Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1898: , Leave the sky arena!

In the end, the casino still did not come up with so much cash.

After all, the money Zhang Xiang won, even after deducting the tax rate, would have won more than 50 billion in bonuses.

However, the cash of more than 50 billion renminbi, even a small country, is difficult to collect in one afternoon.

Not to mention, this one is just an arena built in a republic.

Although there are investments from many forces here, it does not mean that there can be so much cash flow.

If you want to come up with so much cash, even in the country where the Sky Arena is located, it is difficult to do it in one afternoon.

So, just under the situation that the supervisor begged his father to sue his mother.

Zhang Xiang finally agreed to the other party's request for bank transfer. (In the case of enough toss the opponent)

However, Zhang Xiang only agreed partly.

Everything else is to take cash from the Sky Arena.

So, in the afternoon of that day.

Zhang Xiang packed away at least one hundred sacks of cash.

And the vault that once filled the entire room with at least tens of billions of kilns, turned into an empty treasury without even a single coin.

It can be said that such a warehouse will not even be visited by rats in the future.

This gave the casino director who had witnessed all this a sense of tears.

However, the casino is proud, but the battlefield is a bit disappointed.

After Zhang Xiang completed the achievements of the "Five Kills" and the "Seven Brothers of Calabash Baby", it was difficult for him to continue.

Because, after witnessing how the powerful Huashi Doulang was defeated by Zhang Xiang, everyone has a new understanding of Zhang Xiang's strength.

All people regard him as a character even more powerful than the original poster.

So, the final result is.

After Zhang Xiang defeated Huashi Doulang, within two weeks of staying in the Sky Arena, no one sent a'Challenge Application Form' to the Sky Arena.

Because most people are holding a buffer time of ninety days anyway.

I will postpone it to the end to see who is more unlucky to meet him, and wait until he is over to challenge the host.

Then, I took the opportunity to sign up and thought about fighting with other people.

So, although within these two weeks, there was indeed a battle.

But that was already a decided game long before Zhang Xiang hit the 200th floor.

This makes Zhang Xiang really helpless...

And Zhang Xiang, who was extremely bored, finally made a choice.

That is, he wants to see other interesting places.

After all, he has already spent a month in the Sky Arena.

As for his goal, it is the Withered Slaughter Mountain where the Beat Enemy family belonging to the Republic of Batokya is located.

Of course, in addition to watching the special cloud scenery there, the most important thing is to see what the legendary killer family is all about.

And doing what you think is the beautiful quality of Zhang Xiang.

On the second day, he rushed to the airship field, and planned to pack up an entire airship.

Of course, in order not to cause riots, there is also to prevent others from recognizing Zhang Xiang and "Chickling" Doudou as the last airship thieves.

This time, Zhang Xiang only set off after putting on make-up. He planned to hire the airship to fly out of the city, and then secretly pick up the ‘Baby Bird’ Doudou into the airship.

But what made Zhang Xiang felt almost lifted the table.

He didn't expect that in the Republic of Batokia, he wanted to go from the Sky Arena to the side of Withered Slaughter, and he would even have to build a shield!

Moreover, it takes at least half a month to apply for a passport.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiang almost didn't lift off the table!

In the same country, it's just a cross-city, so it's so troublesome!

However, the airport side explained it. That's because the Withered Slaughter Mountain is a territory with a special attribute.

This is for the safety of the people!

Moreover, the airships that go from one side to the other are only once a week.

But just not so, the previous airship had already set off yesterday.

So, even if you have the power to reach the sky, if you don't have a private airship, just wait obediently.

Hearing these words, what else can Zhang Xiang say? He can only turn around silently.

Of course, he didn't intend to go back and wait.

Instead, he intends to directly release the airship he put in the space bag, and drive the airship to that side by himself.

However, just when Zhang Xiang returned to the Sky Arena to pack up his things and plan to leave.

He met Yun Gu and others.

And, this question was mentioned in the conversation.

After Yun Gu hesitated for a while, he said something that interests Zhang Xiang.

That is, this world has a hunter license.

If you can get a hunter's license, you will not only be able to become a hunter, but also get all kinds of opportunities.

Moreover, those with a hunter's license can freely travel through this 95 country in the world, almost all restricted areas, and free use of various public transportation.

You can even take a special seat.

Even if this one is empty, it is not open to ordinary people.

And Yun Gu's words also successfully attracted Zhang Xiang's attention, causing him to change his mind slightly.

"Then, it's decided. Before going to Kuku Slaughter Mountain, let's get a hunter's license!" Zhang Xiang raised his right hand and announced his choice to everyone.

At the same time, behind Zhang Xiang, the "Baby Bird" Doudou, carrying a big red backpack, also raised his wings with green onions.

"Xianzhi" "Baby" Doudou was also excitedly responding.

Well, since I saw Zhang Xiang defeating so many enemies with green onions in the audience.

"Hatchling" Doudou seems to be obsessed with green onions.

So, from that one, it carried a green onion with it.

But let's not say, after equipping the "green onion".

Judging from the appearance of "Chickling" Doudou, it looks a bit like a certain elf in "Pokemon" that Zhang Xiang once saw.

And it’s right to become more adorable

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