Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1914: , The rally of hunter examiners

"He, what he said, turned out to be true..." Kurabika murmured in a shocked state. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Even his eyes did not pay attention to when they became fiery red.

From this, we can see how shocked he was at this time.

And Hanzo, who was on the bridge with him, was also stunned.

"Yes, yes... I even questioned him just now!" Hanzo stared at the scenery outside the bridge in disbelief.

However, because of excessive shock, he did not notice Kurabika's flaming red eyes, which is known as one of the seven most beautiful beauties in the world.

And everyone on the deck was shocked by the slash just now.

However, the first person to recover was Xiaojie, who was supposed to have consumed a lot of energy.

"Okay, so strong! Qi Ya, you see, he actually cut off the storm circle!" Xiaojie's face showed an expression of shock and surprise, pulling again and again. Just after recovering from the extreme crisis, Qi Ya said with a cold sweat.

And under Xiaojie's interference, everyone on the deck reluctantly recovered.

However, everyone present did not recover as quickly as Xiaojie.

They all fell silent after looking at each other.

Facing an invincible existence, even if the opponent is not their own enemy, some people will still feel depressed.

Even Qi Ya and Leo Li reluctantly returned Xiaojie a few words.

However, these Xiaojies, who are a little bit lacking, have never thought of it.

I just thought they were tired, so I stopped bothering them.


And if we go back a little bit of time.

Well, on another larger island ten kilometers away.

Here is a deserted island full of various primitive forests and wild animals.

However, near the edge, there was an airship marked by the Hunters Association logo, but it was docked on the edge of this island.

At this time, in this airship, it is on the top of the airship for others to watch the scenery. In the cabin surrounded by transparent glass, there are a few people sitting on the edge of the glass that can see the outside. A table is drinking tea.

And the people sitting here, it goes without saying that they are all examiners for the hunter exam.

The people sitting here have the Satsian examiner who tested the endurance and willpower of the contestants in the first hunter exam, and asked them to follow him across the Daminy Wetland from the underground of Kent.

Also, in the second hunter test, the participants’ observation, knowledge and creativity were tested. They were allowed to compete in three rounds of cooking competitions in Wiscon’s Forest Park, with roasted whole pigs, sushi, As the subject matter, the examiner thinks that the taste is good and the two examiners can pass the test.

Of course, there is also the third test currently underway, which tests the team spirit, observation and perseverance of the contestants, allowing them to walk from the top of the tower to the ground within 72 hours in a group or individual form on the trap island. (The route and the nature of the assessment are different for each candidate), and this time the Liber examiner who allowed them to experience the baptism of the storm on this unknown island.

However, among these examiners, there is still a spiritual old man sitting with gray hair, ponytails, thick white beard on his chin, and a pair of elongated earlobes.

Moreover, he was still sitting in the core area of ​​this group of examiners, and everyone around him respected each other very much.

Obviously, those who can make these powerful examiners respect each other so convincingly, naturally, they will not be a simple guy.

For Convenience, Isaac Nitro, the president of the Hunter Association, who is known as the most powerful person in the world!

"It's really a violent storm." With a fork in his hand, Men Qi sighed while carefully tasting the delicious food on the plate while admiring the violent storm outside the window.

"Yeah, it's very powerful. Even when I was just outside, the wind is about to blow me up." There is a huge belly on the side, and even if it is sitting on the ground, it is still taller than everyone else. Buhara said while quickly destroying the large plate of food in front of him.

"Yeah, Liber, how did you know that there is such a violent storm here? I am afraid, even if our professional hunters encounter such a storm at sea, I am afraid they will encounter misfortune. Those candidates, really can Persevere?" The Sats examiner, who maintained a serious look, touched his dark beard, and asked Liber, who had a green punk head on the other side.

"Persevere? I haven't thought about it. I just thought about the subject of the test. Next, I have to rely on them to perform. However, if you are a professional hunter, relying on the abundant materials on the island, it should be You can survive." Liber, who has a green punk head, said indifferently while drinking red wine.

"It's cruel," Sa Ci said, shook his head slightly.

"Aren't you the same? We eliminated more than a hundred people in the first game. Anyway, we are all trying to select qualified candidates. As for the dead guys, even if they barely pass them, they will probably be Let's lose their lives because of their strength. If that's the case, why not let them lose their lives sooner?" Li Bo, who has a green punk head, shrugged.

And listening to his explanation, everyone present seemed to be accustomed to it.

Because, for them.

Those guys who were not strong enough and wanted to take the Hunter's exam would die if they died.

The key is to be able to select sufficiently qualified hunters.

Only at this time.

Nitro, who was originally stroking the length of his chin slightly, and the lower end was strangely tilted to one side, but with a black beard at the end, also spoke.

"Haha... don't worry, this year, I have a hunch that many candidates will pass." Nitrohaha laughed a few times, looking a little nonsensical and bold.

However, everyone has long been accustomed to the nonsensical appearance of their own president.

At the same time, with President Nitro's laughter, the squally rain outside the glass window became more violent.

The black clouds began to fall, covering the entire sea, and moving towards the point where they could not see their fingers.

The violent wind was already a sign that the airship was shaking.

However, the crew is already deflating the airship and adding ballasts again.

Of course, there is no need to bother them to do these things, as the corresponding crew members have already done them.

At the same time, the scenery outside the window became completely dark.

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