Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1704: , The wet bell fairy

Unsurprisingly, as Zhang Xiang's eyes gradually changed with that white touch, a scream spread throughout the eternal pavilion. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"Ahhhhh!! Don't look over!!!" Ling Xian's hands hugged tightly on his chest, hiding him on the shirt that had been soaked and turned into a fully-dressed shirt.

At the same time, she squatted down, her long pink rabbit ears shaking with her movements.

Visible to the naked eye, a touch of pink swept over her long pink rabbit ears.

However, she may not have noticed, but this one of her actions is even more striking.

And, even more tempting...

Yes, tempting!

When the white shirt was soaked, Ling Xian's Oupai, who unexpectedly had the material, appeared in front of him.

But all of this is inferior to the plump and softness that Lingxian had found out, with his hands tightly clasped in front of his chest, the outline of the pair of oppas.

Then set off the whiteness of the translucent shirt.

And after she squatted down, because her hands couldn't smooth the skirt as usual, the fat time with green and white stripes was slightly exposed.

Zhang Xiang really wants to shout, is this pure temptation? !

Such a picture full of lethality also left Zhang Xiang stunned for almost 0.5 seconds.

And immediately, he immediately woke up.

Because, if he counts it up now, he is considered to have been'experienced for many battles.' Faced with this situation, he still has a lot of resistance. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"Sorry, I'll turn around right away." Zhang Xiang turned around quickly and said to the other party.

After Zhang Xiang turned around, Ling Xian finally calmed down gradually.

However, she dared not stand up.

Because, if she is squatting, there is still a corn field not far away that can be a little bit like this.

If she stood up, wouldn't it all be gone.

Because, she could feel that the wet dark blue skirt was already close to her body.

Although there is no danger of being out of light because of the dark blue, the feeling of clinging to her body still makes her feel like she will be seen.

Not to mention, if she was going to change clothes, she would have to pass in front of Zhang Xiang.

You know, Zhang Xiang is standing in the direction facing the house!

Thinking of this, Ling Xian couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

However, at this moment.

A silver-white dress appeared in front of her, and she slightly raised her head to look, only to find that Zhang Xiang had already arrived in front of her without knowing when.

However, just when she was about to scream out again.

She saw the other party clearly and didn't look at it at all, but continued to face the direction of the house, which made her breathe a sigh of relief.

Although, she was also a little puzzled why Zhang Xiang didn't look over, and it would be right to walk in front of her accurately.

"Here you are. It's winter, be careful of catching the cold." Zhang Xiang, with his back facing Lingxian, handed the silver-white dress on his body to the other party.

As he said, it is now the time of winter.

Although, this winter does not seem to be hot.

"Thanks, thank you." Ling Xian glanced at Zhang Xiang secretly, and found that he really didn't take a peek, only then blushed and nodded and said.

"No thanks, put it on quickly." Zhang Xiang said to the other party.

"Um...but, you must not turn around!" Ling Xian with blushing cheeks looked at Zhang Xiang, and said with some worry.

"Well, don't worry." Zhang Xiang responded.

Moreover, in order to let the other party relax, Zhang Xiang also deliberately talked about other things.

It just so happened that, because of the spray water, the water droplets on Zhang Xiang's cheek flowed along the arc to Zhang Xiang's mouth.

Because he had been rushing in Gensokyo for so long, and he was a little thirsty in front of some primitive bamboo charcoal stoves just now, Zhang Xiang couldn't help pursing his lips and squeezing the drop of water in.

But to Zhang Xiang's surprise, the drop of water was unexpectedly sweet.

"Well, it's really good, the water you have here. It's very sweet, just as sweet as the tea just now..." Zhang Xiang smiled and said with his back to the other party.

However, in the middle of speaking, Zhang Xiang was suddenly taken aback.

Because, at this time, he realized that the drop of water he had just sipped, except for the absence of the tea fragrance, was no different from the tea Huiye gave him.

‘Could it be... her elegant tea art just now is just a form of performance? Or is the water really too good to cover up the opponent's skill? Zhang Xiang was a little confused and cast his gaze in Huiye's direction.

And at this time, Ling Xian also began to answer.

"Yes, the water here is all fished from the Moon Well. It's very sweet." Ling Xian's voice in response gradually rang.

However, when Zhang Xiang wanted to ask his doubts, Hui Ye had already walked over.

"How? Nothing, right?" Hui Ye asked in Lingxian's direction.

"Well, princess, I'm fine." Ling Xian's somewhat flustered voice rang, and rustled quickly to put on Zhang Xiang's silver-white coat.

"Well, it's okay if it's okay. You are already getting wet, go and change your clothes quickly. Otherwise, it won't be good if you catch a cold." Hui Ye said to Ling Xian with some concern.

"Yes, princess." Ling Xian nodded hastily, and ran from beside Zhang Xiang.

However, when she ran over, she suddenly turned her head as if remembering something.

"Then, that, Zhang Xiangjun, the clothes will be returned to you after I have washed them dry. Thank you very much." After Ling Xian finished speaking, he immediately picked up the white snow on the ground and ran towards the house. Up.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang turned his head back.

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