Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1747: , The crash!


The tram that Zhang Xiang was riding directly hit a stone pier.

The whole tram shook suddenly, and even the rear part of the car was tilted up high.

Screams, collisions, and humming sounded one after another.

However, when the vehicle hit, Zhang Xiang already reacted.

Zhang Xiang was the only one who remained calm in the chaotic carriage.

When his body slammed forward due to the powerful impact of the vehicle, he already stretched out his right hand and grabbed the railing next to him, and with one hand he pressed the shoulder of a girl next to him to prevent her from turning her head. Hit the front seat.

And, when the child who was standing on the seat behind him because of naughty flew out because of the impact.

He temporarily hooked the lower part of the seat with his foot, and grabbed the figure of the flying bear with his free right hand to prevent him from flying directly ahead.

Then, a violent shaking came, and Zhang Xiang had to use some strength to hold them down.

As for the others, Zhang Xiang can only express his love and helplessness.

After all, it happened suddenly and he was in a daze again. It was a good thing to be able to react so quickly.

Then, the aftermath of the sudden impact came to a halt.

Inside the entire carriage, there were screams and wailing sounds.

Because of the sudden impact, although the speed of the car may not be considered too fast, there are still many people who have been hit with bloodshed.

Some of the more unlucky people have even fainted.

Only a few of the people in the entire carriage were unharmed, probably Zhang Xiang and the two people he rescued, and the others suffered more or less minor injuries. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"What happened?"

"Why did you crash!?"

"Is it wearing a red light?!"

"It hurts, help!"

"Hurry up and call an ambulance."


The chaotic sound rang in the carriage.

Some people have already begun to save themselves, but the frustration seems to be because the impact was too strong. The door was blocked by the twisted iron rod and they could not get out at all.

At this moment, the young girl who was rescued by Zhang Xiang, the bear kid who almost flew out and acted as a trapeze, and his mother were all recovered.

At the same time, under the circumstances of being so frightened, that bear kid could be regarded as howling.

"Xiaozhu, Xiaozhu, are you okay?!" She was so scared that her face was pale when her child flew out, and even the mother of the bear child who was slammed into a blood on her forehead was unconsciously. He brought the bear child who was grasped by Zhang Xiang's right hand, and began to carefully check the condition of his child.

It wasn't until she found that he hadn't suffered any harm, but was frightened, that she reluctantly recovered.

Then, she thought of Zhang Xiang.

"Thank you, thank you very much. If or if you didn't catch him, then he, he..." At this point, the bear child's mother couldn't help but choked up a little, but the gratitude on her face was deeper. Up.

"No thanks, it's just a matter of effort." Zhang Xiang shook his head and accepted the other party's thanks.

Thanks to Qian En's gratitude, the other party stopped giving thanks and dealt with the scars on his head.

At the same time, the girl sitting next to Zhang Xiang came back to her senses and quickly thanked Zhang Xiang.

Of course, Zhang Xiang still said the original sentence: "No thanks, just a simple effort."

In fact, these things are really just a matter of effort for him.

Since some good things can be done with just a few hands, why not do it?

However, Zhang Xiang didn't have much time here.

After making the scared girl beside him stand up, he walked in the direction ahead.

"What's the matter? Is the driver okay?" Zhang Xiang looked at the door that could not be opened, and couldn't help but drove in the direction of the driver.

Hearing Zhang Xiang's reminder, everyone thought of the cause of the car accident, and wanted to ask him if he had any other outlets.

However, the man standing in front of him suddenly exclaimed and stepped back.

"He, he..." The man stretched out his right hand to the driver who was sitting in the seat with his head down.

At this time, everyone discovered that a water pipe that did not know where it came from actually penetrated the glass of the tram directly, and plunged into the driver’s heart. Blood was constantly leaking from his wound, The entire seat was soaked and dripped onto the ground.

Perhaps, this driver just got hit like this before letting the car lose control and hit the stone pier.

At the same time, after discovering that the driver had died, he still died in such a tragic way, and the chaos inside the car could not help but become even more chaotic.

Some people even started to smash the glass.

But it is a pity that this tram is an old-fashioned tram, and it is not equipped with a broken window hammer.

The windows of trams are usually made of high-strength plastic glass, which is difficult to break.

Looked at the twisted crossbar door again, and the chaos inside the carriage.

"Come down for me!" Zhang Xiang roared in a low voice, and the roar filled with shocking noise suddenly calmed the inside of the carriage.

Everyone couldn't help looking in Zhang Xiang's direction.

However, just when there were some emotional thorns in it, when I was about to speak or even do it.

Zhang Xiang spoke again.

"Get out of the way and let me break the glass!" Zhang Xiang walked to the middle of the carriage and said to those standing in front of him.

Faced with such a calm Zhang Xiang, those who were still in a panic couldn't help but subconsciously obey.

And Zhang Xiang didn't let them down either. After taking a pretentious breath, Zhang Xiang's body jumped up, grabbed the upper railing, swung his body to the back, and kicked it over the window.

There was a ‘crack’ sound, and the high-strength plastic glass window was suddenly broken.

Then, Zhang Xiang broke several other windows according to law, allowing the people trapped inside to escape.

And those stabbing heads who wanted to pick things up, seeing this scene, they also hurriedly followed out.

As for what they wanted to do with Zhang Xiang, it was thrown behind their heads.

Nonsense, life is more important than hands-on. This car crashed into a stone pier. It was obviously a vehicle leaking gasoline, but it was in danger of explosion at any time.

Of course, Zhang Xiang kicked open the window, which was also one of the reasons for them to retreat.

Because, they have tried this method before, but no one can break the glass.

From this, it can at least prove that Zhang Xiang's leg strength is several times theirs.

If they fight, although they are crowded, they will not necessarily win.

In that case, what else do you do!

——These are those stinging thoughts.

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