Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1786: , The infighting of Taiyi and Yamato!

"It's a miraculous attack, it can actually convert real things into data and destroy them..." Zhang Xiang stretched out his hand, stroking through the massive data chain that was attacked by the ultimate blood-sucking monster, feeling the data The chain dissipated in this space. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

That's right, Zhang Xiang and others were not attacked by the Ultimate Vampire Beast at all.

Before the attack came, Zhang Xiang had already taken the selected children who had lost their combat effectiveness, wrapped in a golden shield and retreated.

Moreover, even the ultimate blood-sucking monster's attack would be better.

The golden shield can always be kept within two meters of the attack, allowing the figure of himself and others to be hidden in the smoke lifted by the attack.

And, when the opponent's attack reached the end, he controlled the golden shield to dodge behind a building, completely concealing their figures.

And listening to the excited roar of Ultimate Vampire Beast, the selected children all showed expressions of anger and regret.

They did not expect that they tried so hard to prevent the resurrection of Vampire Beast.

But it turned out that not only did they fail to prevent the resurrection of the Vampire Beast, they even consumed the power of Agumon and other Digimon, and afterwards they didn't even have the strength to escape.

Thinking of this, they are not only more regretful.

And at this time, the Ultimate Vampire Beast roared again.

"Haha... I'm hungry, I'm really too hungry! Let me swallow the 20,000 useless humans, and let their blood turn into the power to advance to the heyday state!" The roar of excitement came from behind the building, making the faces of the selected children changed.

"Dad, Mom!" Tai Yi's expression changed and he got up quickly. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Because both his father and mother were caught by the Vampire Beast.

Even Jiaer began to cry.

"It's all because of me... If it weren't for me, my father and mother would not be captured..." Jiaer couldn't help crying, tears falling from the corners of her eyes, giving a life Feeling of pity.

Meimei had already covered her mouth.

"No, no!" She slumped on the ground, thinking that she was also the parent who was taken away.

As for Ishida Yamato, he looked at the younger brother in his arms with a hesitant expression on his face.

Because their parents were not taken away.

However, it wasn't that he seemed so selfish and didn't want to save his companion's parents, it was just that he was worried about his younger brother and feared that his younger brother would be hurt.

Therefore, he dared not stand up and put forward the words to save the trapped people.

However, at this moment, one person has already stood up.

"Let's go and rescue them together! Where is my mother!" Suna stood up, her face showing a firm face.

"Yes, let's go and get them out together!" Ah Wu, who was originally held by Yamato, also stood up and encouraged everyone.

"Yeah, let's go. As long as we work together, we can definitely do it." Taiyi's face also showed hope.

And listening to Wu said that, Yamato's face also changed.

Then he made a decision!

"Sorry, everyone, just go, I and Wu will not go." Yamato gritted his teeth abruptly, and said something that shocked everyone.

"What did you say?" Taiichi yanked Yamato by the collar.

"I said, Wu and I won't go, I want to stay to protect Wu..." Yamato turned his head, with a stubborn expression on his face.

"What are you talking about? Don't you think your family is your family? Isn't everyone's family family?" Too suddenly became angry.



The selected children couldn't help panicking and wanted to separate the two.

However, just before the conflict was about to amplify, Zhang Xiang was a mouthful.

"Oh, so soon, is it about to start infighting?" Zhang Xiang stood with his back against the wall, with a smile at the corner of his mouth looking at the farce in front of him, and said to them.

"You!" 2

Taiyi and Yamato slammed into Zhang Xiang's direction, with anger in their eyes.

"Big brother……"

And Jia'er's face showed hesitation, not knowing how to persuade Zhang Xiang and his brothers.

"You, don't be like this!" The oldest city householder among the children hurriedly became muddled.

Although, he felt resentful and angry about Zhang Xiang's relentless words.

However, he also knew that Zhang Xiang was right.

Not to mention, he has seen Zhang Xiang's strength.

——One move killed hundreds of mature Digimon, which also included the existence of the complete body.

If Zhang Xiang really does something to them, I am afraid that even if all the Digimon present are in a state of intact, there is no way to fight back.

This is the conclusion he made.

In fact, the same is true.

However, Zhang Xiang did not intend to ease it down.

For him, he has saved the selected children in front of him twice in a row.

If it wasn't for them to be children, and some of them were still in his eyes, he would have left the other party alone, and went to kill the Ultimate Vampire Beast alone.

However, the situation in front of him made him a little disappointed.

Because, originally in his memory, the ultimate blood-sucking monster was defeated by the child in front of him.

But looking at the scene in front of him, it was obviously impossible to do it.

——Can an infighting team defeat the Ultimate Vampire Monster?

Zhang Xiang's answer is no.

‘Is it necessary to rely on the protagonist’s good luck and immortality in the end, and then unscientifically defeat the ultimate blood-sucking monster? Or maybe it was my chaos that changed the plot? This thought flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind.

But no matter what, Zhang Xiang still intends to help each other last.

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