Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1923: , Sweep the ripe fruit!

"You are not bad too! But, your strength should be more than this, right?" Hiso had an expression of excitement on his face, his eyes staring in Zhang Xiang's direction. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"What did you say?" Zhang Xiang smiled, and did not answer the other person directly.

"Then, you have to be careful because facing the ripe fruit, but you won't be merciful!" Hisuo's hands suddenly opened, his face showed an expression of excitement and a violent murderous aura. It was released from his body and spread unscrupulously around him.

It was just a moment, and a series of birds were already alarmed in the surrounding dense forest, as if they had encountered something terrible, rushing to flee outside the dense forest.

At the same time, in the depths of the dense forest, he kept keeping pace with the breath of the forest, and Xiaojie, who was following Hisoso, couldn't help feeling stagnant and breathing quickly.

However, this was only felt by Zhang Xiang.

As for Hisuo, he put all his attention on Zhang Xiang, but did not notice this.

However, Zhang Xiang soon had no time to pay attention to Xiaojie.

Because Sisona's attack like a violent storm had already begun.

Although Hisuo is a change type, his physical skills are not inferior to those of the enhanced type. No, it should not be said that it is not inferior, but it should be said that it far exceeds most of the guys of the enhanced type.

If it is said that the straight-forward, violent fist-to-body attack of the reinforcement system is a violent beauty.

Then, Hiso's offense was like a dance, full of softness, and a battle that showed softness to the fullest.

From time to time, his body attacked Zhang Xiang from all incredible directions towards Zhang Xiang in a stormy attitude.

Especially his mind-powered cards that can be shot from all parts of his body that can easily cut off the steel, making the opponent's attack even more difficult.

The playing cards on his body are like an endless source. Sometimes one is lased, and sometimes a lot of them are lased like a fairy scattered flowers, but only a few of them carry the idea of ​​piercing steel. Only ability.

However, Zhang Xiang is not inferior in the slightest.

Facing Sissona's attack like a violent storm, although Zhang Xiang didn't use other power at the beginning, he only relied on pure physical power and suffered a little loss, almost not injured.

However, Zhang Xiang is worthy of being Zhang Xiang, who has experienced hundreds of battles.

Although the stainless steel spear is not the long sword he is good at, after he has been familiar with it for a while, he actually wields it in a decent way.

However, his moves are almost always extremely simple.

Either splitting, blocking, or sweeping, etc. are just a few moves.

However, these few tricks were gradually released from his unstoppable brute force, and displayed unusual power.

Vertical split, even a century-old tree will be torn apart.

To block the attack, even the big tree that was cut by Hisoso and fell down can be swept away.

Sweeping, even the grass on the ground was torn into pieces by the violent wind pressure.

Therefore, you can know how dangerous Zhang Xiang is within a few meters.

It's also because Hisso blasted playing cards from time to time, and his body was so soft that he could avoid most of the swings, so he was already seriously injured.

Yes, seriously injured.

Hisuo clearly knew that even if he tried hard, he couldn't resist that pure power.

After all, he did not exist in the Strengthening Department after all, and could not fully realize the potential of mind in strengthening the body.

Maybe even if he could, he couldn't stop it.

Because the pure power that Zhang Xiang displayed is too powerful.

Anything, as long as it is extremely pure and powerful, then it is invincible.

The wind was raging in the forest, and trees could be seen collapsing above the ground everywhere. There were also a lot of pits and pits on the ground. A lot of dust was blowing everywhere along with the raging wind, confusing everything around.

Zhang Xiang's figure is like an invincible tank, and nothing can be spared wherever he goes.

The trees were swept down by him, and the ground was smashed into pits by him. There were also many scratches caused by the strong wind on the ground.

And all around him, with red hair, teardrop-shaped and star-shaped makeup painted on his face, Hiso, whose hair arbitrarily stood up, was attacking frantically beside him.

Moreover, Hisuo also showed his ability to read the ‘flexible love’.

With the help of that flexible "flexible love", he showed such a fast speed without being swept by the stainless steel spear in Zhang Xiang's hand.

In other words, if Hisuo did not rely on the characteristics of his mind ability, he could no longer hold on at this time.

The development of the battle situation turned out to be so fast. From the beginning, it had the upper hand, and now it is only an offensive, but it is actually a dodge attack.

And all of this just took less than two minutes.

This is the terrible thing about Zhang Xiang.

After all, the old saying goes: Moon sticks, year swords, guns for life!

However, it is not so scary.

If it hadn't been for Zhang Xiang to possess such a terrifying body, with the experience of birth and death.

Then, at this time, he wouldn't be familiar with the use of the stainless steel spear so quickly.

However, actually speaking, Zhang Xiang's progress is still tremendous.

After all, Zhang Xiang is only showing less than one-tenth of his brute force now, not even the violent speed brought by that brute force.

But this is also Zhang Xiang's purpose.

That is, by limiting one's abilities in close combat, to improve one's ability in close combat.

By the way, it is also possible to find out which part of his own body has insufficient exercise.

All of these can be found out from these battles that suppress combat effectiveness.

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