Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1777: , The big horn beast and the mantis beast!

And just as he was muttering, the figure of the big horn beast had already rushed in front of Zhang Xiang first. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"Armoredfist!" The Big Horn roared and issued its trick.

A streamlined green light flashed by, but the speed of the Big Horn beast doubled.

And within a distance of five meters, what is the concept of the Big Horn beast exploding twice as fast?

That means that the other person's figure will immediately impact you.

The addition of the green light obviously strengthened the defensive power of the big horn beast, making it more unscrupulous in its impact.

At the same time, as the big horn beast's frequent companion, the mantis beast also launched its own trick at the moment the big horn beast launched its attack.

"Shadow sickle!" Its figure suddenly leaped downward, and its body turned into an afterimage.

And its pair of sharp double-edged blades instantly turned into a supersonic knife that the naked eye could see, and slashed towards Zhang Xiang's chest and lower limbs.

"Be careful!"

"Hurry up!"

The selected children all yelled.

Especially Ishida Yamato Takenouchi Suna, who saw the mantis beast and the big horn beast with mature bodies, and the fully-formed Garuda beast and the mature Garuru beasts, shouted.

However, in response to them, Zhang Xiang turned his head and smiled.

"Don't worry." Zhang Xiang completely ignored the big horn beast that rushed in front of him and could smash his body into pieces in half a second, and the mantis beast that could smash his body into pieces.

"Because, these are just tricks." Zhang Xiang said lightly.

Then, he shot at the moment he turned his head. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

He first raised his right hand and pressed it to the head of the big horn beast that hit in front of him. His left hand stretched out to his left, and it turned into an afterimage in an instant, with two sounds of'Qiangqiang' Among them, he caught the two sharp blades that were slashed at supersonic speed.


A violent tremor sounded, making the selected children feel the shock of their feet.

Then, they saw that apart from the ground on which Zhang Xiang was stepping on, there were already a lot of cracks and depressions in the ground around him.

The reason for this is that Zhang Xiang's force from the impact of the opponent's two huge bodies is completely channeled into the ground.

And the ground under his feet did not crack, which represented his absolute control of power.

At this moment, he turned his head completely.

"By the way, one of you seems to be famous for your strength, and the other for your sharp blade?" Zhang Xiang showed a smile on his face and looked at the two huge Digimon in front of him.

"Big horn beast, mantis beast, what are you doing, don't kill him soon!" The death beast shouted behind him.

Because it was unable to see what Zhang Xiang was doing through the huge bodies of Big Horn Beast and Mantis Beast.

"Oh, are you still talking about it? Don't worry, I will solve your subordinates immediately and solve you!" Zhang Xiang tilted his head and looked in the direction of the death beast through the gap between the body of the big horn beast and the mantis beast.

At the same time, the Big Horn Beast and the Mantis Beast, under the urging of the Death Beast, began to struggle violently.

The big horn beast's thick dinosaur feet slammed on the ground, unexpectedly wanting to continue rushing over.

But the mantis beast is beginning to struggle, trying to get rid of his pair of blades.

"Then, I will use your confident technique to kill you all!" Before Zhang Xiang's words fell, he suddenly let go of his hands, let the big horn beast continue to smash over, and let the mantis be back. His own blade slashed at Zhang Xiang once again.

But at the same time, Zhang Xiang started to move at a much slower speed.

However, it came first!

He squatted slightly down his body, stretched his right hand to the rear, and slammed his fist out of the middle of the big horned beast's head. A powerful force burst out from the fist. Into the body of the big horn beast.

An unstoppable force spread across its body like a wave, and finally turned its forty-ton body into an afterimage and flew out.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's figure jumped into the air with his feet slightly hard.

Then, his body spun and kicked out a light like moonlight by the way.

"Land feet!"

Zhang Xiang yelled out this move softly.

Then, the light like moonlight instantly penetrated the double-edged blades of the mantis beast and its body, and disappeared in the mist.

After that, his figure fell steadily to the ground.

However, at this moment.

The death beast's figure suddenly appeared behind him, and the half-moon-shaped death sickle swung out without mercy.

"SoulHarvest!" The Death Beast muttered silently, displaying its nirvana.

Moreover, it was launched silently and fully utilized its ghost-type Digimon's advantages to assassinate Zhang Xiang!

However, its attack did not play any role.

Zhang Xiang just as if he had noticed something, his head was slightly deflected, and he dodged the opponent's nirvana.

And, in the next moment.

Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand, grabbed the death sickle in its hands at a speed that the death beast could not react, and passed its control over.

At the moment when the light of that skill had not been fully stimulated, he suddenly changed the direction of the Death Scythe vigorously, and after waving a large circle, he fell on the Death Beast's own body.

From above its body, a flash passed.

And in the same place, the ghost fire in the eyes of the death beast was full of an unbelievable emotion!

"It's done!" Zhang Xiang patted his hands gently, and at this time he was completely stable.

Behind him, the Death Beast, still holding the Death Scythe in both hands, was still standing in place.

"You, you..." The Death Beast looked at Zhang Xiang's back and wanted to say something.

However, before its voice fell, its body suddenly became two halves, turned into countless tiny data links and disappeared in place.

In front of Zhang Xiang, whether it was the mantis beast floating in the air, or the big horn beast embedded deeply in the wall, they all began to turn into a data link and disappeared in place. Back to the birthplace of Digimon.

The entire process, from the death beast attacking Zhang Xiang to the defeat of the death beast and its men, only took five seconds.

And what can be done in five seconds?

At best, it's just a matter of two sentences.

And in these two short sentences, Zhang Xiang had already solved the death beast that made them desperate, and its subordinates!

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