Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1884: , I also want to be a local tyrant

Suddenly, the whole venue fell into silence. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

There were incredible expressions on everyone's faces.

However, those guys who don't know what ‘read’ is and don’t know that the eagle-eyed man is powerful are shocked by the magical scene in front of them--the scene where a person is instantly frozen in ice.

As for those guys who know what ‘read’ is and know how powerful eagle-eyed men are, they are shocking how the opponent can be defeated.

You know, the opponent is a powerful man who is in charge of one to two hundred floors and is hired by the Sky Arena.

In the previous words, without using the revolver in his hand, he had already managed the security guards below two hundred floors.

——It is the battle that has been won by one challenge.

Moreover, the other party once arbitrarily subdued a superhuman existence with more than two hundred layers, which could pick one hundred.

So, they were shocked how could anyone be able to defeat each other so easily!

And at this moment, Zhang Xiang put down the right hand holding the pistol and pointing at the opponent.

The light of the data began to shine brightly again, and the pistol that ignited four magic bullets in succession disappeared on Zhang Xiang's right hand.

"Remember, some people can offend, but you can't offend some people. This time I play with you, but next time you won't have that good luck." Zhang Xiang glanced at the other person and said.

As for whether the other party can hear it?

Zhang Xiang is naturally clear.

At the moment before the cold burst, the other party exploded in a timely manner called ‘Nian’, and wrapped his body heavily.

Therefore, don't look at the other party being frozen in it now.

But in fact, the injury suffered by the other party is far smaller than others thought.

Although the sound was separated by a layer of ice, it was clearly audible.

Of course, this does not mean that the other party has not been traumatized.

The cold air that can instantly freeze people, how cold it is, only he who is enclosed in ice knows.

However, he didn't rush out now, just because he knew that Zhang Xiang didn't want to kill him now, and wanted to make amends through his actions of being frozen in the ice.

Because, it's better than he rushed out now, and then was shot by Zhang Xiang who was unhappy.

Although he is proud, he is not a fool!

After Zhang Xiang finished speaking, he stopped paying attention to the other party.

"Okay, it's over. Then, I take away what I should have got. The bet is 20 million, and I have a bet of 20,000. According to the last moment when I bet, the odds become Calculated by one to one hundred and fifty. The bonus I should get should be three million..." Zhang Xiang's right hand ticked, and a large number of chennies fell on the ground, and they flew automatically. They stood up, arranged in piles and placed them in front of Zhang Xiang.

"Then, goodbye" Zhang Xiang's shadow clone waved to everyone present.

And in the next instant, Zhang Xiang's shadow clone and the bunch of nuns had disappeared in place.

This sudden disappearance made those present couldn't help being shocked.

But at the same time, the eagle-eyed man who was frozen in it couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because Zhang Xiang is willing to take the money, which means that he is willing to expose this matter, at least on the surface.

‘Go, safe...’ The eagle-eyed man breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he saw the people who cast their gazes after Zhang Xiang disappeared.

It was the first time that everyone was watching like this, and he couldn't help feeling a burst of embarrassment and anger.

He even thought about punishing those guys who ‘maliciously watch’ him.

However, just when he tried to break the ice with a sudden force, he was taken aback.

‘How, how is it possible that I can’t break it? ! An incredible light flashed in the eyes of the eagle-eyed man.

Moreover, even if he gradually increased his strength, he still could not shake the ice that seemed to be just a finger thick.

This made him anxious.

'Again! Full force! The eagle-eyed man clenched his teeth abruptly and burst out with all his strength.

A powerful ‘mind’ burst out suddenly and instilled into his body muscles, instantly strengthening his body tenfold.

However, it is still useless.

It was originally strengthened to this level, let alone a thin layer of ice, even a cement layer of 20 centimeters can be blasted through.

But no matter how many times he tried, it was of no use.

He even ventured to let'Nian' burst into the ice layer close to the body, but it was still useless.

This can't help making him a little dumbfounded.

Especially when there were more and more crowds onlookers, it made him feel extremely embarrassed, and his face became a little red.

——As a strong man, he has been watched a lot more, but he is definitely not treated like this one. He is treated like a ‘monkey’.

In a situation where he turned into anger, he even wanted to kill the crowds who were watching him outside with ‘read’.

Fortunately, his reason suppressed this idea.

Otherwise, he will find that this is a cage that can impact his'mind' in any way, and then back it back in what way.

In other words, if he loses his mind at the time, he will use his thoughts to impact other people's words.

Then, he was trapped in the ice cage first.

However, these are not matters of Zhang Xiang.

Soon after his shadow clone disappeared, his shadow clone appeared at the door of a bank.

By the way, as he walked in at the door of the bank, he hacked the bank directly and opened an account with complete identification.

Then, like a local tyrant, he suddenly piled the 23 million jinni, which was 20 centimeters thick and one-third the size of the square, onto the counter table.

However, he felt it was a pity.

The amount of money placed on the counter varies somewhat. (After all, a large part of it was collected by the gamblers...)

If they are all with the largest denomination, that is, ten thousand jinni denominations, that's fine.

Because, that's the real local tyrant!

Today, Saturday, please, everyone.

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