Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1816: , Beheaded!

But let us turn our attention back to Zhang Xiang. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"It's here!" Zhang Xiang roared, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

After carrying the attack of the Apocalypse beast for about two minutes and rushing several kilometers, Zhang Xiang finally came to the front of the Apocalypse beast.

Of course, after this distance, it is also the most powerful point of the Apocalypse Beast attack.

Like a tide, a colorful attack came oncoming, as if to drown him completely.

But when these attacks came to Zhang Xiang's body.

It's like the sea water that has been beaten thousands of times, and it is still a rock standing on the edge of a cliff. It can't let this fast rock loose and retreat at all.

"Break it open for me!" Zhang Xiang suddenly raised the'Shadow Demon Blade' in his hand, and slashed downward.

After his full display, even the space seemed to be broken open, a huge sword light instantly traversed the entire wave of torrents of skills, causing this colorful attack torrent to appear for a short time.

And it was at this moment that Zhang Xiang's figure suddenly disappeared in front of the Apocalypse Beast.

"Broken!" Zhang Xiang's figure appeared behind the Apocalypse Beast.

On the body of the Apocalypse beast, dozens of bright scarlet sword lights flashed from its body, and in the sound of'click', the Apocalypse beast continuously released the twelve tentacles of skills. Cut off.

Suddenly, the tide-like attack of the Apocalypse beast suddenly disappeared into the void.

"Damn! I won't be defeated by you again!" The slightly crazy voice of the Apocalypse Beast appeared in this void for the first time.

"Darkness (ダークネスゾーン DarknessZone)!"

The Apocalypse beast roared, and from its dodecahedron body, a deep darkness suddenly filled, as if it was about to swallow all of them, turning them into nothingness.

At close range, Zhang Xiang was swept in in an instant.

But there was a blood basin with a big mouth, and Zhang Xiang swallowed it all at once.

Nothingness, the darkness of nothing, instantly appeared in Zhang Xiang's vision.

In it, there is nothing, even the colors are dark things, and you can't even feel it with your own hands.

The feeling of the five senses seems to have begun to be deprived.

The eyes began to blur, the sense of smell gradually faded, the sense of touch slowly dissipated, and the sense of hearing gradually became hard to feel even the sound of my heartbeat...

Everything seems to be deprived.

Even in the end, even the memory began to have a vague feeling.

This is the ultimate skill of the Apocalypse beast!

A skill that can deprive people of everything they have and turn them into nothingness, and eventually the entire existence into nothingness.

And these changes occurred in a short period of time.

However, in the darkness of nothingness, even time seemed to have changed, giving people a feeling of a long time.

A kind of lonely, bleak mind will strike my heart without knowing it.

However, I feel these changes.

Zhang Xiang's hands held the'Shadow Demon Blade' in his hands and slowly raised it.

Although, his five senses have begun to be deprived to the final stage, and even his personal clothing has begun to have a tendency to be decomposed into binary data.

However, none of these made the aura of Zhang Xiang's Lingtai disappear.

His mental power shrank to the extreme, filling his body, and began to communicate with the "Shadow Demon Blade" in his hand, and through the power of the "Shadow Demon Blade", he began to communicate with the surrounding space.

Even if it is nothingness, space and time must exist.

Then, he felt it, this dark void spreading over dozens of miles around, swallowing everything.

And...the Apocalypse beast who is also in darkness.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiang's mental power burst out instantly, following the line that faintly appeared in the void, and instantly locked the body of the Apocalypse beast.

A strong breath of death appeared on the'Shadow Demon Blade', wrapping it up, and even the dark blade was a bit blurred.

And at the same time!

"Dead!" Zhang Xiang slashed the'Shadow Demon Blade' in his hand.

That kind of speed is like a normal slash, although it is fast, but it is not too fast to exceed the speed of sound.

However, just such a slash made the Apocalypse beast feel infinitely threatening.

It suddenly turned its dodecahedron body, and wanted to escape.

However, no matter how it dodges, even the whole body suddenly knocked out of this dark area.

But that feeling of being locked in can never be shaken off.

Because Zhang Xiang had already locked the figure of the Apocalypse beast from the level of rules.

As long as it still exists in this space, it will definitely not be able to dodge this slash.

It was the moment when its body broke through the dark area and rushed out.

An incomparably flat gray-black slash, but it also penetrated along a vague trajectory, directly hitting the body of the Apocalypse beast in an incomprehensible way.

Then, in the next moment.

The body of the Apocalypse beast suddenly stiffened in place, as if it were a dead thing, it could not move.

Because it is already dead.

Yes, it's dead!

However, it did not become a data link and disappeared in place.

Because Zhang Xiang beheaded the opponent from the meaning.

The apocalyptic beast he killed was not its life or flesh, but the concept of its data life.

Cut off the connection between it and the Digimon world!

This allows it to not become a data feedback to the Digimon world after death.

After all, there are such simple moves that Zhang Xiang has been brewing for so long to release.

However, Zhang Xiang deliberately prevented the body of the Apocalypse beast from disappearing into data, and he also had other ideas in it.

Because he always felt that this matter was full of doubts.

All the answers are in the body of the Apocalypse beast.

As long as he successfully parsed the remaining data of the Apocalypse beast, everything will probably be clear.

Whether it is the Apocalypse beast, is it the same race as the network monster, where the network monster comes from, and even the origin of the Digimon world can be peeked!

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