Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1806: ,gap? God gap!

In the undamaged office building, Zhang Xiang was covering one of his eyes.

From between his hands, there was a trace of blood seeping from his right hand.

"It seems that it is too reluctant for me to open more than two thousand spatial cracks in an instant..." Zhang Xiang held his eyes and wiped the blood from the corners of his eyes.

Just now, he combined his kaleidoscope abilities with his new abilities, and only then did he create more than two thousand ‘sacred gaps’ in an instant.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to create more than two thousand gaps in an instant with his slash.

The point is that he hasn't been able to create spatial cracks in the space without harming this building.

If he slashed out more than two thousand slashes that slashed the space from the inside, he wouldn't need the enemy to demolish this building, he would demolish this building first.

As for why this new move is called "Shen Gap", it is because his move is very similar to Yakumo Zi's "Gap Between", but because of the addition of divine power, it is called "Shen Gap".

And watching Zhang Xiang's eyes suddenly seeped a trace of blood, the face of Jia'er, who was closer, couldn't help showing a worried face.

"Big brother, are you okay? Your eyes are bleeding?!" Jia'er's face showed a worried expression, some hurriedly took out a clean handkerchief from her body and handed it to Zhang Xiang .

"It's okay, don't worry, it's just because I want to try out the new tricks, I'm a little too hard." Zhang Xiang smiled at Jiaer, took the handkerchief she handed to herself, and wiped the blood from the corners of her eyes.

Of course, because of the blood in the corners of his eyes, he certainly didn't look good when he smiled.

And after wiping off the blood, Zhang Xiang also tried to open his own eye.

‘Well, it’s okay. Although it’s a bit sore, it shouldn’t affect the use of the eyes. Moreover, it seems that the damage is not serious, just need to rest for a while. Zhang Xiang felt the state of his eyes and made a judgment.

However, just when Zhang Xiang and others were talking.

The Infinite Dragon Beast that was bombarded into a building by his own subordinate's attack also suddenly rushed out of that building.

Amidst the sound of ‘Boom’, its body appeared in the air intact.

As for the building behind it, it collapsed directly in its brutal behavior.

After all, just the attacks of a few perfect bodies and dozens of mature Digimon could cause no harm to it.

However, although this did not cause much harm to it, it still caused a lot of trouble to it.

At least, it feels that its own face has been lost.

"Damn it, you are doing this to me, let me die!" The Infinite Dragon Beast roared angrily, and the metal-filled voice spread throughout the city.

"Infinite Cannon (∞ (infinite) on)!" The body of the infinite dragon beast squatted slightly.

A large amount of energy is continuously poured into the cannon full of silver-white metallic luster through the duct behind it.

Then, two extremely bright golden cannonballs burst out from behind it.

And the attack of the ultimate body is worthy of being one of the most powerful attacks.

Along the way, all the buildings blocking the'Infinite Cannon' were directly penetrated.

However, the fact that these buildings did not directly collapse does not mean that the power of the Infinite Dragon Beast’s "Infinite Cannon" is not good, but on the contrary.

It is precisely because of the relationship that it condenses all of its power to one point, it creates such a sight that directly penetrates the past, instead of bursting out at the same time as it penetrates.

The other party had already calculated it, and when the "Infinite Cannon" attack came to the office building where Zhang Xiang was located, it broke out completely and blew up the entire office building.

This is the plan of the Infinite Dragon Beast.

As a mechanical Digimon that has evolved to the extreme, it definitely has an ability.

However, when the two golden yellow energy cannons rushed into the office building unscrupulously.

A sharp, pitch-black sword light flashed by suddenly.

The'Infinite Cannon' released by the Infinite Dragon Beast was directly slashed into two halves.

A flash of light exploded in front of the office building, but it didn't hurt the office building a bit.

Because, the core of the explosion of the Infinite Cannon was already smashed into data fragments by Zhang Xiang's blow.

As I said before, the core of Digimon’s attacks is to transform data into entities to attack, but the core part is still data.

This is why the Digimon that looks like a physical entity will become the reason why the data disappears after death.

Regardless of the Digimon or the attack from the Digimon, as long as you grasp the core point and want to kill the opponent, or the opponent's skills, it is not impossible.

Although the Ultimate Digimon is powerful, to Zhang Xiang now, it is just a stronger soldier.

And the reason why the flash appeared just now was not directly turned into the disappearance of data.

It's just that Zhang Xiang's writing wheel has just been overused, and now it's affected by some soreness.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that he doesn't pay attention to the attacks of the infinite dragon beast.

However, at this moment.

Zhang Xiang's eyes widened suddenly.

"No!" Zhang Xiang suddenly turned sideways.

Because, from the burst of light, a figure quickly flashed past, and two extremely sharp rays of light aroused from its hands and shot towards Zhang Xiang's body.

But the clown beast didn't know when, and used its super mobile ability to follow the infinite dragon beast's attack and launched a latent attack on Zhang Xiang.

But at the last moment, the opponent was discovered because he touched Zhang Xiang's natural five-meter mental defense range.

When Zhang Xiang was sideways, two extremely sharp rays of light flashed quickly from his chest and in front of him, cutting off a few black hair.

At the same time, the figure of the clown beast came completely in front of Zhang Xiang.


Its two hands merged to release a powerful shock wave that hit Zhang Xiang at ten times the speed of sound.

And the huge body of the Infinite Dragon Beast also came to Zhang Xiang's sky, and the shadow enveloped his body.


The right claw of the infinite dragon beast slammed out, and it pierced directly from above Zhang Xiang!

Some can't burn passion, digital scroll is a bit tired...

After finishing this book, it really is not a simple thing...

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