Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1801: , The big liar (biggerliar)!

"Crush them, my giant wooden man!" A triumphant smile appeared on the face of the puppet beast. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

But at the next moment, the huge wooden figure lifted up his big rectangular foot and rolled it directly downward.

"Let's go!" Taiyi and the others couldn't help being flustered, and hurriedly began to run.

However, Zhang Xiang did not leave the place, but raised his head to look at the huge soles of feet trampled down in the air.

The huge shadow has already enveloped his figure.

But at this moment, Jiaer accidentally fell over while running.

Moreover, the place where Jia'er fell was still within the attack range of the giant wooden man.

"Jia'er...!" Taiyi's expression suddenly changed, and he wanted to run back to pull Jia'er up.

However, time is obviously not enough.

As long as another second passed, both Zhang Xiang and Jia'er would be trampled into flesh by the huge wooden foot.

"Big Brother..." Jiaer closed her eyes in a panic.

However, I don't know when.

Zhang Xiang's figure already appeared beside her.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Xiang said helplessly and softly.

After all, in his opinion, both Jia'er and Ahe are too young.

Even if he was a castle chief, his age was only about twelve years old, which was obviously not a person who could be put into battle.

But helpless, they insisted on coming to the Digimon world.

However, at this time, Jiaer obviously couldn't listen to Zhang Xiang's words.

"Big, big brother, the back...the back is about to be stepped down..." Jia'er's face showed a panic expression. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

The puppet beast's voice was still ringing.

"Haha...Although there are only two, let me turn them into mud!" The puppet beast's arrogant voice rang again.

At the same time, the big feet of the giant wooden man had already reached the top of Zhang Xiang and Jia'er, only less than two meters away.

Such a distance is just a blink of an eye for the giant wooden man.

So it's no wonder that the puppet beast will make such an arrogant sound.

In its opinion, Zhang Xiang and Jiaer are dead.

However, listening to the voice of the puppet beast, Zhang Xiang frowned.

"Quick noise!" Zhang Xiang frowned, his eyes flashed with scarlet light.

A jet-black flame full of cold feeling, flowing out from his body like flowing water, instantly enveloping his and Jia'er's body.

"Die, the selected child, and the guy who dared to destroy my puppet show!!" The puppet beast's arrogant voice continued.

"Jia'er...!" Tai Yi wanted to rush over, but was caught tightly by others.


The giant giant trampled down heavily with a body weighing thousands of tons.

"No!" Tai Yi's mouth let out a desperate cry.

His whole person knelt to the ground.

However, others have noticed other differences.

"No, Taiyi, take a look, Jiaer may not be in trouble!" The calmer Suna pointed to the place where the giant wooden man stepped on.

This made Taiyi suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the feet of the giant wooden man.

At this time, they discovered that the giant wooden man's right foot had not stepped firmly.

No, it's not that I didn't step on it, but I could not.

A burst of dark light circulated under its feet.

At this time, the puppet beast also found something wrong.

"Giant wooden man, what's wrong with you? Why didn't you step on it completely?!" The puppet beast angrily jumped on the giant wooden man's body, and slammed on the giant wooden man's shoulder.

However, at the next moment, something unexpected happened.

"Oh, do you like stepping on others that much?" Zhang Xiang's plain voice rang.

At the same time, a strong force was suddenly transmitted from under the giant wooden man's body, forcing its right foot to continuously lift.

"No, giant giant, keep stepping on me!" Puppet Beast's expression changed.

However, it is of no use.

The pitch-black flames burst out suddenly, and a burst of purple-black bones appeared under its feet, and gradually changed into a huge body.

The giant wooden man with a body of a thousand tons was directly overturned!

There was a bang, and a lot of dust was splashed.

Then, in the next moment.

The pitch-black flame rushed to the sky, and suddenly condensed into a huge pitch-black flame person 100 meters high.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang's voice was considered loud.

"Suzuo can be!" Zhang Xiang's flat voice echoed in the field.

Among the huge black flame man, Zhang Xiang was holding Jia'er's right hand, standing inside without anything.

However, at this moment.

The puppet beast also made a counterattack!

It turned out to be lurking directly behind Zhang Xiang and the others!

"BulletHammer!" The puppet beast leaped high and raised the hammer in his hand, slamming it to the place where Zhang Xiang and Jia'er were. Above the outside.

The explosions, like a rain of bullets, appeared one after another on the pitch-black shell of the "Shun Can Left".

But when the smoke dissipated.

The shell of ‘Xuneng Zuohu’ was not damaged in the slightest.

"Oh, are you tickling my'Xuneng Zuohu'?" Zhang Xiang turned his head and smiled at it.

At the same time, the huge body of Demon Devourer's ‘Shu Neng Zuhu’ turned around suddenly as if it were alive, and the right fist blasted down.

Puppet Beast couldn't help but his face changed.


But at the next moment, the expression on its face showed a treacherously successful smile.

" are fooled! I will accept the control of your giant's body! Bigger Liar!!!" The puppet beast stretched out his hands, with a smug expression on his face. .

Because, I don't know when.

The silk thread that spread from the body of the puppet beast, invisible to the eyes, has already entangled the body of the Demon Devourer's ‘Shu Neng Zuo Hu’.

But at the moment its words sounded.

The right fist of Demon Devourer'Xuneng Zuohu' suddenly stopped, and stopped in front of the puppet beast.

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