, the door of the world!" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand, a ray of supernatural power was shot out by him, and plunged into the huge roulette.

However, Zhang Xiang's face turned pale when he shot out this quintessential supernatural power.

Don't think that a strand of divine power is just a strand, but that is the only strand of the most essential divine power he cultivated during this period of time when he was promoted to the realm of gods.

Although it seems to be small, it contains a lot of power at all.

However, it is also a last resort to blast out this strand of divine power that can be said to be the core.

After all, although the power to start this grinding wheel is not much, it is somewhat difficult to let it specify the spatial coordinates of a world.

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