Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1958: , Do not fight uncomfortable

"Well, finish the work." Zhang Xiang, floating in the air, let go of the tail that had become a little soft and squatted, causing the body of the super huge dinosaur to fall to the ground, making a'bang 'The voice comes.

Now, everyone knows how Zhang Xiang taught each other?

Yes, Zhang Xiang directly regarded the super-giant dinosaur's tail as a whip. He directly picked it up and flicked it, and threw it on the ground like a debris.

The sound of ‘Boom Rumble’ was the voice that Zhang Xiang was teaching the other party.

When Zhang Xiang closed his hand, the super-giant dinosaur was already bluish and swollen.

However, Zhang Xiang knew that all this was an illusion.

"Hey, get up quickly! If you don't get up again, I'll throw you like a sandbag!" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand, kicked the opponent a few times, and said threatening words.

It looked like a black-hearted coal mine boss.

But at the next moment.

The super-giant dinosaur, which originally seemed to have more air and less air, had already shuddered and quickly got up.

Because, it thought that it would be like that night again, because it was hungry and smelled the scent of food to find food.

However, the owner of the food mentioned it in the cold high altitude, tossing around as if it were a ball, and throwing himself like a ball.

Sometimes it misses due to ‘various’ reasons, and the scene where it falls heavily to the ground is not only a chill.

The pain of that day, it doesn't want to try again.

Even though it has thick skin and thick flesh, it can't stand it!

Falling from the mid-air of hundreds of meters, it can't stand much damage, but from two hundred meters? How about 500 meters in the sky?

It is considered good if it does not fall into a serious internal injury or become afraid of heights.

Therefore, it ignored the pain on its body and immediately climbed up.

Although, because of its rough skin and thick flesh, it didn't suffer much damage.

And watching the super huge dinosaur climbed up again, Zhang Xiang also grumbled, and landed on its head again.

"Really, it's uncomfortable not to fight. If you feel uncomfortable not to fight, just say it. My hands are a little itchy recently, and I still lack a sandbag." Zhang Xiang said threatening words while saying Lie down again.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the super huge dinosaur couldn't help but shudder, showing an expression even uglier than crying.

However, it did not dare to refute the slightest.

Because it knew that if it rebutted it, Zhang Xiang would really be hitting it as a sandbag.

By that time, its fate was already predictable.

If it serves as a sandbag, it may really become a ‘sandbag’ at that time. Well, the outside is still intact, but the inside is completely broken into a ‘sandbag’ that has been broken into minced meat.

Thinking of this one, not only did it straighten up immediately, but it also didn't act unscrupulously like before, making a ‘bang’ sound.

Seeing the movements of that super huge dinosaur, Zhang Xiang nodded in satisfaction.

And at this moment, the ‘Hatchling’ Doudou who went out to hunt for food also came back, hovering his body and falling towards the head of the super huge dinosaur.

It’s just that, looking at the falling "Hatchling" Doudou, a super huge dinosaur that hasn’t been full for a long time, I can’t help but feel a longing. The eyes that looked at the “Hatchling Doudou” are fast. It turned out to be watching a roast duck flying down from the sky.

Think about it again, on top of my head, there will be a big bird that can't beat it, yet so heavy.

That super huge dinosaur can't help but feel a sense of evil growing on the guts.

Although, it does not know that this word is right.

However, at this moment, a voice rang in its ears.

"Oh, just looking for death is not enough. Now it doesn't take long after the fight is finished, is the skin itchy again?" Zhang Xiang's words full of ridicule sounded in his ears.

In the next instant, it suddenly remembered, it seemed that this big bird was on the same road as the ‘fierce and evil’ guy above its head.

Moreover, the relationship is pretty good.

If it starts...

Well, it is already imaginable when it was lying on the fire and being suddenly grilled.

Thinking of this, it shuddered suddenly, bowed its head obediently, and walked forward along the road designated by Zhang Xiang.

At the same time, the "Baby Bird" Doudou fell on its head without any hindrance.

The body, which was close to ten tons, landed on its head, causing its head to sink slightly, feeling a burst of discomfort.

Moreover, from a distance, a big yellow bird resembling a large duck landed on a super huge dinosaur about sixty meters high. It was as strange as it looked.

However, the super huge dinosaur did not show any expression of dissatisfaction.

Because it deeply knows what the consequences will be if the expression of dissatisfaction is leaked out.

Even after it persisted for a while, it still got used to it.

‘Just treat it as exercise...’ It comforts itself so inwardly.

Well, it used to be thousands of kilometers outside the dark continent of Megatron, and all the creatures in the range were used as food.

There are only a few creatures in the periphery that can threaten the super huge dinosaur. I don't know when it has become a poor guy who can only comfort himself psychologically and use Ah Q's victory method to comfort him.

However, Zhang Xiang's journey on this super huge dinosaur was only able to reach the outer boundary in the end.

After going deep into the Dark Continent for about 3,000 kilometers, they finally came to the boundary between the inland area and the outer sea area of ​​the Dark Continent.

And across the boundary between the inland and the open sea, it is a lava river that is about a few minutes long, but is also a thousand meters wide. It seems to be a lava river that surrounds the entire inland area...

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