Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1753: , The threat of explosion!

At this moment, the parade finally came here. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

At the same time, surprise cheers and various noisy sounds also rang.

"Ah, the parade is here. Let's take pictures and video quickly!" Mitsuhiko said anxiously on tiptoe.

However, it is helpless.

Mitsuhiko and the others came a bit too late. They were all adults in front of them, and there was no figure in the parade.

But at this moment, Mitsuhiko and others discovered a mailbox.

With Yuanta acting as the base, Mitsuhiko finally climbed up and started to take pictures with the DV machine in his hand.

In this case, Zhang Xiang had to sigh, neon children are rich.

I was able to take out a DV machine that is still relatively rare.

At home, let him take the DV machine out.

However, this is also because the situation of Mitsuhiko's family is better, if it is Yuanta's family, I am afraid it will not be available.

But Mitsuhiko and Yuanta had vision, but Bu Mei was still standing on the ground, watching with his toes.

But unfortunately, she didn't even see the players' heads.

This made her a little disappointed.

After all, she was a girl, and they couldn't climb onto the mailbox like Mitsuhiko.

Moreover, now that Yuantai, a big fat man, has occupied the position of the mailbox, even if she wants to climb up, she has no place to stand.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang extended a helping hand to her. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"Can't you see it? Would you like to lend you my shoulder?" Zhang Xiang said to the anxious Bumei.

To be honest, he still likes this very cute girl very much.

Moreover, her nature is very kind.

I'm afraid no one would dislike such a girl.

Of course, the liking mentioned here refers to the liking for my sister and beautiful things, not to evil thoughts.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Bu Mei's face clearly showed hesitation.

Although she really wants to see the parade team, she also wants to get closer to the big brother she feels very fond of.

However, she always felt that in front of Zhang Xiang, doing so would be a bit unfair.

Well, even a girl who is only seven or eight years old, she still cares about her performance in front of people she likes.

"Don't worry, you see, aren't there many children as old as you nearby, all raised by dad and brother? And, don't have to stand, you sit on my shoulders and don't worry about wearing skirts. "Zhang Xiang continued.

But under Zhang Xiang's persuasion, Bu Mei nodded, and somewhat shyly asked Zhang Xiang to hug her over her shoulders to watch the parade.

Of course, Zhang Xiang also sent an invitation to Xiao Ai.

However, Xiao Ai refused because the team was not her favorite.

But Zhang Xiang could tell that she was a little anxious because the results of the experiment had not yet come out, and she was pulled out to play by the youth detective team.

As for how he could tell, all the people in the Junior Detectives will speak out as long as they make a little trick.

In the end, only Conan, who liked the Tokyo Spirits team the most, was left, some scratching his head and standing in place, some standing uneasy.

Because, with his current height, let alone his head, he can't even see a single hair.

And let him lose his face and let Zhang Xiang hug him up to see, he is not so shameless yet.

As for letting that Dr. Ali come?

Okay, Dr. Ali is already over sixty years old, let him go...

However, just when the Junior Detectives (except for Conan) were happily watching the parade.

A woman suddenly approached Mitsuhiko and others who were standing on the mailbox, and berated them for not being able to stand on public facilities.

After Mitsuhiko and Genta climbed down quickly, she revealed her identity.

It turned out that she was Police Officer Sato who came out to observe the parade in plain clothes.

She was sent a fax to the Metropolitan Police Department to create chaos in this parade.

And this method is very similar to the case that angered the Metropolitan Police Department two years ago, so even she came out for inspection.

And after she appeared, Zhang Xiang also found Takagi standing not far away, Officer Shiratori and others.

However, at this moment, Sato seemed to have received some instructions.

"Sorry, it seems that a suspicious character was found two blocks away. Mine hurried over and left first." Officer Sato smiled and said goodbye to the Junior Detectives, and then looked at it with some caution. After Zhang Xiang glanced at it, he walked towards the vehicle that had stopped not far away.

Her feelings for Zhang Xiang can be regarded as very complicated.

I was embarrassed to catch Zhang Xiang by mistake, I was a little bit ashamed of the painting he gave her last time, and he was wary of killing those robbers mercilessly last time.

In short, her feelings for Zhang Xiang are very complicated.

Even, because of this, she didn't know whether she liked it or what it was.

‘However, as long as it is like this, even if it is contacted, it is still a sentence or two. Then, as time goes by, everything will calm down. "Sato's police officer thought so in his heart.

At the same time, she also opened the car door.

However, it is at this time.

A voice suddenly rang in her ears.

"Be careful!" Zhang Xiang's voice suddenly rang in her ears.

A violent attack came, pulling her body backwards.

This made her resist subconsciously.

However, all of them were useless. The various anti-resistance skills she learned from the police school seemed to be fake to Zhang Xiang.

In the next moment, she was pulled into a warm embrace.

This made her shocked, she was about to resist fiercely, and even a ridiculous thought emerged in her heart: ‘He’s not wanting to mess around on the street’.

But in the next moment, she understood.

Because, the car not far in front of her suddenly exploded, blowing the car into the sky.

At the same time, a fiery flame and shock waves spread across the entire street with a huge roar, making the parade temporarily stopped...

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