Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1941: , Beat the enemy family!

At the same time that the other party appeared, Qi Ya was already widening his eyes.

"Grandpa Gao, Gao (Grandpa Qiya's grandfather), you, why are you here?" Qiya's face was full of shock, obviously he couldn't believe that the other party would appear in front of him.

Moreover, in addition to shock on his face, there was also a trace of deep fear in it.

"Gao, grandfather? Qi Ya, is he your grandfather? That is, grandfather's grandfather?" Kurabika opened his eyes wide, looking at the old man who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"So, isn't his age?" Leoli couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Because, even if there is a generation every 20 years old, then Qi Ya's great grandfather in front of him is also a hundred years old!

Not to mention, Qi Ya's eldest brother, Yi Er Mi is obviously more than twenty years old.

"Hello, everyone. I am Qiya's great grandfather, Maha beats the enemy off." Maha beats the enemy off like an ordinary old man, with his hands in his pockets, which is slightly old but able to listen. Said the energetic voice.

After introducing himself, Maha turned his attention to Qi Ya.

"As for why I appear here, it is naturally because there are things I appeared here." Maha beat the enemy off like an ordinary old man, speaking in a slow voice.

However, except for Xiaojie, who is very nervous in the game, and Leo Li, who hasn't turned his mind, everyone else dare not look down on each other.

At least, the way the opponent played has already shocked them.

"What's the matter?" Some Leoli of Martha asked strangely.

"Idiot, it's the stone gate of course!" Kurabika forced the shock in his heart and said Leoli.

"Ah, I also know that it is about Shimen!" Hearing Kurabika's words, Leoli suddenly became a little dissatisfied.

However, at this moment.

Maha beating the enemy guest is another export.

"Yes, I am here because the Shimen was completely opened..." Maha beat the enemy and opened his half-squinted eyes slightly, and turned his head to look at the original Shimen. When I was there, I took another look at the stone gate at the foot of the mountain in the distance, and I couldn't help but flash a glimmer of light in my eyes.

At this time, he didn't look like an ordinary old man.

Because, although he was shocked by the opening of the stone gate, he did not expect that the strength of the incoming person could make the stone gate fly so far away.

However, he had already seen these when he came.

So, at this time, it's just a confirmation.

As for the two blue dragons about 100 meters long in the sky, he ignored them as if he hadn't seen them.

"I don't know, who is the one who opened the dragon gate of our beating the Enemy and Hakka family?" Maha beaten Enemy as an ordinary old man, turning his head slightly, and asked slowly.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang finally spoke.

"Haha...that, I opened that one. However, the strength I used, cough cough, seems to be a little bit bigger. I'm a little embarrassed..." Zhang Xiang showed an embarrassed expression and scratched his right hand. Said with his head.

And indeed, his embarrassment right now is really not pretended.

He didn't even think of giving the Enemy and Hakka family a chance to get rid of him, and he kept hitting it.

After all, he is here to travel, not to fight, and he can be a guest to get a good reception. Why should he become an enemy with the other party?

"It doesn't matter. In normal times, the stone gate is just blocking the harassment guys. Except at a specific moment, it's not very useful." Maha beat the enemy with a slow Tun Tun's voice said.

But at this moment, Qi Ya suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Shimen.

"Come!" Qi Ya's expression suddenly became a little nervous.

And when Qi Ya made a sound, Zhang Xiang and others also looked to the back of Maha beating the enemy.

I saw that on the far mountainside, a series of people were galloping toward this side at a rapid speed.

Although they were running on their feet, their speed reached a level close to 400 kilometers per hour, which is equivalent to a speed of more than one hundred meters per second, and they were galloping in this direction.

And how fast is the speed of 100 meters per second, the people just saw the other side's figure, and for convenience they have already jumped across a large mountain road and came to the front, stopping behind Maha beating the enemy. Up.

There are a total of six people who came, but because of their strength, the speed of coming is different.

The first thing that came was a pair of father and son. They were riding on a giant dragon of thought power, rushing to this side quickly, and falling behind Maha's beating the enemy.

One is a cloth strip with the words ‘One Kill in a Day’ and the words ‘Career Active’ on his chest with silver hair and a very trembling spirit. On the surface, he looks like a taciturn old man.

For convenience, Qi Ya's grandfather-Jenuo beats the enemy off.

Next to him, there is also a middle-aged man with silver-white hair, but with slightly curly long hair. His face is very firm. He is about two meters tall and gives a sense of oppression.

And he is Qi Ya's father-Xiba beat the enemy off.

In the back are two figures running on the ground.

One is a woman in a long skirt, with a bandage on her face, and always wearing electronic eyes. Her real appearance is unknown, wearing a lace hat on her head and wearing a lace dress.

Even in such a fast running, the opponent can maintain the hat not to fall, showing a strong strength.

She is the mother of Qi Ya from Meteor Street—Kijo beat the enemy off. (Married into beat the enemy off surname)

And next to her, moving fast at the same speed, was the eldest brother of Qi Ya who had already seen Yier Mi beat the enemy off.

Not far from here, there is a middle-aged man wearing a manager’s suit, fast forward in a special way, with a cold face, and a kimono with a folded hand in his hands. The paper fan, cut a'girl' with her sister's broken bangs.

These two people were the chief stewards who assassinated the family to beat the enemy Hakka, the Wutong who thought to be the strongest among the servants, and the fifth younger brother of Qi Ya-Kete beat the enemy!

These six people were advancing at different speeds, but they all reached Maha's beating the enemy's back in just a few seconds.

Looking at the people who appeared in front of him, Qi Ya's expression couldn't help changing.

"Grandpa, Dad, Mom, Big Brother, Wutong, Kurt, you are all here!" The expression on Qi Ya's face looked at everyone in front of him in shock.

Because of the peculiarity of the Beat Enemy Hakka family, the last time he was able to see so many people appearing together was a few years ago.

At the same time, he also understood the seriousness of the matter.

If it is only for him to go home, his parents would be regarded as an over-standard reception.

However, so many people came out at this time.

The reason is that there can only be one, and that is Zhang Xiang opened it, no, it was the fault that caused the fan to fly.

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