Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1976: , The green ocean!

After talking about these things, Zhang Xiang and Phnom Penh began to study the mysterious door. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

But it is a pity that no matter what experiment the two went through, they were unable to open this door.

As for relying on brute force, the two of them were afraid of destroying this kind of gate with great research value, and gave up.

In desperate circumstances, Zhang Xiang had to display his mental perception to observe this door carefully.

But this time, perhaps because Zhang Xiang's mental level was high enough, he felt a slight difference.

"This kind of weak power flowing above the gate?" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly.

Because he could feel the power flowing above the gate, but it was similar to the existence that used Thunder to attack him remotely.

After thinking of this, Zhang Xiang immediately asked Jin next to him his own question.

"By the way, Jin, during this period of time when you came to the World Tree, have you seen any creatures that can use Thunder to attack remotely?" Zhang Xiang explained his question while explaining to the other party. a bit.

When he came to this dark continent, he was attacked remotely by an unknown force using a mirror made from the cocoon of the colorful egg.

By the way, he was also told about the fact that he was attacked by a magma monster halfway.

Of course, he didn't mention how powerful the magma monster was, nor did he talk about the four-star dragon ball and two devil fruits.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Jin also frowned.

"After entering the Dark Continent, I was attacked. and, in the process of coming, were you still attacked by special monsters? It's really strange. I came here, but only suffered ordinary It’s just a biological attack, and I haven’t suffered from these mysterious attacks. Does this force think you will hinder them? Moreover, it’s not a day or two for me to come here to study. It is true that you have not encountered a creature that can use related powers, and you are sure that the opponent is on the world tree, is it hidden in the higher end of the world tree, or their hiding skills are very good..." Jin Mo He pressed his chin and began to think.

"However, if it's the last one. I'm afraid, I have to start to be more vigilant now." Jin's face gradually became serious.

There is a force that can pose a certain threat to Zhang Xiang hidden here, and he came into contact with Zhang Xiang again.

It is hard to guarantee that he is not the next target.

Moreover, the other party is obviously a hidden existence, and its purpose is worth considering.

"Yes, you need to be more vigilant!" Zhang Xiang nodded and said.

Although the other party's attack does not pose any threat to him.

However, for the "baby bird" Doudou, or Jin who has not raised his vigilance, he must be careful.

After all, if there is no gold shipped with ‘read’, it can only be regarded as a very strong human being.

Although, with Jin, who has superb thought ability and terrifying sixth sense, it is not easy for others to sneak attack on him.

However, being vigilant now is better than being frantic when being attacked, and you may even be hit hard!

However, just as the two were talking, something unexpected happened.

Maybe it's curious about what's in front of you, or maybe there is some mysterious power that is attracting the "Hatchling" Doudou.

It turned out to be close to the direction of the metal gate when Zhang Xiang was talking to Jin and sneakily observed the lines on it.

In addition, he surreptitiously stretched out his wings and gently pushed the door.

And it was this push that changed things.

It was just a light push, and the door was already slowly opened in the sound of the heavy grinding stone.


"that is?"

Zhang Xiang and Jin both exclaimed.

And as if knowing that I did something wrong, or I felt something was wrong.

When the gate was open, the "Baby Bird" Doudou quickly avoided Zhang Xiang with extremely flexible movements.

Imagine a big bird about eight meters tall, hiding behind a human being just over 1.7 meters tall, and showing a cautious look. What a scene?

But unfortunately, no one is paying attention to this now.

Everyone looked in the direction of the metal door that was gradually opening.

As the door opened, wisps of green light began to radiate from it.

This made Zhang Xiang and Jin couldn't help being more vigilant.

Even if it is something ancient humans used to escape, it is not necessarily without danger.

Not to mention, the green light reminds people of the contents of the fourth mural.

The World Tree relied on the green light scattered from the canopy of the tree to change the entire continent, including the weather within 10,000 miles outside the continent, in a short span of time.

With such a green light, people can't help but think of the idea that the World Tree knew that they had peeped through its plan and was ready to kill them.

Even Zhang Xiang became vigilant secretly, and the various forces in his body began to converge.

Even he was ready to use the little divine power in his body at any time to expand the realm of God.

After experiencing the creation of the world, his control of many things has gone further.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't get nervous wherever he went.

Even if such a behemoth knew of their strategy to break it, it would take a considerable amount of time for it to wake up from its sleep at all costs.

Although he was in a state of heyday, he could support and destroy the opponent on a continent at will, but Zhang Xiang, who was currently in a damaged state and had to take into account the world's binding force, was not yet an opponent.

However, I want to run away before the opponent is fully awake, or even kill the opponent.

Zhang Xiang is still quite sure.

However, the development of the matter was somewhat unexpected to Zhang Xiang and Jin.

After that door was completely opened, what was displayed was not an expected attack, nor was it the kind of green energy that could change the climate.

It's a green ocean.

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