Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1858: , Jin Fuli Shi!

Three minutes later, Zhang Xiang and Jin Fulishi finally wiped out all the meat on the piece of stone. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Unexpectedly, although the meat on the stone piece seemed to be very small, it was just spread a thin layer on it.

However, it doesn't feel too small to eat, but rather a very enjoyable feeling.

According to Zhang Xiang's estimation, the other party should use a special technique to compress the meat into that thin piece, and then use a special technique to spread it on the stone and bake it.

Because Zhang Xiang ate more than five catties of meat.

And that thin piece of rock seemed to be less than half a square.

And after eliminating the meat, Zhang Xiang also let out a comfortable groan.

"Ah, that's great. If you have another bowl of soup, it will be perfect." Zhang Xiang sat on the ground disregarding his image, leaning back, and pressing his greasy hands on the green grass.

However, the Jin Fuli Shi opposite is also the same.

"By the way, first of all thank you for your food. My name is Zhang Xiang, what about you? What is it called?" Zhang Xiang showed a little curiosity on his face and looked in the other side's direction.

Because, in Zhang Xiang's perception, the opponent's body contained a rather powerful force.

If it really broke out, it would be considered to have the power equivalent to a shadow-level powerhouse.

Of course, because the power system between different worlds is different.

Even if the power is the same above the level of quantity and quality, sometimes depending on the effect of the user and whether the energy has special effects, the damage that can be done to the enemy is also different. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Imagine that you send a big ball of fire to the enemy, which is the same as the ability to release a big ball of light to the enemy?

Before he had a detailed understanding of the power system of this world, he didn't care what the opponent's strength was.

That is to say, the opponent may be like a master in the Naruto World, Kakashi, who is a beginner to the shadow level, or it may be like Uchiha Madara who can easily hang the Gokage.

Okay, let's get back to the point.

Soon after Zhang Xiang asked, the other party seemed to be unsuspecting, and said his name.

"Oh, my name is Jin, Jin Fu Lishi, I am a hunter." Jin Fu Li Shi said his name to Zhang Xiang.

And listening to the other party's words, a vague memory suddenly appeared in Zhang Xiang's mind.

"Golden Fulishi... well, it seems a bit familiar..." Zhang Xiang wiped his chin and ignored it even if the oil on his right hand got on his chin.

"Oh, is my name very famous?" Hearing Zhang Xiang's words, Jin's face showed a trace of confusion.

Although he is one of the world's five great minds, one of the five first-class hunters, a hunter who has discovered many world heritages and is revered by many hunters.

At the same time, he is also one of the 12 people recognized by President Nitro's strength, a guy called the prodigal son of the twelve earthly branches.

However, his name is only more famous among hunters.

In front of someone who is not a hunter, his name is already unknown.

Yes, although Jin Fu Lishi did not regard Zhang Xiang as an ordinary person, he did not regard him as a hunter.

He felt that if Zhang Xiang was a hunter, then when Zhang Xiang was approaching, he should feel the breath of Zhang Xiang's body.

Although the size and presence of qi can be hidden, some people can perfectly pretend to be ordinary people.

However, as a person with the world's five greatest minds, he is confident that if Zhang Xiang is disguised, he will definitely not escape the gaze of his eyes.

And the result is as expected by the other party, Zhang Xiang is really not a hunter, and he doesn't know how to read.

But what he didn't know was if Zhang Xiang and him did it.

So even if Zhang Xiang didn't use energy, it would not be difficult for Zhang Xiang to tie him with the physical body alone.

If you were serious, it would be easy to knock him down with one punch.

But at this moment, that trace of vague memory had already flashed through Zhang Xiang's mind, and could no longer be captured.

"Forget it, I should just listen to what others have said. However, I am still glad to meet you." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand towards the other party.

The other party also ignored the oiliness of Zhang Xiang's right hand, and directly extended his oily right hand and shook each other.

"Me too, nice to meet you." Jin also smiled brazenly.

Then, their hands separated.

"By the way, didn't you mean that a bowl of soup is perfect? ​​Do you want to find the ingredients to make the next food together?" Jin sent an invitation to Zhang Xiang.

And listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang also felt his eyes shine.

"Are you still not full?" Zhang Xiang's words were full of expectation.

"Yes, it's only six points full. Moreover, even if you are full, you haven't had a foot and mouth addiction." Jin's face showed a smile.

"So good, let's go! By the way, where are the ingredients?" Zhang Xiang asked curiously.

"The ingredients are right here!" Jin pointed to the big tree rising to the sky beside him, and said to Zhang Xiang.

"World Tree? There are such good ingredients on the World Tree? However, at what stage do you mean the ingredients? I just accidentally offended a big bird. If I want to get to this World Tree If the high-level staff of China go, I forgive me for not being able to follow along." Zhang Xiang said with some regret.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Jin was slightly stunned.

But immediately, he recovered.

"Oh, it turns out that you have seen that big bird? It seems that you have been to the top of the World Tree! However, you can rest assured that the place we went is not at the highest level, only about three Two places will do. And, wherever, that big bird will definitely not find you." Jin's face showed a mysterious expression, looking in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Oh, isn't it?" Zhang Xiang's face showed an interesting expression.

"Then, let's go!" Jin made a decision.

"Yeah." Zhang Xiang also nodded.

Then, the two quickly put out the fire next to them, ran to a stream not far away, washed their hands, and set off again directly in the direction of the World Tree.

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