Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1861: , White and fat... "Ingredients"!

It's just that after Jin removed the leaves that were hiding in front of him, Zhang Xiang was able to see the true face of the legendary ingredients. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Zhang Xiang's originally high appetite turned into nothingness in an instant.

Because the ‘food’ that appeared in Zhang Xiang’s line of sight was really amazing.

It has a long cylindrical body, about two to three meters in length, and the width of the body is about one person. Most of the skin is milky white, and some of the skin is a light blue color, which is smooth His body, a pair of small black eyes, and a big mouth.

Well, if you can't guess what the ‘food’ in Jin’s mouth is at this point.

Then, you are not a baby living in the countryside.

The ‘food’ in Jin’s mouth turned out to be one after another ‘silkworm’ that is wide enough to cover the leaves of the World Tree, that is, insects.

Although the species is not very clear, what does it mean to grow into such a creature after eating leaves?

Although, compared with ordinary insects, these insects are so much bigger.

It is also the leaves of the World Tree, which should be very healthy, and in terms of taste, it is also very sweet.

but! Yes!

None of them can escape the worm's identity, and they won't become pork or beef.

However, Jin didn't notice Zhang Xiang's abnormality, instead he gestured to Zhang Xiang carefully, and continued to walk carefully to find the bunker, and talked to Zhang Xiang as he walked.

"Don't look at them just because they are relatively large, but in fact, because they have eaten the leaves of the World Tree for a long time, after so many generations of survival of the fittest, these surviving guys are not only very alert, but also very powerful. Yes. Although has no teeth in their teeth, if they are bitten, even the steel bars will be broken by the muscles in their mouths."

But listening to Jin's words, Zhang Xiang's face showed a hint of surprise.

Because, in his impression, these white and tender things are only a little stronger at best.

But I didn't expect that the strength of the mouth was still so strong.

But when Zhang Xiang was surprised, Jin continued to explain, and said that the other party's strange weakness was coming.

"By the way, let me teach you a way, don't think it is a bug. In fact, this kind of bug has a weakness similar to that of a tortoise. I don't know if it is because of its obesity or other reasons. That is, if you turn them over your body, they will not be able to turn them back again." Jin Yong said to Zhang Xiang with serious words.

However, listening to Jin's words, Zhang Xiang almost didn't laugh.

Because, from this direction, it is extremely round and long, and it looks like a white and tender bug that rolls around like an iron poke. Once it is turned over, it will not turn over its own body. Up?

What a weird weakness this is!

But at this moment, Jin stopped suddenly.

"Well, here is the limit we can approach. If we get closer, we will be discovered." Jin stopped at a fairly close position, less than two meters in front of him. Only the big worm is white and tender.

Judging from this close distance, it seems to have more impact.

However, I don’t know if it’s because I’m used to seeing it, or whether this kind of white silkworm, which looks like a ‘silkworm’ after being enlarged hundreds of times, has become more relaxed due to the roundness of the body.

In Zhang Xiang's eyes, these white and tender silkworms turned out to be lovely.

"Next, after I shouted three more times, we rushed out together and grabbed one each. They are fast, and you should move faster. By the way, they don’t have much flesh. If you want to save some for dinner, it is better to grab one more." Jin stretched out three fingers towards Zhang Xiang, indicating that when the countdown is over, he will rush out with him.

Although Zhang Xiang is not interested in this ‘food’.

However, Zhang Xiang really couldn't say the words of rejection for Jin who appeared to be very proactive in helping him find ‘food ingredients’ because of his words.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang has decided.

Wait a minute, just grab one casually.

However, Zhang Xiang looked at the slowness outside, wriggling for less than half a meter in half a minute, at least two meters long and fifty centimeters wide as'food materials'. Zhang Xiang really doubted whether Jin's words were right. fake.

Is it possible that the meat on such a large ‘food’ is not enough?

And, have you ever seen the fat man can suddenly run the world record of 100 meters?

The countdown is possible!

However, in the next moment, Zhang Xiang was surprised by the progress of things.

Just after Jin's countdown reached the end, Zhang Xiang and Jin's figures suddenly rushed out.

At the same time, the ‘silkworm’ that was eating slowly seemed to have spotted Zhang Xiang and the others, and suddenly stopped eating.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang and Jin had already rushed to the nearest white and tender "silkworm" less than one meter away, and they could touch each other's body as long as they stretched out their hands.

But at this time.

Unscientific things happened. Those white and tender silkworms, which seemed to have at least multiple white and tender silkworms, suddenly flew into the distance at an incredible speed. .

Moreover, their bodies are also in the process of flying towards the distance, shrinking at an extremely fast speed.

Just in the blink of an eye, that one looked at least one ton in weight, about two meters and five meters in length, and a white and tender silkworm with a diameter of nearly fifty-six centimeters. In front of Zhang Xiang, it just became It is only fifty centimeters long and six or seven centimeters wide.

At the same time, a melodious gust of wind suddenly appeared on the smaller ‘silkworm’, and it disappeared in front of Zhang Xiang at a speed close to the speed of sound.

Only Zhang Xiang's somewhat stunned face remained.

"This, this is unscientific...!" Zhang Xiang opened his mouth wide, and yelled out some incredible.

And in another branch tens of meters away, a fluffy pink-yellow big head suddenly emerged from a leaf, and looked at Zhang Xiang’s one with some surprises. direction.

And in its mouth, there is still such a shrunken, white and tender ‘food’...

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