Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1878: , A gambling game of ten million nuns!

After listening to Zhang Xiangying's avatar's words, the gamblers on the scene suddenly stunned, and the noise in the scene seemed to be paused.

But in the next moment, a series of laughter rang.

"Haha... what did I hear? What did I hear?"

"A gambling game? He actually wants to open a gambling game with us! I heard it right?"

"That’s right, you’re really right. This is a fledgling, delusional gambling game to win, a guy who must not understand gambling skills, he wants to open a gambling game with us? Funny, really funny. !"

"Yeah, I really want to laugh at me..."

The gamblers in the room laughed, and some guys even patted their thighs, laughing so much that tears came out.

However, Zhang Xiang still looks plain.

"How is it? Don't you dare to gamble with me?" Zhang Xiang's shadow clone said in a very plain, but **** tone.

Moreover, he just glanced at everyone present, as if he didn't want to insult his eyes, and stopped looking.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiang's "unpredictable" appearance aroused the anger of most gamblers.

"No, you dare to question your uncle or not?!"

"Fuck, I feel underestimated, uncle, to see if I will kill you!"

In an instant, most gamblers erupted in anger and cursed, some guys still wanted to do something.

However, these were blocked by the security guards present.

"Stop it to me, conflicts are not allowed in the building!" Two security guards who were two meters tall and bulged under the security clothing, each holding a baton, rushed to stop those who wanted to bet. only. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Moreover, not far away, the patrol team patrolling the Sky Arena also tends to come towards this side.

You know, those patrols are all equipped with guns.

After all, if the bet accepted every day is in the Sky Arena, which is above one billion kilns, if there is no special security guard set up here, I am afraid that the bets stored here have long been red-eyed guys. Come and **** it.

Moreover, the Sky Arena can allow so many people to practice various martial arts, and those who are already fierce can compete in peace, but it does not rely on the rules of the game.

But relying on a strong fist, let them down.

Therefore, seeing the tendency of the patrol team to come over, as well as the loud shouts of the security guards present, these gamblers retreated.

However, they were still yelling.

But Zhang Xiang still looked flat and flat. The corner of his gaze glanced across the screen. He glanced at the scene where the fight had not yet started and the referee was explaining the rules for the two.

Then, he spoke again.

"How about it? Don't you dare?" Zhang Xiang tried his best to provoke the anger of the gamblers this time, but he tried his best to show a security guard and unscrupulous appearance.

Even the security guards were quite critical of Zhang Xiang and stared straight at him.

However, Zhang Xiang ignored their angry eyes and continued to speak.

"If you dare, let me start the next bet! I still have 10 million nuns in my hand, who dares to gamble with me! I will bet that No. 599 can win!" Zhang Xiang is like a The nouveau riche usually photographed the'ten million nuns' on the desktop.

Of course, the "ten million nuns" was actually a newspaper that Zhang Xiang smoothly came in, transformed by the technique of transformation, and applied a little illusion.

According to the chakra attached to it, it will be automatically released in about an hour.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't really want to spend the ‘10 million nicknames’, he just planned to pit some gamblers’ money.

It's all windfall anyway, isn't it?

With Zhang Xiang's ridicule, most of the gamblers couldn't help it, and in just a few seconds, they collected the corresponding wager of 10 million jinni.

The least one had thrown out two hundred thousand jin.

Moreover, the gambler who threw out two hundred thousand jinni was still a person who seemed to have no money and was a little sick. It seemed that he stayed up for a long time, and the two hundred thousand jinni on his body was the last after he sold all his family property. A gambling guy, throw it out.

But what about these Guan Zhangxiang?

The other party wants to die, it is their business, not his business, is it?

With all the money thrown on a separate trading desk and witnessed by the bet collectors of Sky Arena, this gambling game in Sky Arena was established.

Although, in order to establish this gambling game, regardless of winning or losing, Sky Arena always draws at least 5 gambling funds.

However, Zhang Xiang wouldn’t feel heartache when spending other people’s money.

And just after the gambling round was established, Zhang Xiang's shadow avatar and the gamblers present all saw their eyes on the big screen.

Because the battle is about to begin.


And now, let us turn our attention back to Zhang Xiang's body.

After experiencing the referee's about a minute's explanation of the rules, the game is finally about to begin.

"Okay, here are the rules! Since this is your first time to participate in the sky arena battle, so the explanation of the rules will be so detailed. In the future, the additional rules will not be explained, only the explanation It’s the main rule. So, let’s start the game!"

A referee wearing a purple referee costume and a purple hat on his head, jumped behind him with agility, and announced the start of the battle.

At the same time, a series of louder shouts came from the audience directly opposite Zhang Xiang.

"Tear him to pieces, tear him up!"

"Fuck him, **** him!"

"Hurry up, tear up that little white face!"

The shouts full of fanatical emotions passed from the audience not far away and resounded throughout the audience.

Obviously, because of Zhang Xiang's previous actions, most of the spectators present have already focused their attention on Zhang Xiang and the muscular guy.

Even the appearance of "Hatchling" Doudou, which caused most people's attention, was temporarily attracted to this side.

Because those audiences here prefer to see blood and minced meat.

Come to the Sky Arena to watch this kind of meat to meat, punch to punch, almost every day there are dead and disabled spectators. They are all in the presence of crazy people who are crazily eager for the blood of others to spill on the spot, and their lives are lost. .

In it, they can vent their pressure frantically.

It's just that the way to vent is somewhat bloody.

However, it was not them that hurt, they would not care!

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