Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1756: , IQ arrears!

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Bumi, who was drinking the juice, showed a look of doubt.

"Ah, big brother, are they stupid?" Bu Mei, who was sitting on the seat opposite to Zhang Xiang, asked in a puzzled way.

"Yeah, did they come up with a way to pretend to be a bomber, to attract the attention of the police, so that the police force is greatly reduced to rob the bank, isn't it powerful?" Mitsuhiko also asked Zhang Xiang strangely.

"Well, if it weren't for Big Brother, you and Conan, then they might have succeeded." Yuanta asked with a puzzled expression on her face, scratching her head.

However, Zhang Xiang still shook his head.

"Of course they are stupid. Because most of what they do is superfluous." Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly.

"One more move?" Sato, who was sitting with Ayumi, raised his brows and said.

"Yes, it is unnecessary. Since they have already hijacked the postman, they can successfully enter the bank. Then, they just have to hold the postman directly, pretending to be another postman, and let them enter the back of the bank, inside and outside. Combining robbery, isn't it the same? Why bother to make an explosion?" Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly.

"Didn't you already say it? They want to use the bombing to divert the police's attention!" Conan stared at Zhang Xiang in dissatisfaction.

He wanted to find out the loopholes in Zhang Xiang's statement, in order to taunt Zhang Xiang fiercely, in order to revenge the ridicule before him.

And listening to Conan's words, everyone in the Junior Detective Group also turned their eyes to Zhang Xiang's direction, wanting to see what he said.

"Of course, the bombing they made can attract the attention of the police. But, um, you are not from the police station, and you may not know it. In order to cope with the unexpected time, there must be someone in the Metropolitan Police Department. It's worth it. Although the police will be distracted a lot because of the bombings. But there will still be police who arrive in time, but the number may be a little less..." Zhang Xiang slowly explained.

However, he was already interrupted before he was halfway.

"But, didn't you also say that? With this method, although it may not delay the time, it can reduce the arrival of police officers. Wouldn't it be easier to get out?" Mitsuhiko was still a little puzzled.

However, Conan's face showed an expression as if thinking of something.

"Yes, it is easy for them to get out once, but at best it is a little easier. Moreover, it is only at the beginning."

"You don't know? Well, maybe, even the other party didn't know. The Metropolitan Police Department will pay attention to the case three years ago to this degree. Therefore, this case was chosen to make a fuss. One case, because the robbers used names related to the case that challenged the Metropolitan Police Department three years ago, betting on the lives of a large number of civilians and a policeman. Therefore, up to the director of the Metropolitan Police Department, Any ordinary police officer attaches great importance to it."

"For the case that might happen this time, the Metropolitan Police Department sprinkled a lot of police force, not just around the parade, but the entire Tokyo city has entered an emergency patrol state. You say, in this In this state, although it was easier for them to escape at first. But in the case of police cars patrolling the streets, wouldn’t they become a turtle in the urn as long as a phone call passed? Moreover, this is still the other party’s stupid The first point." Zhang Xiang looked at the robbers who were escorted into the police car and explained, shaking his head slightly.

By the way, I also watched a little bit. Zhang Xiang said that he couldn't refute it, and he was in the direction of Conan who was sulking himself.

"The first point? Is there anything else they are ‘stupid’ apart from this?" Mitsuhiko’s face was full of curiosity.

And hearing this, everyone's attention is already focused.

Even Conan pricked up his ears quietly.

"Yes, they are not only stupid in this place. Have you ever thought about how long they will be sentenced for this robbery?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right finger and asked them questions.

However, at this point, everyone in the Junior Detectives was stumped.

After all, they are just elementary school students.

However, they have a way to know this answer.

——After Zhang Xiang asked, they cast their eyes in the direction of Officer Sato.

In the face of the ardent gazes of the juvenile detective team, Officer Sato, who originally didn't want to let the children know about it, said helplessly.

"For a robbery with a gun gang like this, if it succeeds and absconds and is caught, it will be judged based on the amount of looting, the number of wounded, and the degree of impact on the society. The time of sentence is eight. Between 20 years and 20 years, even if there are homicides and group injuries, they can be sentenced to life imprisonment. However, like the current attempted robbery, even though it is on parole, it is a repeat offender. There is also the reason for the bad influence. It should be sentenced to between eight and fifteen years." Sato frowned slightly and said her judgment.

Of course, this is a rough calculation.

If you have a good lawyer to fight the lawsuit, everything will be different again.

But usually, robbers do not enjoy such good treatment.

After Sato finished speaking, Zhang Xiang gently patted his palm.

"Correct, it's true that at this age, she can be a strong woman who can be recruited by the police department" Zhang Xiang said with a smile on his face, clapping her hands.

"However, it's still wrong, right?" Xiao Ai seemed to have seen through what Zhang Xiang wanted to say, and said it in advance.

"Yes, if it is just a robbery of this name, they really will only be sentenced to about eight to fifteen years. Even if there is a good lawyer, the sentence can be reduced. But it is only just It's based on the name of robbery." Zhang Xiang looked at the criminal with a dead gray face and was taken away by the police, and said mockingly.

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