Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1853: , Met a strange flower

And just as the opponent was blown out, Zhang Xiang quickly slowed down his descent speed, and instantly moved himself into a thicker branch, using the surrounding leaves as a cover to hide.

As for how to hide?

It's very simple!

The branches and leaves of this huge tree are at least the size of a person, as long as his body sprints under the leaves.

Then, I pulled another green leaf and covered it underneath, so that no one could see it from the outside.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiang had already given full play to his ninja's advantages, tried his best to constrict his breath, and used illusion techniques to temporarily hide his figure.

In this situation, even if the giant bird has so sharp eyes that it can catch Zhang Xiang from tens of thousands of meters away, it is impossible to find out who he is now. Where are you hiding?

And as expected, after the giant bird recovered from its hovering state, it flew around the entire tree.

It uttered an angry bird cry, and its steel-like claws made two scratches on the thick tree trunk with a diameter of at least 300 meters, and flew back to the bird's nest near the top of the tree. went.

In the distance, the blue whale that was caught by it just fell to the ground.

From this, we can see how high the tree is and how fast the giant bird is.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Xiang was relieved after discovering the possibility of the other party not returning. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"Huh, okay, I finally left" Zhang Xiang said as he quickly pulled out his figure from under the thick green leaves and stood on top of the branches.

Because of the cover of dense leaves, he was not afraid that the other party would see his figure and rush down again.

However, his sudden appearance scared the person next to him.

"Let me take it, how did you show up?" A man dressed in red clothes for climbing, about twenty years old, with two bags of grinding stone powder on his waist, sitting on the tree trunk. On the way, the big man, some panting men suddenly jumped up.

And listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang only discovered the other party at this time. (No way, the opponent is too weak and has no tendency to threaten)

"Ah, I'm sorry, did you scare you? I'm avoiding an attack from a big bird, so I just hid." Zhang Xiang scratched his head with embarrassment.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this... Do you think that if you say so, I will believe it! I heard about it, but recently, there are many people who specifically target the possibility of climbing to the top like us and obtaining the ultimate reward. Guys, they started on us! In order to keep the honor of climbing the world tree and get the annual reward!" The man in red took a step backwards suddenly, his face He showed a wary expression.

"I'm telling you, I have practiced. I am a level six taekwondo and a black belt in karate. Moreover, I am still a free fighter!" The man in the red costume began to hum haha ​​and posed There was a similar move.

However, looking at the other party's move, Zhang Xiang showed a helpless look.

"But, I'm really avoiding that big bird, just passing by accidentally... Besides, I remind you to be careful behind, if you jump like this again, it's very likely that something will happen..." Zhang Xiang spreads both hands Open, showing an indifferent expression, and pointed to the back of the opponent.

However, the other party did not believe Zhang Xiang's words at all.

"Hmph, I don't believe your words! You want to knock me out when I turn my head and look at it, right? You tricks like this, I am... ahhhh! Help!" In the midst of a jump, he stepped on a piece of moss suddenly, and suddenly fell down under the big tree with a scream.

And listening to the other party's screams, Zhang Xiang took a step towards it reluctantly.

His body flickered, but he came to the opponent's side, his feet hanging upside down on the tree trunk with Chakra, grabbing the opponent's falling figure.

However, the other party still screamed happily.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I have not yet married a wife and children ashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I have not yet conquered the sea of ​​stars

Well, the latter one was made up by Zhang Xiangnao.

"Hey, it's time to wake up" Zhang Xiang stretched out his free left hand and patted the opponent on the cheek.

At this moment, the other party opened his eyes slightly as if waking up from a dream.

"Huh... didn't you fall? However, there is a feeling of emptiness on the soles of your feet..." the other party said with a sigh of relief and some doubts.

However, when he looked down at his feet, he screamed again.

Because, under his feet, there is still a piece of air.

The other party's call also made Zhang Xiang a little impatient.

"Hey, calm down!" Zhang Xiang said impatiently.

What if the other party's scream drew another attack from that big bird?

Although nothing will happen, it will annoy him.

"Hey, if you are yelling, I will release my hand and throw you down!" Zhang Xiang threatened viciously.

Hearing Zhang Xiang's voice, the other party closed his mouth tightly.

However, his hands firmly hugged Zhang Xiang's right hand.

"Hey, do you need to hug so tightly? Relax, you can support it with one hand with your strength, right?" Zhang Xiang said helplessly.

"I don't want it! What if you suddenly let go?! Also, are you a human or a ghost? How can you hang upside down on a tree? Could it be that you fell from the world tree and became the wronged soul. Wrong soul, if you are wronged and have a debt, go to the World Tree. Don't come to me, no, you pull me up first, and then go..." The other party began to pale and began to pray. .

However, other people prayed in their hearts, but the other person read them out, which made Zhang Xiang really feel a little dumbfounded.

‘It seems that I still encountered a strange flower...’ Zhang Xiang thought helplessly.

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