Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1743: , Xiao Hina's guard

And when Zhang Xiang woke up, the time had come to seven o'clock.

However, as soon as he opened the door, he smelled a sweet smell between his nose.

This made him a little curious.

"Xiaokong, do you have any desserts? Why do you have a sweet taste?" Zhang Xiang asked Xiaokong who was cooking breakfast in the kitchen with some confusion.

However, this question made Xiao Kong a little flustered.

"Well, that, I cooked a little miso soup in the morning. The taste is similar to sweetness. Did you smell it wrong?!" Xiaokong said to Zhang Xiang nervously.

"Oh, isn't it? But that kind of taste doesn't resemble the taste of miso soup. Also, miso soup is usually salty? Although it has a fragrance, it doesn't seem to be sweet!" Zhang Xiang Still some doubts.

Of course, he hadn't thought that Xiao Kong would lie to him.

After hearing Zhang Xiang's question, Xiao Kong was obviously more nervous.

"Um, that's because of..." Xiao Kong moved his mind, thinking hard to say something.

However, because she doesn't usually like to lie, she really can't think of a good way temporarily.

But just when she wanted to ‘confess’, Miyu’s voice suddenly rang.

"Uncle, don't worry about it too much. My sister has already cooked the rice, so let's get the rice and vegetables out quickly. Moreover, Xiao Chi is still asleep in the living room. Otherwise, Uncle, go and wake up the young chick. Watch "Mao Xian, Chinese, Wen, Net" Mei Yu appeared behind Zhang Xiang and pushed him toward the living room.

At the same time, Meiyu turned her head and blinked quietly in Xiaokong's direction, which made Xiaokong feel relieved.

Not surprisingly to Mei Yu, Zhang Xiang's attention was drawn to Xiao Chi.

"What? Xiao Chi fell asleep in the living room? When did it happen? Did she sneak up to see the Ten Guards last night?" Zhang Xiang asked nervously.

Because this is no small matter.

In the evening, the heating in the living room was turned off to a certain extent because of the Ten Guards.

If you have a physique like Xiao Hina, if you sleep in the living room all night, you will definitely catch a cold.

And no matter what kind of illness a child is, it should not be underestimated.

Because children's resistance and physique are inherently low, no matter what the disease is, it may become a serious disease. (After writing this, I don’t know why I think of Xi Lai.)

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's appearance, Mei Yu laughed.

"Uncle, you, it seems that you really think of Xiao Chi as your own daughter. But don't worry, Xiao Chi came down from upstairs to accompany the Ten Guards when we got up this morning. And, for Just in case, we have asked her to wear an extra dress, and the heating in the living room has already been turned up a lot..." Mei Yu smiled and teased Zhang Xiang, and explained all the situation.

And listening to Miyu's teasing, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but smile.

"If I were my father, wouldn't you be your mother? You know, you usually like Xiao Chi than I do. No matter what it is, as long as it is reasonable, you will accommodate her. But, who makes Xiao Chi It’s cute.” Zhang Xiang showed a warm smile on his face, as if thinking of the lovely face full of vitality from Xiao Chi.

However, the speaker did not intend, but the listener did.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Meiyu couldn't help being taken aback, a blush flashed across her face.

But when I remembered that Zhang Xiang was talking about ‘you’ instead of the word ‘you’, my teeth itch again.

Behind Zhang Xiang, fangs and tigers claws against Zhang Xiang.

However, there was a satisfying smile in her eyes, and even her eyes showed a small slit.

Because even though it’s ‘you’, it includes her, doesn’t it?

Not to mention, she believes that she didn't exert her strength before, but now that she exerts strength, she will definitely not lose to others.

Thinking of this, her footsteps couldn't help but become more brisk.

And soon, Xiao Chi's figure appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

However, at this time the little chick was already asleep.

Her small body was lying curled up on a blanket, with a towel draped in her quilt, and her face was serene, her black eyelashes trembling slightly, she seemed to be sleeping very soundly.

And her left hand stretched out from under the towel and hugged it on the body of the ten guards, seeming to be warming it like a doll.

However, at this moment.

Just as Zhang Xiang and the others were getting closer, they seemed to be asleep with the young chicks. The Ten Guards lying on their side suddenly raised their heads and looked at Zhang Xiang and the others with some caution. Aside.

It wasn't until it realized that it was Zhang Xiang and Mei Yu that its vigilant eyes showed a gentle emotion.

Then, he lay back cautiously, as if he was afraid that his actions would wake up the chicks.

Looking at this action of the Ten Guards, Zhang Xiang and others also understood it.

The ten guards were already awake long ago.

However, it was for fear of waking up the young chicks, so I kept lying on the blanket.

How should I say that the Ten Guards should be praised as the guards of the young children, or should they be said that they know how to take care of people.

After all, in terms of age, if only the age of this life is counted, then Zhang Xiang's age is not necessarily longer than that of the Ten Guards.

Watching this scene, Mei Yu couldn't help showing a warm smile on her face.

"The Ten Guards are so good!" Miyu stretched out her right hand and gently touched the hair on the back of the Ten Guards.

"However, if you don't get up again, you will be late. Moreover, you are just getting better from a serious illness, and you are getting older. It is not good to maintain this position all the time." Miyu said to the ten guards.

And it seems that after understanding Zhang Xiang's words, the Ten Guards nodded unexpectedly.

Then, Miyu gently removed Xiao Chi's left hand from the ten guards.

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