Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1839: ,Satsunai sword!

And just against the loud noise of the explosion, the two giant meteorites sank into the earth, setting off a giant sandstorm. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Although it was an effort to slow down with an anti-gravity device, two giant meteorites caused nearly half of the base to be damaged.

The sand billowed and the ground sank, revealing the secret setting in the ground.

However, these facilities had not been released for a second before they were already submerged by the sand and rocks of other chain reactions.

In those successive encounters, the entire basin was already shrouded in mist, and the earth began to tremble slightly.

That's because of the anti-gravity device and the earthquake caused by the double reaction caused by the meteorite impact.

At the same time, under such a powerful and boundless impact, most of the launch collisions in the base lost the ability to continue launching missiles.

Only those hidden under the ground of this basin, the metal torrents erupting, and all kinds of missile devices, have long since been transformed into the two previous "Blood Dragon Broken" and the just now Made a pile of ruins.

However, this base still does not give up resistance.

In the dust of the sky, a scaled-down humanoid auxiliary setup, carrying humans, rushed out from the firing muzzle.

It was something similar to Iron Man, and with the help of the rocket ejector behind him, it rushed directly towards Zhang Xiang.

"Iron Man? Interesting! It seems that not all the things in the movie are deceptive! However, you don't even use missiles and nuclear bombs. What use is there to send out these'Iron Men'?! "Zhang Xiang sneered, and the figure continued to impact forward.

At the same time, the ‘Iron Man’ ejected from the various auxiliary devices had already hit Zhang Xiang’s front.

However, Zhang Xiang was surprised.

These'Iron Men' carried very few firearms on their bodies, and most of them were cold weapons.

"Funny! Are you trying to defeat me with cold weapons?!" Zhang Xiang rushed into the crowd without hesitation, and flashed past the group of'Iron Men' with grace.

And the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ in his hand turned into sharp rays of light, passing over the necks of the ‘Iron Man’, taking away their lives and flesh and blood.

Where he passed, the silhouettes of "Iron Man" suddenly withered, turned into a cloud of fly ash and an overhead armor, and fell toward the desert below.

However, just when Zhang Xiang entered the rhythm like cutting wheat, the other party seemed to realize that it was impossible.

They gave up their plan to block Zhang Xiang through a melee, and turned out to be a member of the death squad, rushing towards Zhang Xiang.

"Funny! Is this useful?!" A sharp light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

A pitch-black slash swept all the'Iron Man' that was surrounding him.

An incomparably neat fracture appeared on their bodies.

However, at the last moment of their lives.

They pressed down the ejection device of their arm, and enveloped a special alloy fine net over Zhang Xiang's body.

"Avenge us!" A final roar rang from one of the'Iron Man's.

And their desperate behavior is indeed a chance for their teammates.

"Damn it, let me die! You bastard!" A roar with infinite resentment sounded, and a man wearing a bloated device raised the giant machete in his hand. He slashed directly at Zhang Xiang.

Moreover, the opponent is completely spare.

When the opponent slashed down, Zhang Xiang could hear the arduous sound of muscle and flesh breaking on the opponent's body.

In the eyes of the opposite, Zhang Xiang was the terrifying demon who broke into the area where they were and made a big kill.

However, the other party's tragic move did not affect Zhang Xiang's heart in the slightest.

In their view, Zhang Xiang is the terrorist who invaded their base.

But in Zhang Xiang's eyes, they were all killing innocent people indiscriminately, causing many injustices, and at the same time, they might endanger themselves and their family.

Between the two, it's just a different position!

But different positions sometimes represent everything!

"Want to kill me! Don't be kidding me!" Zhang Xiang was seduced by the opponent's intent to kill, and the killing intent burst into the sky.

If it wasn't for their **** group of guys to make any plans against him, he would have been enjoying the rare peace at home now, how could he come here to fight!

However, he was blocked by the special alloy net that had hung over his body before his death.

Zhang Xiang's action was finally slower, and he could only choose defense.


The dazzling spark gleamed before a sword.

Because the machete used by the opponent is specially equipped for the special alloy shock machete used to slash local battleships in future wars, the machete in the opponent's hand turned out to be the'Shadow Demon Blade' that was not in Zhang Xiang's hands for a while. Give it a spell.

But Zhang Xiang was even more surprised by the strength of the opponent.

The opponent's power is not like a human being at all, and the power slashed down turned out to be hundreds of tons.

Is that powerful power already provided by auxiliary devices outside of his body.

Even Zhang Xiang was pressed to lower his height slightly, and a lot of inertia was removed before stalemate came down.

Because Zhang Xiang had checked and found that the ultimate power output of this device was only 20 tons.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang's mental perception swept past, and he knew what was going on.

The other party is a reformer, and it is also a deep reformer. He can't help but undergo mechanical reformation and also undergoes biochemical reformation. The two-stage reformation that can be achieved by current technology is a special biochemical reformer.

As far as Zhang Xiang knows, even with the powerful technological power of the 51st District, it has only transformed such a two-stage reformer.

And he is one of the final cards to deal with those supernatural abilities.

However, these were only a little surprise to Zhang Xiang.

"Since you want to die, go to **** with your companions!" Zhang Xiang's eyes flashed killing intent, and the lv5 physical enhancement ability burst out.

The strength of his right hand suddenly skyrocketed, and it turned out to be an instant counter to the opponent, slashing the opponent in half with the special shock machete on the spot.

What a joke!

The "Shadow Demon Blade" in his hand is a divine tool. Is it something that mortals can resist? !

What about the second-stage special biochemical transformation people that have gathered the high technology of the whole country and can resist the theoretical design level of mecha?

For Zhang Xiang and the "Shadow Demon Blade" in his hand, it's just a little hard to chop!

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