Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1894: , Tiger bites his fist!

"Tiger bites his fist!" Hua Shi Doulang put his hands in front of him and displayed a special move.

At the same time, his body squatted slightly downward.

The incomparably powerful ‘mind’ burst out of his body and spread all over his body, especially on his hands where 80% of the ‘mind’ was concentrated.

However, under his full urging, it is considered to be only 20% of the'mind'. Once the full burst out, the speed brought by it is different from the previous'slow' speed. .

It was just a blink of an eye, and the convenience had already appeared in front of him.

It's like teleportation.

Even Zhang Xiang's eyesight almost couldn't catch the opponent's figure.

However, it was just a little bit close.

In other words, Zhang Xiang's eyes still caught the other's figure.

"The attack point is here!" A light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes, and his body suddenly exploded at a speed that was not inferior to the opponent's, and instantly dodges the opponent's'tiger bite punch' aimed at his neck. s attack.

It is the pale yellow'mind' that is so concentrated that it can even be seen by the naked eye, transformed into hideous minions.

Zhang Xiang believed that even if the big piece of 100-refined steel that appeared in front of the "tiger bite fist" now was torn into pieces by the opponent's "tiger bite fist".

It's like a real tiger, no, it's a bite attack from an ancient behemoth with sharp teeth!

It's just that the "tiger bite fist" that can't bite anyone can only be regarded as a breeze existence at best. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

However, just when Zhang Xiang wanted to speak and taunt the other party.

Zhang Xiang suddenly felt something wrong.

Because, in his perception, behind him, a powerful ‘mind’ suddenly appeared.

At the same time, the Huashi Doulang who flashed by his side, the corners of his mouth also turned up.

'You got Fooled! This information revealed from his eyes.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also felt the ‘read’, and suddenly rushed behind him.

Moreover, that speed was not inferior to the speed at which Hua Shi Doulang attacked with all his strength just now.

This made Zhang Xiang couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

"Have you been hit?!" A trace of anger flashed in Zhang Xiang's heart.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's right foot stepped on the ground suddenly exerted force.

The extremely powerful force instantly passed through his right foot to the ground, and a powerful rebounding force was fed back, making his speed soaring dozens of times in an instant.

However, speeding up at this time seems to be too late.

Because, at the moment when a wave of ‘read’ hit behind Zhang Xiang.

That ‘mind’ burst out of explosive power suddenly, and a sharp tiger roar suddenly swept the audience.

At the same time, the speed of that ‘mind’ surged several levels within a short distance, reaching a level beyond the speed of sound.

Otherwise, the sharp tiger roar would not appear.

In the next instant, if a normal phantom appeared on the real tiger, it suddenly flashed past Zhang Xiang's back.

It was as if he had torn his body directly and passed through.

A hollow through his back and chest appeared on his back.

However, just when the cheers on the scene were about to ring, it was time to vent the cheers of celebration.

The pierced body of'Zhang Xiang' has turned into a faint afterimage and disappeared in place.

Because the figure that the other party had just penetrated was nothing more than an afterimage left in place when Zhang Xiang broke out at a super high speed.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang's figure appeared not far from the ring.

"Does the plan count? Not only is the intention of the attack fake, but the attack moves are also fake?" Zhang Xiang said in a flat voice.

And when his voice fell, the original complete "green onion" on his right hand suddenly appeared a crack in the middle, and the whole "green onion" broke in half from the middle.

The upper part fell directly to the ground, making a sound of "pop".

And the upper half of the half of the ‘green onion’ that exists on Zhang Xiang’s right hand, that cut is as smooth as it was cut through the middle with a famous knife!

And watching this scene made Zhang Xiang narrow his eyes.

He was a little angry.

However, the other party didn't care at all.

"Yes, I originally planned to rely on this trick, at least to be able to remove your hands. It seems that in the final moment of the secret breath, I still did a little badly! However, fortunately, I You still destroy your weapon." Hua Shi Doulang said with an elegant look on his face, somewhat regretful.

"Oh, is it?" Zhang Xiang replied flatly.

Then, he was taking his gaze away from the half of the "green onion" in his hand and the half of the "green onion" on the ground.

"So, do you know? You ruined my plan to use "Green Onion" and "PentaKill" and made me angry!" Zhang Xiang said plain words and looked at each other with plain eyes.

However, the other party was not at all intimidated.

"Oh, is it?" Hua Shi Doulang still maintained an elegant smile, as if he hadn't heard Zhang Xiang's potential meaning.

Moreover, Zhang Xiang's words were used to ask Zhang Xiang.

"So, I changed my attention. I will not only use the remaining half of the'green onion' to knock you out and achieve the'PentaKill' achievement. I will also interrupt your hands to vent my anger. You are ready Alright?" Zhang Xiang said with a serious expression, stepping out of his own footsteps.

At the same time, Hua Shi Doulang's face changed slightly.

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