Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1767: , It's chocolate again!

However, these things are not clear to Zhang Xiang, who has just returned home. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

His mouth was still reminiscent of the two kinds of two he had eaten today, no, the three kinds of chocolate.

The chocolate cake from Kaoruko, the bonbon chocolate from Laixiang-senpai, and the ordinary chocolate from Xiaoyu just now. These three things have their own merits.

If it is only calculation technology, it is undoubtedly that Laixiang-senpai's bonbons have the upper hand.

However, in the eyes of Zhang Xiang, a guy who doesn't have much artistic cells.

He felt that the works of these three chocolates were similar.

In short, he thinks that they are all equally delicious.

Of course, the three kinds of chocolates, Zhang Xiang, left half of them, intending to bring them to Xiaoxiao.

Hmm, Hina also likes sweets very much.

And Xiaokong and Miyu are also very fond of sweets.

However, depending on their personality, Xiaokong might eat a little bit more. If it was Miyu, she would only taste a little bit in the evening.

In her words, that is to keep in shape, and it is not possible to eat sweets at night.

"I'm back" Zhang Xiang shouted into the door of the room, and closed the door casually.

At the same time, the familiar sound of "Treading" also rang from the house.

"Uncle, you are back." Xiao Chi's familiar response sounded from the house. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Then, her little figure appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

The figure of the Ten Guards still surrounds her.

Although the effectiveness of the Chakra that Zhang Xiang imported into its body has begun to fade, but because Xiao Chi already knew that the Ten Guards were old, she did not run around with the Ten Guards, but Take care of it like a grandfather.

Therefore, even though the physical strength of the Ten Guards is not what it used to be, it is still very abundant.

Looking at the rare and familiar scene, Zhang Xiang couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and hugged the little chick who was flying.

Such a warm scene, no matter how hard it is outside, but as long as you see this scene, you will be cured.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also understood why above society, there are so many people who are making things difficult for their bosses, even if they encounter many obstacles, they are still working hard for their families.

Because it is such a warm scene that may appear in every family, supporting them to move on.

Although, such a warm scene will change as the child grows up, and there are many things.

However, as long as the heart does not change, the warmth will stay in the heart forever.

"Xiao Xiao, are you behaved today? Have you listened to the teacher and have fun with the children?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and clicked Xiao Xiao's nose.

"There is a little chick, today, but I took my brother and sisters to play together, and I took them to play peekaboo, and there is a castle." The little chick raised his little hand happily and excitedly Zhang Xiangqing described her achievements of this day.

"Oh, isn't it? If you are so obedient, then your uncle will have a reward" Zhang Xiang said, pretending to be from his pocket, in fact, he took out three different chocolates from the space bag.

"Dangdangdang, this is the chocolate that my uncle brought back specially. Well, except for the chocolate in the center, which contains wine, the chicks are not allowed to eat, the other two can be eaten." Zhang Xiang hugged the chicks. While putting the chocolate in the box on the table in the hall, he took out the cake, bonbon, and dark chocolate inside.

However, looking at the chocolate on the table, Xiao Chi's little face showed a surprised expression.

But under the expression of surprise, there was also an expression of surprise in it.

"Ah, uncle, did you come back with chocolate?" Xiao Chi said in a tender voice, holding a small fork in her little hand, and eating a piece of chocolate cake into her mouth.

"Well, it's delicious!" Xiao Chi's face showed a surprised expression.

However, listening to Xiao Chi's words, Zhang Xiang felt a little curious.

"Well, did the elder sisters come back from buying chocolate today?" Zhang Xiang asked with some curiosity while holding a tissue and helping the young chick to wipe the cream off the corner of his mouth.

"Well, sister Xiaokong, I bought a lot of chocolate yesterday, but it was broken in pieces, but in the morning, my sisters turned it into pieces. Um, I ate it too, it was very sweet. "Yeah" Xiao Chu explained what she had seen to Zhang Xiang in a tender voice.

When talking about sweetness, her little face showed a lovely aftertaste expression.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also remembered what seemed to be a very sweet smell this morning.

However, at that time, Xiao Kong said it was the taste of miso soup.

At that time, because of other things interrupted, although he was puzzled, but he couldn't stop it.

But now it seems that Xiao Kong and others are melting the chocolate, giving off the sweet taste.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling a little curious.

However, at this moment, Xiao Hina seemed to be thinking of something, and suddenly covered her mouth.

"Ah, Xiaochun forgot what the elder sisters told Xiaochun not to say. Uncle, you have never heard of it, okay?" Xiaochun looked at Zhang Xiang with expectant eyes.

And looking at Xiao Chi's appearance, Zhang Xiang had to sigh again.

Xiao Chi can only grow fast

However, Zhang Xiang didn't want to instill a bad habit into Xiao Chi.

"No way, don't my uncles and sisters all have educated young chicks, can't they lie? If you really did, you must be brave to admit it." Zhang Xiang was teaching the young chicks carefully.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Chi's face showed a trace of doubt.

"But, sisters and the others told Xiao Chu not to tell Uncle," Xiao Chu said to Zhang Xiang with some confusion.

"So, elder sisters did something wrong this time, Xiao Chi, but you can't follow the mistakes. Otherwise, my uncle hit your ass." Zhang Xiang gently patted Xiao Chi's butt.

"Ah, don't" Xiao Chi said nervously, clutching her ass.

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