Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1697: , Marshmallow Inabadi

Facing Zhang Xiang's question, Ling Xian couldn't help showing a confused expression on his face.

Because, in her feelings, she should have hit the bamboo.

But then, looking at Zhang Xiang's slightly nervous face, Ling Xian couldn't help but respond.

"I, I, it's okay..." Ling Xian's expression seemed a little nervous, and he answered Zhang Xiang.

She put her hands in front of her, her body curled together.

Then, she suddenly reacted, as if she herself was still in Zhang Xiang's arms.

Feeling the warmth from the embrace of others that I had never felt before, and the smell from Zhang Xiang's body passing through his nose, Ling Xian's face couldn't help becoming a little ruddy.

"I, I'm okay, can, can you put me down...?" Ling Xian showed a shy and panic expression on his face, waving his hands in front of him.

And looking at the girl in her arms with a pair of pink rabbit ears, listening to the other side's words like an ordinary shy girl.

Zhang Xiang couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, it's okay, I will put you down." Zhang Xiang looked at the blushing bunny-eared girl in his arms, and put her feet down and let her feet touch the ground. Put the opponent down completely.

And after Zhang Xiang put the opponent down, the opponent also looked like a frightened rabbit, and immediately rushed behind a piece of bamboo.

"That, that, who are you?" Ling Xian still had a trace of blush on his face, hiding his body behind the bamboo, and asked Zhang Xiang in a panic.

Finding out, or guiding Hengwu into the lost bamboo forest, this is one of her jobs. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Because all the rabbits in the eternal pavilion are actually brought down by the people in the eternal pavilion.

"Don't worry, I am not hostile. In addition, my name is Zhang Xiang, and I came to see Dr. Bayi Yonglin, one of the owners of the Forever Pavilion." Zhang Xiang stretched out his hands, indicating that he was not hostile.

By the way, I also stated my purpose for coming here.

"Ah, did you come to see her?" Ling Xian showed a surprised face on his face.

"Master? Well, yes." Although Zhang Xiang was a little puzzled by the name of the other party, he nodded.

"Oh, is that so?" Listening to Zhang Xiang's intention, the vigilant expression on Ling Xian's face was slightly lowered.

However, she has not fully trusted Zhang Xiang.

On this point, Zhang Xiang can easily see.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang spoke again.

"By the way, how could you run so fast in the foggy bamboo forest? If it weren't for me, you might have fainted just now, right?" Zhang Xiang asked, changing the subject.

When she heard something about herself, Ling Xian suddenly became more energetic.

"Ah, I almost forgot, it seems that she made her run away again." Ling Xian's face felt a little frustrated after inquiring around the pink rabbit ears.

"Are you looking for someone?" Zhang Xiang asked the other party.

"Well, yes, the bad guy who stole what I have treasured for a long time and can't bear to eat!!!" Ling Xian seemed to think of the other person, and couldn't help but grab the bamboo in front of him, and started Pinching it up is like pinching the other person's neck.

"The bad guy who stole the things you have cherished for a long time and is reluctant to eat?" Zhang Xiang continued to ask with some surprise.

"Yeah, woo... That was the last carrot I left for lunch today to prepare to eat. But... But, when I wanted to eat it, I was given it by the bad guy Impandi. I just snatched it away..." Ling Xian's face showed an extremely aggrieved expression, and those bright red eyes looked at Zhang Xiang's direction with tears.

But listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but feel a little sluggish.

At the same time, I felt a little speechless.

Originally, he thought that the girl in front of him was so sad, definitely because something precious had been robbed.

However, he did not expect that the reason why the girl in front of him was so sad was that a carrot was snatched away.

This gave Zhang Xiang a feeling of ruining the Three Views.

However, thinking of the identity of the other rabbit monster, Zhang Xiang reluctantly accepted it.

However, Zhang Xiang still has a question.

"Then, that bad guy in your mouth, Emperor Impandi, is just like you, is it a rabbit monster?" Zhang Xiang continued to ask.

"Well, yes, there is a very bad rabbit monster!" Ling Xian said with tears in his eyes, showing a vicious look.

It was as if the other party was not far in front of him.

However, the other party's "vicious" appearance.

In Zhang Xiang's eyes, he said he was fierce, rather than he looked cute.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang finally resolved his doubts.

—— Will **** a rabbit monster carrot, there is only another rabbit monster!

Only at this time.

Another figure also appeared in Zhang Xiang's mental perception.

However, the other party surreptitiously appeared within Zhang Xiang's mental perception.

Wearing a pink dress, he looks only about seven or eight years old, much younger than the Lingxian in front of him, and has a pair of bright red eyes, black half-volume short. Black hair, and a pair of soft bunny ears that look like cotton candy.

Seeing the other party sneaking close to him and Ling Xian, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but show a dumbfounded expression on his face.

Because the other party was quietly standing on tiptoe, stretched out his right hand and pulled it toward a lead that spread from the side of the bamboo.

And the thing connected by that lead is a small trap.

Well, the trap of mischief.

A trap filled with fallen bamboo leaves in a net bag.

Once the other party pulls down that lead, I am afraid that both Zhang Xiang and Ling Xian will be overwhelmed by the fallen leaves that are on it.

Because the net bag is two square meters in size, and it is full of fallen leaves.

! !

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