Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1678: , In the world

"Next, just look for someone at random and ask where the Red Devil Mansion is. Looking at the 1 Mao 2 Thread 3 Chinese website and I made such a big movement, Remilia should have sensed it too." Zhang Xiang did There are plans for the next step.

Then, his expression moved, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

Then, his whole person plunged into the void and teleported away directly in a certain direction.

Because the spiritual power that he radiated has already found the place where humans live.

However, just after he used the advanced Flying Thunder God and the mental power mark to combine with each other, he left in a way similar to teleportation.

A dark crack suddenly appeared in the midair he had just stayed in.

In that crack, there are countless pairs of scarlet scary eyes hidden.

At this moment, a figure with golden hair and the name Yakumozi appeared in the air along that crack.

"Yes, it should be here. But how did the breath disappear? It seems that the other party is also a very vigilant person." Yakumo Zi leaned out his upper body from the crack and covered his mouth with a fan. He narrowed his eyes and said with some ambiguity.

"Forget it, as long as he stays in Gensokyo, he will definitely be able to find it!" Yakumo Zi retracted the fan, leaned back again, and the whole figure disappeared in the air.

And at this moment, Zhang Xiang also appeared outside a human village.

However, I looked at my upper body that was bare because of the huge power impact.

However, Zhang Xiang gave a bitter smile.

"It seems that you have to prepare more clothes in the space bag in the future. Otherwise, if you have to burst your shirt every time, I am afraid that the only two sets of clothes will not last long. "Zhang Xiang muttered, but he took out one of the two spare sets of clothes from his own space bag.

After getting dressed, he walked towards the human village.

However, what made him feel slightly surprised is that the humans in this village seem to be living in ancient times.

The clothes worn on the body are not modern clothes, but exist similar to the Meiji period.

But what was even more strange was that they were not surprised after only a slightly surprised look at Zhang Xiang, who was wearing modern clothes.

It's like they have seen similar clothes.

And the size of the whole village is not that big, only about a few hundred people.

However, what troubles Zhang Xiang is.

He asked a lot of village names in the village, but no one knew where the Red Devil Hall was.

"Could it be that the Red Devil Pavilion is not on this side, but on the other side?" Zhang Xiang scratched his head and said with some annoyance.

To be honest, he can directly release his spiritual perception to the maximum, directly cover the entire Gensokyo, and find the existence of the Red Devil Hall.

Because Remilia had described the specific appearance of the Red Devil Hall to him.

However, he didn't want to do it until the end.

After all, once his mental perception covers the entire Gensokyo, he will definitely be spotted by the "crazy woman" just now.

Pursuing the mental power to locate the opponent's position, even Zhang Xiang can do it, let alone the opponent who has lived for many years.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang heard a good news.

"Oh, Red Devil Mansion? I don't know, I don't seem to have heard of this place. However, if anyone in the village knows, I think the teacher should know it." One hand carried a hoe, obviously It was a middle-aged farmer who wanted to **** the fields and said to Zhang Xiang, who was a little bit distressed.

"Teacher?" Zhang Xiang asked slightly surprised.

"Well, it's the only teacher in the private school in our village. His name is Shangbai Ze Huiyin, and he is a very good teacher. However, the lecture is a little boring..." The key farmer with a **** in his hand , A little underestimated in a low voice.

"So, where is she now?" Zhang Xiang asked.

"Well, it's in the house on the other side. Go by yourself. Today, the eyes of the Dragon God stone statue are blue, and it will definitely rain heavily later. I'm going to quickly open the field to prevent crops. It was flooded." The middle-aged farmer helped Zhang Xiang point out the direction and walked outside with a hoe.

However, he did not see it.

In the eyes of the stone statue in the center of the village behind him, there was already a flash of scarlet expression.

But then it disappeared.

After Zhang Xiang thanked the other party, he walked in the direction indicated by the other party.

As for the stone statue of the dragon **** in the opponent's mouth, Zhang Xiang didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, in this Gensokyo, everything cannot be checked by common sense.

Because this is Gensokyo where monsters, gods, humans, and all kinds of strange things gather.

Not long after, Zhang Xiang came to the place specified by the other party.

But as Zhang Xiang approached, a sound of reading rang from the house.

Along with the sound of a female voice, other slightly messy and juvenile voices also came from the house.

"Oh, are you still in school?" Zhang Xiang glanced through the wooden door of the house.

Then he stopped and waited outside.

He didn't want to disturb the class of the kids inside.

After waiting until get out of class is over, and the children have also left, Zhang Xiang is considered to have walked over.

"Excuse me, is it Teacher Shang Baize?" Zhang Xiang walked over and knocked gently on the door.

Zhang Xiang asked, but looked inside.

At the same time, a girl with long light green hair, wearing a blue-purple dress, shoes with a red bow, and a special firework hat on top of her head, with long light green hair, turned around. coming.

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