Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1792: , Space capacity!

When the blood-red light that soared to the sky dissipated, it was already a few minutes later.

At the same time, the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ that was originally suspended in the air suddenly fell from the air.

However, Zhang Xiang's right hand also stretched out at the same time, accurately grasping the hilt of the'Shadow Demon Blade'.

At this time, the scarlet light above the sword body was still circulating, giving people a strange feeling.

But what Zhang Xiang values ​​more is what has changed.

And just when he was thinking about this, a mysterious message was passed from the "Shadow Demon Blade".

However, it was the "Shadow Demon Blade" who had advanced to the level of "Divine Tool", and automatically informed Zhang Xiang of the information about the new ability he had obtained.

"The ability to gain space is called'Scarlet Crack'?" Zhang Xiang's face showed a hint of surprise.

This is not only because the "Shadow Demon Blade" gained new abilities, but also because he discovered for the first time that the "Shadow Demon Blade" advanced into a "divine tool" actually possesses the ability to tell the master of the new abilities he has acquired.

Of course, the new ability that Zhang Xiang's "Shadow Demon Blade" acquired was also an important reason why he was so happy.

"Let me see, what kind of power do you possess with new abilities!" Zhang Xiang's right hand held up the'Shadow Demon Blade' in his hand, and he slammed forward.

A scarlet light flashed through the air.

But the point is not this one. The point is that hidden in the blood-red light, a tiny scarlet line flashed across it.

And as the thin scarlet line traversed, the cracks in the dark space that were suddenly split apart. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

This is what Zhang Xiang cares about.

"Concentrate the blood energy to the smallest point to split the space?" Zhang Xiang showed a hint of surprise on his face and explained the principle.

This is similar to the ultra-high pressure water gun, the water itself is extremely soft, and even the paper sometimes cannot be broken.

But what about compressing these extremely soft waters and accelerating them to a certain extent?

Then, it is water that can split even the hardest diamond in the world.

Of course, the ability of the Crimson Blade possessed by the Shadow Demon Blade is somewhat different from the extremely accelerated water.

If it's just a liquid, no matter how fast it accelerates, unless it is an existence that surpasses the speed of light, don't want to split space.

The reason why the ‘Crimson Crack’ of ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ can split the space is that the flowing scarlet light is not actually blood.

It is something called ‘blood energy’ after converting blood into energy.

And this kind of thing called ‘blood energy’ was born because of the scarlet bead in the body after the ultimate blood sucking beast was eliminated.

If it weren't for the other party to transform blood into something similar to energy.

Then, "Shadow Demon Blade" won't get this ability either.

More possibilities, perhaps those blood transformed into the stored energy of the "Shadow Demon Blade".

But feeling the flash of space cracks, more things flickered in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

"Then, if you combine the analysis on the abilities of the gap that I have collected, as well as the data collected by the overlap between different worlds, and the power of the gods..." Zhang Xiang's eyes suddenly A hint of fine light flashed across the ground.

He actually figured out a way to maintain the cracks in the space for a long time after breaking through the space, so that he can pass through it smoothly.

To describe it, there may be some trouble.

But on the whole, it's something like a gap.

After all, the teleportation ability that Zhang Xiang possessed was only something developed based on the "Flying Thunder God Technique".

The principle is probably the same as that of Zhang Xiang's spiritual power. After discovering a certain place and leaving the space coordinates made by the relevant spiritual power in that place, he can move past instantly.

This is only equivalent to another advancement of Flying Thunder God.

Moreover, it can only transfer physical things. If it is energy-type things, it is difficult to locate.

This is because energy-related things have too much influence on the spatial coordinates formed by mental power, and there may be spatial instability or the transfer of wrong coordinates.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang has never tried to use the power of the'Flying Thunder God' to change his attack into a long-range attack.

However, if Zhang Xiang's plan can succeed.

Then, he undoubtedly possessed the existence of similar ability as the gap.

Because, if a long-term stable space cracks, many things can be done.

For example, you can transfer your energy-like power directly to the opponent through the space crack.

Even more, you can directly slash yourself and attack the enemy remotely.

Imagine when the opponent launches a ranged attack from a distance.

When you slashed out with a sword, and when you slashed in the air, the tip of the sword suddenly appeared on the opponent's chest. What would it be like? !

Undoubtedly, if the opponent doesn't have special guard and strength, he will be pierced by a sword in his chest and hang up.

Moreover, this ability is far from this ability.

It can also be used to transport things and even build space tunnels in different spaces.

Just thinking about it is enough to excite Zhang Xiang!

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang ignored that he was still in the ruins, and activated his calculation power to quickly check the calculations.

'For the construction model of space, use Shirai Kuroko's eleven-dimensional calculus model... And for the transformation of two spaces, use the concept of overlapping space and quantum field theory (quantum mechanics and special relativity and field Theory)... Then add the overlapping data of the digital world and the real world... Ignore the instability of space cracks connecting different spaces (using the gods to stabilize)... Start to calculate the distortion of the space dimension... Replace the space coordinates... 'Zhang Xiang's face was flushed, and he began to calculate frantically.

Even, in order to speed up the calculation, he reconnected to the supercomputer in his basement and started to calculate at the same time.

It has been a long time for Zhang Xiang to encounter something that makes him feel so excited!

In addition, the picture above is the rose beast

Tucao, the rose beast's head is a rose, where do its eyes grow...

It looks pretty from a distance, but if you look up close...

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