Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1917: , Grab the ball test!

The silence between the courts was finally broken after Nitro's appearance.

Everyone's performance has become somewhat normal.

However, most people couldn't help but secretly look in Zhang Xiang's direction.

They wanted to take a closer look at the powerhouse who was able to cut off a storm circle with a diameter of more than ten kilometers.

But what surprised them was that Zhang Xiang’s appearance was no different from ordinary people. He had short jet black hair, a brilliant and natural smile, and his slightly handsome face. Other things are different.

And after talking to each other for a while, Zhang Xiang also got permission to enter the airship and go to the next examination room.

However, some troubles occurred when getting the "Baby Bird" Doudou into the airship.

After all, the size of "Baby" Doudou is too big now.

The door of the airship that was suitable for the big fat Bukhala to enter was not suitable for the ‘Baby Bird’ to squeeze in.

However, the matter was finally resolved.

I saw that while Zhang Xiang was still in distress, the "Baby Bird" Doudou had already spread his wings, directly flapped a gust of wind, and the whole body flew into the air and landed directly. Above the deck of the airship.

Yes, as a large airship with a length of about fifty meters, there is still enough space on it to provide a place for the "baby bird" Doudou to stay.

Not to mention staying, even if it is rolling, it is very simple.

Then, it was a natural thing.

Zhang Xiang also boarded the airship to the next hunter exam site-Spectacle Island, and set off directly to the next destination.

As for why Zhang Xiang didn't propose to take the hunter exam as well?

This is a very simple question. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Because Zhang Xiang already has other simpler ways to get a hunter license.

After gradually seeing so many familiar characters, Zhang Xiang, which was already buried deep in his memory, began to roll again.

Therefore, he was already thinking of the world he came into, where it was.

And, I also remember most of the people seen in the plot.

At the same time, I also thought of a very interesting place in the original plot.

That is, while on the airship, Nitro once held a secret test in order to measure the potential of Xiaojie and Qi Ya.

As long as any one of them can **** the ball in his hands, then he can issue a hunter license to them alone.

And just after Zhang Xiang got on the ship, although the process was a bit different, Hunter President Nitro still held the test.

It’s just that Zhang Xiang just happened to be pinching that moment.

In this late autumn night sky, in the upper cabin.

"Seriously, as long as you can **** the ball in my hands, I will let you pass the hunter exam immediately and get the hunter license immediately." President Nitro wore a looser vest with cynical cynical expression on his face. With a smile, landed on one foot, patted the ball in his hands with both hands, and said to Xiaojie and Qi Ya who were standing in front of him.

However, at this moment

Zhang Xiang opened the door ‘just right’, and only heard this sentence.

"Oh, is there such a fun thing? So, can you let me join? Speaking of, I came here to take the hunter exam, but unfortunately, because the time and place provided by some guy Something was wrong, which made me too late to participate. Therefore, I have always regretted it." Zhang Xiang showed a regretful expression on his face and walked in.

However, Zhang Xiang's sudden appearance made President Nitro's eyes slightly narrowed.

‘I didn’t feel the breath, but it suddenly appeared. Is it always lurking outside the door, or is it really ‘just’ passing by? Nitro narrowed his eyes slightly, and a lot of things flashed through his mind.

Don't look at him always being cynical.

But in fact, he is a very shrewd figure.

To be honest, being able to serve as the president of the Hunter Association, a large association spanning more than two hundred countries, does not require strength, but also sufficient political means.

The world government is not such a foolish thing.

Although the organization of the world government did not show much in the original animation.

But this does not mean that the world government in this world is really not powerful.

In the new version of the original animation, President Nitro's appearance when he went to meet the top leaders of the world government, as well as the words he said before temporarily, fully demonstrated the secret power of the world government.

However, this is also normal.

The world government is a behemoth that unites more than two hundred countries, and although everyone in the Hunter Association can count as one hundred, even one thousand is no problem.

But the total number is still too small.

Not to mention breaking 10,000, but not breaking a thousand.

The number is only a few hundred, how does it compare with the behemoth united by more than two hundred countries.

Not to mention, hunters are not only owned by the Hunter Association. I don't know how many hunters secretly cultivated in those countries!

This can be seen from the chapter in Youkexin City.

Even the underground underworld organizations like the ten old men have the Yin Beast, an organization of people with the ability to think.

If those countries don't cultivate under the secret, then no one believes it.

Moreover, the hunter is the most powerful only to be able to block rockets. If you come to an intercontinental missile or a nuclear bomb, who can withstand it?

Okay, so much, let's get back to the topic.

All in all, Nitro was a shrewd figure, and he was about to refuse.

As for the reasons for rejection, he wanted to find out as many as possible.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang spoke again.

"Oh, by the way, the guy who pitted me seems to be a guy called Yungu, and he seems to come from an organization called the Heart Source School. I don't know, has the president ever heard of it? What if I If you can take the test, I will let that guy go. After all, he at least let me know that there is a hunter test. Otherwise, I can compare it with him." Zhang Xiang suddenly again He said with a sigh.

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words, President Nitro's eyebrows were slightly raised.

"Haha... Do you want to take it too? No problem, but because you are not an official candidate. Even if you grab the ball in my hand, you can only take the next exam instead of getting the license directly. . Do you accept this?" Nitro didn't hear anything, and laughed haha, like an old man playing a game and cynical.

And naturally, listening to Nitro's words, Zhang Xiang naturally showed a smile.

"No problem, it would be nice to have one chance to participate." Zhang Xiang quickly agreed.

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