Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1750: , The first gift for Valentine's Day

After a while, Zhang Xiang was already in the coffee shop. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

After knocking on the door to signal him to come in, Zhang Xiang opened the door and walked in.

"Xunzi, it's been a long time since I saw you. I'm really embarrassed. I've been busy recently." Zhang Xiang apologized to Kaoruko with some embarrassment.

Because, since they left Kaoruko's house last time, almost all of them contacted them using mobile phones.

However, after listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Kaoruko's face showed some confused eyes.

"Huh? Haven't we seen each other for a long time? Didn't we only meet three days ago?" Kaoruko's face showed a natural dazed expression, and asked Zhang Xiang with some confusion.

And listening to Kaoruko's words, Zhang Xiang almost didn't knock his head.

Because, three days ago, Zhang Xiang's deadline was coming.

Kaoriko came to collect the manuscript in person, and by the way also brought her own cakes for everyone to eat.

Because of this cake, at that time, the young chick came out a little bit from the bad mood of the ten guards being sick.

However, Zhang Xiang's time has been confused because of his frequent travel through the world recently.

Especially the return from Gensokyo's world just yesterday gave him the illusion that it had been a long time.

"Well, because I have been busy recently. So, the memory is a little confused, and it feels like I haven't seen Kaoru for a long time." Zhang Xiang knocked his head and showed an embarrassed smile at Kaoru Come.

"Well, is it because the drawing is staying up late? If so, you can postpone it a little bit. Your body is important." Kaoroko's face showed a nervous face.

And seeing Kaoruko so nervous about herself, Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling warm.

"Don't worry, my body is very good. Also, you haven't seen the speed of my drawing." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and gently squeezed Kaoruzi's little Qiong nose.

But seeing Zhang Xiang's sudden intimacy behavior, Kaoruko's face turned red.

Especially when Zhang Xiang was talking about the manuscript, she suddenly heard the comics Zhang Xiang drew in her office for the two of them, and the comics she had hidden in her home suddenly became even more ruddy.

However, after having a more intimate contact before.

With this level of contact now, Kaoru would not be ashamed to be a little overwhelmed.

Moreover, it is possible to find out the topic.

"Well, are the Ten Guards all right now? When I went to see it three days ago, it seemed to be very hard." A worried expression appeared on Kaoruko's face.

Because, when the Ten Guards went to her home, maybe dogs prefer people with a purer heart. Except for the chicks and her family, they often circled her.

In addition, after the Ten Guards fell ill, Xiao Chi's sad look made her even more worried.

However, when it comes to this matter.

On the contrary, Zhang Xiang's face showed a happy expression.

"Don't worry, although it looked terrible before. However, it is already good now, completely good. If it weren't for the cold weather, if I came out, maybe I would bring it out to see you. "Zhang Xiang showed a happy expression toward Kaoruko, and said to her.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Kaoruko's face also showed a happy expression.

And, began to talk about the Ten Guards.

However, after talking about the ten guards.

Zhang Xiang just remembered that he hadn't asked Kaoru what it was because of letting him come here.

"By the way, you asked me to come here, didn't you say something is going on?" Zhang Xiang showed a curious look on his face.

However, when it comes to this.

Kaoru suddenly twisted a little, and a flush of blush appeared on her face.

"I, I'm looking for you today because, because..." Kaoruko didn't know where to put her hands when she said this. She put her hands in front of her abdomen, blushing and just said no. Come out the next sentence.

Looking at this look of Kaoruko, Zhang Xiang suddenly had a thought that made him feel excited and shocked him.

"Uh, uh, do you have or have..." Zhang Xiang showed a nervous expression on his face, wanting to ask if Kaoruko has it.

However, it hasn't waited until he finished speaking.

Kaoruko closed her eyes, took out a beautifully packed box from the chair next to her, and pushed it forward.

"This, I'll give it to you!" Kaoruko said with a flush on her face, her eyes closed.

And her move like this could not help but make Zhang Xiang stunned for a moment.

But at the same time, he also knew that he wanted to be crooked.

But after knowing that he wanted to be crooked, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but feel a sense of loss in his heart.

When he didn't know, he was a little excited and hesitant.

Naturally, there is no need to say excitement, but hesitancy is because he feels that in the current state, his life after having a child seems to become more ‘shuluochang’.

But after knowing it, he felt lost.

This let him know that it seems to have a child, which seems to be a good thing...

Well, Zhang Xiang's mood is so complicated that even he can't describe it.

So, let's stop exploring.

After cleaning up a little, Zhang Xiang took the gift box pushed by Kaoruzi.

"Give it to me?" Zhang Xiang asked curiously.

"Well, yes!" Kaoruko opened his eyes blushing and nodded heavily.

Then, she looked at Zhang Xiang with expectant eyes.

"Well, let me see, what kind of gift are you going to give me?" Zhang Xiang looked at Kaoruko's expectant and shy eyes, and opened the gift box.

Then, it revealed the contents inside.

-A chocolate cake.

A handmade chocolate cake made into a heart-shaped shape.

Because it has Zhang Xiang's name on it.

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