Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1880: , One foot, one foot

"Quickly, the patient has severe internal bleeding, and the pressure in the chest cavity is too high. Get ready for a chest stab!"

"Take it lightly, lightly. The patient has 17 fractures on his chest. Carefully stab the heart. Look. Wool, Chinese website."

"The heart is failing, click on it!"

A series of voices rang not far from the ring.

However, Zhang Xiang ignored these words.

Because Zhang Xiang didn't care whether the other party survived or not.

Regardless of whether the opponent can survive or not, the opponent cannot have the strength to retaliate against him.

Not to mention, even if the other party survives, he can only be a useless person.

Because Zhang Xiang just used not only rigid force, but also brute force.

When he pushed, he also used soft energy to introduce part of his power into the opponent's body.

Therefore, the opponent will have internal bleeding and the internal organs will be severely injured.

Moreover, this kind of damage is irreversible.

After all, if the internal organs are damaged, it is extremely difficult to repair it.

Even if it is repaired on the surface, it is only able to carry out daily life. If he wants to emit as much power as he is now, I am afraid that he still feels unbearable pain before using his power.

At this moment, there was a sudden burst of cheers from the silent auditorium.

After all, the people who come here are guys looking for excitement, and naturally they want to see something different.

Seeing such a ‘skinny’ Zhang Xiang, he severely injured the muscular man who was close to four hundred jin with a single palm. How could this keep them from getting excited?

Of course, among the cheers, there are still many curses.

These are the gamblers who suppressed Zhang Xiang's loss.

However, because the highest bet on the first tier does not exceed one hundred thousand jinni, everyone has not lost too much money.

Therefore, only a small part of them were yelling, and they were soon overshadowed by the deafening cheers.

However, it's just like what I said before.

Whether the audience drank or cheered him, it had no effect on him.

In his eyes, these spectators who are venting their pressure and eager for blood are just a group of walking dead.

What he cares about is only the people he agrees with.

Therefore, he just looked at him with a shocked look, watching Zhixi, who had won, and Yungu, who still had a flat smile on his face, greeted him, and then turned his head in the direction of "Hatchling" Doudou. Up.

"Well, I don't know if Doudou is done..." Zhang Xiang said as he turned his attention to the direction of "Baby" Doudou.

Because the previous match between "Baby Bird" Doudou and that fat wrestler made the venue blood stained.

The battle between the two of them was slightly delayed.

Therefore, when Zhang Xiang looked over, the battle between the two of them had just begun.

And the fat wrestler also saw the scene on this side, and his eyes couldn't help but start with horror.

By the way, he also became vigilant about the "Hatchling" that he thought was just a little bigger.

Therefore, instead of rushing in the direction of the ‘Hatchling’ as he originally intended, he instead acted defensively.

However, his move caused many spectators in the field to drink dissatisfiedly.

Because, in their eyes, the "Baby Bird" Doudou is very big, but it is also a big fat wrestler with a height of eight feet and a waist measuring eight feet.

Not to mention, there are still many people in the court who know the fat wrestler.

However, in the face of the surging shout, the fat wrestler was unmoved at all, insisting on the defensive behavior.

But he was in a defensive state and could wait, but "Baby" Doudou couldn't wait any longer.

Perhaps, it didn't regard the big fat man in front of him as its opponent at all.

Facing the defensive fat wrestler, "Baby" Doudou just did one thing.

With the speed of chasing Zhang Xiang, it rushed to the front of the fat wrestler in an instant, raised its bird's feet, and gave a kick to the fat wrestler who was too late to guard.

Then, it won!

Yes, it just won!

Because, the fat wrestler's heavy body weighing at least 500 kilograms was like a repeat of the thing just now, being pushed upside down and flying out.

Then, like history repeating itself, it directly hit the wall in front of him.

The dull ‘bang’ sound, as the fat wrestler’s body was inlaid into the wall, the body, especially the fat on his stomach, trembled and rang towards the surroundings.

Suddenly, the scene was immersed for a negligible moment.

Then, the voice of cheering rang again.

"Appeared, appeared again!"

"One blow to defeat the enemy!"

"Ahhh... today's fare is really worth it, so I can see two things so strange!"

Cheers and howls rang again from the audience.

However, Zhang Xiang ignored them.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at the referee next to him. Not far away, the referee who was also in the arena where Zhang Xiang was just now, was stunned and shouted.

"Hey, referees, can I announce the results? I don't want to stay any longer and act as a monkey to show these idiots." Zhang Xiang a little impatiently shouted to the referee who hadn't announced the result of the match.

At this time, the two referees were sober.

"I declare..."

"No. 599..."

"No. 600, successful promotion..."

"Recommendation, recommendation..."

"100 floors!" 2

The two judges looked at each other and gave the same answer.

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