Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1820: ,the truth!

However, hearing Taiyi and the others' accusations, Xuan Nei shook his head. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"No, no, don't make a mistake about causality!" An unhappy expression came on Xuan Nei's face.

"Even without me, all this will happen. Dark forces will appear in the Digimon world, there will be blood-sucking monsters, there will be four dark kings, and even the Apocalypse beasts will appear in the same way. It’s just that they may change their names. However, all of this will happen. Because these same things have been experienced several times since the birth of Digimon World. Every time Digimon develops to a certain level At a certain level, all this will happen repeatedly. Moreover, the evil will be defeated. This is the law and reality!" Xuan Nei stretched out his hands and said.

"It's just that after having me join, all this process has been speeded up. Every time I lead the justice to quickly defeat the evil, but this time I intend to change the ending slightly. "Xuan Nei shook his right finger slightly and said.

"Oh, then what exactly is the changed solution you imagined?" Zhang Xiang looked in the direction of Xuan Nei and asked without hesitation.

"Oh, is the ending as I imagined it? Of course, you were killed by the Apocalypse beast that was barely manipulated after several experiments by my men. However, it's a pity that my men , It seems that you have failed because of your strength and your being too eroded by the Apocalypse Beast. But fortunately, I have a backup plan." A smile appeared on Xuan Nei's face.

"How, how could it...!"

"You turned out to be the guy behind everything!"

There was an angry expression on the face of Taiyi.

However, neither Zhang Xiang nor Xuan Nei ignored their meaning.

"However, I'm very curious, how did you know that I would come to the Digimon world? And, by such a coincidence, you knew I would come here? Not to mention, you had chosen me as your target! I was in the real world The world, but rarely shot." Zhang Xiang showed a curious look in his eyes, looking in the direction of Xuan Nei.

However, hearing Zhang Xiang's words, Xuan Nei laughed.

" seem to have misunderstood, right? I don't have so much time to lure you into the Digimon world! I originally wanted to lure the person who came to the Digimon world. It was not you at all. It was another one by me The chosen guy."

"However, when I brought the Digimon world close to the real world, I suddenly discovered your existence, and found that you forcibly entered the Digimon world. For the sake of insurance, I finally chose to kill you first!" Pointing to Zhang Xiang's direction, said with a smile on his face.

"So good, the last question!" Zhang Xiang's gaze suddenly became sharp like an eagle.

This sudden change made Xuan Nei's heart beat.

However, he still kept smiling.

Because, he glanced slightly into the protective shield in the direction of the Apocalypse beast that had already turned completely black.

"Well, you ask. After all, this is your last question." Xuan Nei opened his hands and smiled casually.

"Why do you want to kill me, no, why do you want to hate people like me? Do you want to kill people like me?" Zhang Xiang stared at Xuan Nei's direction word by word.

However, when Zhang Xiang's words fell.

The smile on Xuan Nei's face slowly disappeared, replaced by a hideous!

"Ask me why I hate people like you... Ha ha... Ha ha... Good question!" Xuan Nei suddenly laughed, but there was resentment in the laughter.

He stared sharply in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"It is because of someone like you and someone like you that I ended up like this." Xuan Nei's face suddenly changed, and the left half of his face suddenly became covered with burns. Marks, the eyeballs on the right have disappeared directly, and there are a lot of scars from the face to the neck.

All of his left foot was gone, and his left and right hands had different fingers cut off, and the parts that were exposed because of his emotions were all burn marks.

His sudden change made the selected children scream in fear.

Because this look of the other party is really no different from evil spirits.

"It is because of your existence that our city will be destroyed. Moreover, there is still no grievance to defend the destruction. Above the report, there will only be the afterglow of a volcanic eruption, triggering ridiculous news such as gas pipes. , To report on our destroyed city. As everyone knows, it was done by a group of demons that shouldn’t exist in this ordinary world! My parents, my friends, were all in that monstrous fire, and demons He died in his whispers. Even me ended up like this!" Xuan Nei suddenly opened the eye on the left half of his burned face, looking terrifying.

However, Zhang Xiang's expression still remained unchanged.

And Xuan Nei's self-narration continued.

"From that one, I began to think. Why did I end up like this. Why those guys, after making such a big grievance, can continue to go free. And I have to face this endless Pain, and resentment. However, it was at this time. I got a chance. I became one of the first-generation children who were called. And, I successfully defeated the darkness of the Digimon world. "

"However, it is ridiculous that when I went back... when I went back, I was actually thrown down! Because of my burns, because of my appearance, I was thrown into the extremely desolate one, who had just experienced destruction. Digimon World!" Genai's face was full of hideousness.

But in the next moment, he burst out laughing.

"However, I am very lucky! After the thirteenth year of being dropped, I found a way to completely transform myself into a Digimon-like existence. Not only did I stay immortal in the digital world, but it also gave me all The injuries suffered are healed."

"It's a pity that, in order to succeed in the transformation, I vowed to the origin of the digital world that I will help the digital world to clear the darkness regularly. And because I cannot return to the real world, I cannot retaliate. "Xuan Nei's face showed a trace of regret.

"However, this time has come. Under the circumstances that I have planned for hundreds of years, finally a Digimon from the dark side has opened the door to the real world." Xuan Nai's face suddenly appeared again. It's hideous!

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