Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1930: , The final result hunter's welfare!

As for the final battle, Leoli, who surrendered honestly, played against the ‘unknowledge of current affairs’.

The result can be seen from the adjectives.

Leo Li, who surrendered honestly, was not seriously injured, while those who were ‘ignorant of current affairs’ were seriously injured.

Therefore, Leoli had not recovered from the bullying, so he overwhelmingly overwhelmed him.

As a result, Leoli became the last guy to win.

And Bakuru became the last loser.

For him, he didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

The good thing is that when he didn't use the ant chapter later, he was craniotomy by the king's guard of Chimera ant (chimera ant), Nifi Petuo, and finally made a human meatball and ate it.

As for the bad side, he was paralyzed by the bitter blow of Ji Tara that Ilmi pretended, and it was very difficult to recover.

Even if it recovers, I am afraid it will not be as flexible as before.

I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing.

However, no matter what, the hunter exam finally came to an end.

But Yi Erfan didn’t know whether he was waiting for the opportunity or fearing Zhang Xiang, but he did not directly attack Qi Ya like the original book, using his psychological shadow left in Qi Ya to force him. Go home.

And the next half month was a boring wait.

That was the hunter in the Hunter Association who looked very much like a quack and decorated him. He gave an explanation about hunters like Zhang Xiang and other prospective hunters.

The whole explanation process lasted for half a month. Can you imagine how many things the other party explained? !

In the face of these things, most people take a serious attitude.

Only a few people are wandering.

And among those few people, there is a person like Zhang Xiang.

However, it's worth mentioning that the "Baby Bird" Doudou is sitting at the back of the classroom, nodding his head seriously, it seems that he is really learning something.

Looking at its appearance, if it weren't for the lack of a brand and the hair was not white, then it really looked like Elizabeth in Gintama.

Well, if you ignore the green onion, it really looks like Elizabeth's kind.

As for the level of smartness, Elizabeth is probably smarter than "Baby" Peas now.

However, it is not always the case in the future.

Because, "Chuckling" Doudou has sprouted a new interest recently, that is reading! Read the book really at a fair price!

I don't know when it will start. Not only is "Baby" Doudou able to understand 100% of everyone's words, but even the words of this world are beginning to become familiar.

This made Zhang Xiang a little frustrated.

Because if he didn't cheat on his own ability, it would be impossible for him to become familiar with the words of this world so quickly.

Well, this is the Live People Inferior Bird series.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang believes that it won’t take long for the "Baby Bird" Doudou to catch up with the smartest Dingchun in the House of Everything.

And in this half-month explanation, Zhang Xiang finally summed up the favorite and useful parts he heard, which is the following.

1. You can use the computer network for free.

2. Free use of 95 public facilities.

3. Enjoy the same bank financing as first-class enterprises.

4. You can enter 90 countries where entry is generally prohibited.

5. You can enter about 75 areas that are generally forbidden to enter.

6. Even without a passport, you can stay in a country other than the country of birth.

7. If you sell it, you can eat and wear for seven lifetimes.

8. As long as there is it, life must be colorful.

However, the above things can only enter those countries and regions that are forbidden to enter, which is a little more useful for Zhang Xiang.

As for the free use of computer networks and public facilities, Zhang Xiang said that the world's networks are still binary, and electronic devices still use electricity, so don't want to stop me.

While enjoying financing and selling, Zhang Xiang said that he is not short of money.

As for the proof?

The stacked sacks in the space bag are full of money.

After hearing these troublesome things, Zhang Xiang also said that he was finally able to break free from boredom.

And at this time, Yi Er fans finally started on Qi Ya.

However, he did not directly display his thoughts like the original book, but directly came to Qi Ya when the hunter's explanation was over.

Then, he directly removed the long needle that held the makeup from his face.

"It's been a long time, Qi Ya." Yi Er Min's voice filled with grace and flatness rang in Qi Ya's ear.

At the same time, originally thinking that there was nothing wrong, Il Fan was not the Qi Ya who came to him, but also suddenly became nervous, even the forehead began to leak sweat.

From this, we can see how strong the pressure of Yi Er fans on Qi Ya is.

However, at the same time, Xiaojie, Leo Li and the others also blocked their presence in front of Qi Ya.

Because, during this period of time, they already knew part of the truth from Qi Ya.

"Big brother..." Qi Ya's face was tense, and he dared not look at each other with his eyes.

Looking at such a scene, everyone also turned their attention to this side.

And then, a classic scene happened.

"You've been out for so long, so you should go back!" While Yiermi spoke, he stretched out his right hand and touched Qi Ya's head.

But at the same time, a thought full of oppression also radiated from Ilmi, oppressing towards Qi Ya.

It was just a moment, and Qi Ya's eyes suddenly widened, as if he was frightened to the extreme, and his whole body was about to dodge.

However, at this moment.

Zhang Xiang's figure appeared in front of Qi Ya.

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