Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1716: , Comes from the maliciousness of the forest!

When the opponent's white fist arrived in front of the first Rashomon, it didn't even play a blocking role.

The opponent's fist just penetrated the air, pierced the Rashomon of the first layer, and fell onto the Rashomon of the second layer.

However, facing the seemingly slow fist, the second Rashomon was also unable to do it even with the slightest block.

What he did was the third Rashomon. When the fist pierced through it, it didn't look like it was penetrating the air, but directly hit it into countless powder.

Although, it only blocked less than one hundredth of a second.

But she couldn't hold back Rashomon, who had the fourth and fifth weights, and made her fist stagnate for about half a second.

And this half a second is enough for Zhang Xiang to do many things.

For example, let him rush to the face of the opposite person who has stopped slightly, and press his right hand on the other person's head at the moment when the other person has penetrated the fifth Rashomon's sight recovery.

"Human Dao soul extraction!" A mysterious force was released from Zhang Xiang's right hand, directly acting on the opponent's soul.

However, it was useless, the other party's soul trembled a little, and it was already back firmly.

However, just after this trick was useless, Zhang Xiang immediately reacted.

Because the slight tremor of the soul made Feng Jian Youxiang feel in a trance for a moment.

With the help of the other party's trance, his right hand slammed hard, and in the retreat that matched the opponent's rapid advance, he slammed the opponent's head against the ground.


A huge shock waved to the surroundings.

In the center, a huge pothole appeared.

But this has not stopped yet!

Just after the first wave of vibration erupted, Zhang Xiang's right hand pressed it again without hesitation.

"Shenluo Tianzheng!" Zhang Xiang called out the name of this move without mercy.

An extremely powerful shock wave erupted from his body once again, rushing towards the surroundings.

Of course, the point of the impact is naturally that the wind on his right hand sees Youxiang.

With the violent attack, while adding another damage to Fengjian Youxiang, it also caused another shock, deepening the pothole by another level.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang's eyes narrowed slightly.

Then, his whole person jumped back towards the back.

That speed is like... avoiding some wild beast.

And at the next moment, in the hole with a diameter of more than 100 meters, hundreds of tough and thick vines suddenly flew out from below the ground, turning the tips of the vines like a drill bit, directly The ground stabs towards the direction in the sky.

If Zhang Xiang was still in place, he might be attacked by that indiscriminate attack.

And it seemed that it was because they couldn't attack Zhang Xiang. The vines that came out of the impact began to attack the surrounding area indiscriminately.

With a whip, the ground cracked, and dozens of big trees surrounded by several people were swept away in a sweep, without even a chance to struggle.

And the speed at which those huge vines swung even gave off shadows.

From this we can see how fast the vines are.

As for the toughness of the vines?

Needless to say, vines are known for their toughness.

Within a few hundred meters, it has become an artificial forbidden zone.

But in the attack of those crazy vines, in the center of those vines heavily protected, a figure began to appear gradually.

That is Feng Jian Youxiang.

However, at this time she looked a little embarrassed.

Not only did the red plaid dress on the other party's body have a lot of cracks, but also a lot of dust.

More importantly, a puff of blood appeared on Feng Jian Youxiang's forehead.

"You should be honored. This is the first time I have been truly injured in 200 years." Feng Jian Youxiang stared at Zhang Xiang's direction blankly.

Then, she suddenly smiled.

It was a happy smile, just like something particularly happy happened, and the smile was very bright.

"However, you are really strong, so strong that I don't want to kill you, and want you to stay with me all the time! But since the battle has already reached this level, so what? You can stop." Feng Jian Youxiang lightly nodded the blood on her forehead, slightly on the tip of her tongue.

And this gave the smile on her face a trace of obsession.

"It's really delicious. However, I can't stop it. Only fighting can make me feel excited." Feng Jian Youxiang's face showed an expression of excitement, staring at Zhang Xiang. The eyes said, with an obsessive look in them.

"Then, let's start! My children, show your true posture, tear the enemy in front of you to pieces, sprinkle his delicious blood throughout the forest, and nourish your bodies!" Feng Seeing Youxiang's body, the trapped dangerous aura instantly released, filling the entire forest.

But in the next moment, the entire forest turned into Zhang Xiang's enemy.

Yes, the enemy.

Although there seems to be nothing wrong with the forest in front of me, it is exuding an extremely wicked malice.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiang was standing on the red ground, if he was in the forest.

He might feel that he is in a sea of ​​malice.

In the next moment, he knew what the forest's malice meant.

While those crazy vines chased out, Zhang Xiang dodged.

Being forced into the forest, he encountered many unfavorable scenes in many seemingly inconspicuous places.

For example, fallen leaves happened to fall from the tree, blocking his vision; a smooth chestnut appeared on the ground on which it was resting; a slippery liquid was suddenly secreted from the jumping branches; when dodging, the earth I don’t know when a tree root came out and caught his instep;

Sometimes, there will be a hole in the ground that can just jam the ankle.

Even the tiny bugs tried to enter the body from his seven orifices, and the vicious monsters blocked him.

In short, the entire forest has become a living body, using its methods to interfere with Zhang Xiang as much as possible.

What's more terrifying is that those crazy vines have emerged from the edge of the forest thousands of meters away, enveloping the entire forest.

Moreover, it is still advancing layer by layer, like a big mouth that is gradually closing.

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