Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1724: , Against the Dragon God!

At the same time, those eyes full of anger also looked in Zhang Xiang's direction. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"Invader, how dare you bring my territory into the realm of the gods, this is looking for death!" A voice louder than a thunder bomb suddenly erupted from the other side of Gensokyo, covered with dark clouds and pouring rain.

The sound that was louder than the thunder, instantly overwhelmed the thunder that resounded through the world, and shook the rain around it.

At the same time, it was the first time that its true body was exposed in front of everyone.

It was a dragon, an oriental dragon that was several kilometers long and as long as a highway.

Just as its body hovered, it had already covered the sky of Gensokyo on the other side.

The dark clouds covering the entire sky are nothing but dark clouds naturally formed around it.

From this, we can know how big it is.

And its dragon head looked in this direction, and the head alone was already taller than a normal building.

And its eyes with green glow are about the size of two buses.

"Your site?" Zhang Xiang raised his brow slightly.

Immediately, a doubtful expression appeared on his face.

"Gensokyo is your site?" Zhang Xiang asked with some confusion.

While talking, he looked in the direction of Yakumozi and Reimu.

Because, as far as he knows, Gensokyo was built by Yakumo Zi and the first generation of Haru-ryin witches. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

There is no such thing as Dragon God at all.

Oh, by the way, the Dragon God had come out, but when Gensokyo was established, it caused a violent storm, so that the dark clouds covered the entire sky, exuding its own power to oppress Yakumo Zi and others.

In addition, it seems that the dragon **** has never been seen.

Of course, these are all conclusions drawn by Zhang Xiang from the information obtained from various populations along the way.

He wasn't sure whether it was true or not.

After all, too long an age will cover up history.

However, this is for normal circumstances. History will become history because the people and things that have been experienced have disappeared.

However, before his eyes, there are people who have been alive before the establishment of Gensokyo, and have personally participated in the process of establishing Gensokyo.

——Yakumo Purple!

Looking at Zhang Xiang's gaze, Yakumo Zi also knew what he wanted to ask.

"It did exist when Gensokyo was established, and it has been here for a while. However, the establishment here has little to do with it. At best, it is just where it once lived." Yun Zi frowned slightly, scraped the data in her memory, and then came to this conclusion.

"Oh, is that so?" Zhang Xiang nodded slightly.

Then, he turned his head and looked in the direction of Dragon God.

"Did you hear that? She is the actual creator of Gensokyo! She said that you didn't participate in the construction. You just lived here! So, no matter how you say it, you can't say Gensokyo is your site. But, if you say that the place you used to live is your site, I won't take part in the opposition!" Zhang Xiang showed a sneer on his face and said to the other party.

Although his voice was not loud, it was inexplicably not covered by the roar of the thunder, and it spread to the other half of Gensokyo full of thunder and heavy rain.

However, his words triggered another burst of thunder and anger from Dragon God.

"What are you talking about?! How dare you say Gensokyo is not my place!!!" The roar of the Dragon God sounded.

Its body began to peek out from the dense dark clouds, and began to hover and approach Gensokyo on the other side, rushing in the direction of Zhang Xiang, as if it was about to be formed by the golden yellow gods and the black dark clouds. The boundaries are broken in general.

At the same time, with its shaking roar.

Affected by its ability to travel clouds and rain, the situation in the other half of Gensokyo is even worse.

The rain that had accumulated to a depth of half a meter suddenly rolled, but it formed a huge wave, rolling in the direction from the very end of Gensokyo in the middle.

At the beginning, the height of the wave was only twenty or thirty centimeters.

However, after half the length of Gensokyo's acceleration and stacking.

When it reached the gap between the golden yellow gods' realm and the torrential rain, the height had already reached 300 meters.

And the things on the way, as long as they are not in the five major shelters, or the lives in other dozens of small shelters, are all caught in this wave and submerged in it.

And the things destroyed by this wave are even more.

The big trees were uprooted, the hills were washed down, the fields were submerged, and the ocean was formed. Only the big mountains and some thousand-year giant trees are still standing.

And looking at the Dragon God did not like the legendary love of nature at all, but was destroying nature's methods.

Zhang Xiang's brows couldn't help but frowned.

"Will you want to destroy nature and kill creatures, do you still give Gensokyo Fukuzawa in the legend, let it rain naturally, form a river, and the land covered with greenery?! Stop it!" Zhang Xiang snorted. The right hand swung the'Shadow Demon Blade' with a slash, but it slashed out a golden slash tens of meters long.

Moreover, under the blessing of the surrounding gods, a golden slash was quickly formed to catch the sky.

The whole range is spread across the entire Gensokyo!

And, at the moment of waving it out.

The golden yellow accumulating from the sky has already penetrated thousands of meters to the edge of the junction, and rammed away in the direction where the huge wave came.

He wanted to break the huge wave and save the creatures that had not been swallowed by the huge wave.

Incidentally, it also solved some of the impact of that huge wave on the edge of God's Domain.

After all, his God Realm is in a struggle with Dragon God!

However, at this moment, the Dragon God roared again.

"Most of Gensokyo's creatures believe in me, and they have their lives given by me! I want to kill and save, it's all in my mind! Don't try to stop my attack! Give me a roll Get up! All the rain!" The Dragon God roared, a bright cyan light flashed in those cyan eyes.

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