Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1875: , God can't see it...

However, looking at that match table, Yun Gu became more and more suspicious as he looked at it.

"It can't be such a coincidence? Could it be you..." Yun Gu cast his gaze in Zhang Xiang's direction.

Although his words did not continue to be said, the meaning was already very obvious, and he was asking if Zhang Xiang did it.

"It's not me, it's really not me, I sent four" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand, stretched out three fingers, and quietly stretched out a finger from his left hand behind his back.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's "Fourth", the suspicion on Yun Gu's face showed no retreat.

In desperation, Zhang Xiang had to continue to explain.

"Moreover, you see, we have been together since the registration, no, even from the beginning of the conflict. You know best what I have done in this period of time. I am Didn’t you use any means? There was no contact with other people or something that could be invaded like computers. So, I thought I was going to do something, and I couldn’t hide it from you, right?" Zhang Xiang pretended to be innocent, The other side explained.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's explanation, Yun Gu also recalled the process along the way. Among them, Zhang Xiang had never touched anyone else, nor had he touched any electrical appliances.

Moreover, the group of people who just signed up also showed up in two batches.

In other words, the two guys may be assigned to the next group of battles.

Therefore, it is really impossible for Zhang Xiang to use his hands and feet.

No, if Zhang Xiang is in charge of this ‘Sky Arena’, it’s possible.

However, Yun Gu was sure that there was no trace of thought on Zhang Xiang's body, so it was absolutely impossible for him to exist behind the scenes of the Sky Arena.

Besides, the age is not right...

Thinking of this, the suspicion in Yun Gu's eyes could not help but dissipate a bit.

However, he still felt that Zhang Xiang's words were not right.

"But..." Yun Gu wanted to say something.

However, before his words came out, Zhang Xiang directly blocked them.

"It's nothing, they would come across me and Doudou so coincidentally, it's just that what they did is that even the gods can't pass it through, and they have to be given to them through the hands of me and Doudou. That's why they will appear. With such a low probability, Doudou and I met two of them among the five hundred people. And, don’t think about it anymore, and don’t want to stop me. Even God can’t see them, support I have killed them. If you intervene, wouldn’t you have trouble with God? This kind of thing that goes against the sky, it’s better to do less!" Zhang Xiang is like a gentleman who slowly induces each other, for the sake of each other’s good Grandpa is average, explaining to the other party.

And after hearing Zhang Xiang's explanation that even God had moved out, Yun Gu didn't quite believe it, but he didn't have any excuses to refute it.

After all, Zhang Xiang even moved out of God.

Because God can't bear to let the other party be unlucky, this is a word that can't be refuted at all.

After all, you don’t know if God really exists.

Moreover, it is because you cannot prove that he exists.

So, if you argue, there will be a big basket of things that can be said, so there must be no results in the end.

Thinking of this, Yun Gu couldn't help sighing.

"Don't put a heavy hand." Yun Gu tried his last effort to persuade him.

"Don't worry, they won't take their lives. Even though they signed a life and death agreement, even if they die in the ring, there is no problem," Zhang Xiang said nonchalantly.

However, at this moment.

Zhixi, who had been boring where he didn't speak, suddenly spoke.

"The test is about to begin... Also, how should Doudou wait to participate in the duel? What should I do if I get hurt?" Zhixi said suddenly, looking at Doudou who was standing next to him. There was a trace of worry in his eyes.

As for why Zhixi spoke at this time, and also cared about the nestling "Peas", the reason is simple.

That was when Zhang Xiang and Yun Gu were walking in front.

Maybe it's because Zhixi hasn't gotten rid of her immature heart, so she's always very curious about the "baby bird" Doudou look.

Then, during a sneak peek, he was spotted by "Hatchling" Doudou.

Therefore, feeling the kindness of Jixi beside him, not long after she was born, it was Doudou who was eager for a friend and leaned forward actively.

And, in the way of communication that Zhang Xiang and Yun Gu didn't understand.

In just a few minutes, Jihee has established a good relationship with "Hiddy" Doudou.

At least, Zhixi could stand on tiptoe and climb onto the "Hatchling" Zhixi who bowed his head.

Of course, due to the reason that you can't be too public when you are indoors, Zhixi has already climbed off the back of "Hatchling" Doudou.

However, listening to Zhixi's words, Zhang Xiang smiled and shook his head.

"Don't worry, it's better for you to worry about Doudou's opponent!" Zhang Xiang said with a smile.

"But, if Doudou is just big, if she meets it, she will read..." Zhixi continued with some worry.

However, at this moment, Yun Gu beside him suddenly interrupted Zhixi's words.

"Don't worry, it's hard to meet any guys before the 200th floor. Moreover, Doudou is not only big in size. Although I don't know what its type is. However, it gives me a way to It hurts my feeling. After hearing this, don't you worry?" Yun Gu touched Mo Zhixi's head and said.

But after hearing Yun Gu's words, Zhixi's face showed surprise and surprise.

"Can hurt the master?" Zhixi's face showed a surprised expression.

"In the world, there are still many monsters that are extremely powerful at birth." Yun Gu sighed.

Then he raised his head.

"Right. The game is about to start, let's go back to the audience." Yun Gu said to Zhang Xiang, and then walked towards the audience with Zhixi.

And Zhang Xiang waved to them with a smile.

"Read it? What kind of thing it is, it is very exciting..." Zhang Xiang said in a low voice.

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