Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1978: ,Army attack!

However, facing Jin's astonishment, Zhang Xiang showed an expression of eccentricity.

"Of course, if you can't breathe, can I still invite you to explore this place? If you just hold your breath, you can hold it for ten minutes at most. In ten minutes, how can I find what I want? Looking for something." Zhang Xiang rolled his eyes and said.

And after he finished speaking, he started talking on his own.

"When I first explored, I had already confirmed that the liquid inside is filled with a lot of oxygen. Although ordinary humans have difficulty breathing inside, for people with stronger lung functions, After being familiar with it for a while, you will be familiar immediately. Moreover, the liquid in it is filled with pure oxygen, and there are no other impurities. After being familiar with it, you will feel very comfortable, even the strength It seems to be bigger, giving people a sense of spirit and excitement." Zhang Xiang controlled his body and moved forward, while explaining to Jin behind him.

Behind him, Jin and "Hiddy" Doudou followed closely behind.

After listening to Zhang Xiang's explanation, Jin's face couldn't help showing a suddenly realized expression.

Of course, if Zhang Xiang was talking to him about the composition of tissue fluid, as well as cell walls, organelles and other things.

Then, Jin will definitely show circles.

After all, although Jin is very good at ruins and battles.

But he still has no formal education.

And the science and technology tree of this world is obviously a bit crooked. Although there are some high-end things like nuclear bombs, the basic knowledge is not popular enough.

With regard to biology, even many doctors are confused. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Many times, some Zhang Xiang's original world is common sense, and as long as he has received compulsory education, he would know the knowledge, but most people in this world are not clear about it.

After talking about this, Zhang Xiang and others also began to wander quickly toward the depths of this green ocean.

Of course, Zhang Xiang still marked this space coordinate at the original gate for safety.

But Jin and "Baby" Doudou followed closely behind.

"Baby" Doudou has given full play to its original talent for fishing in the ocean, like a giant swimming fish, swimming in the green ocean fast.

The speed is not only comparable to that of Zhang Xiang, who uses magic to push him forward, but also slightly better in flexibility.

And Jin finally showed his mind ability.

Without the worry of lack of oxygen, he used his mind ability to form an outer layer of mind outside of his body, turning himself into a submarine-like existence, and rammed straight up.

"Change system?" Zhang Xiang asked Jin unexpectedly.

However, the Jin wrapped in the thought layer raised his index finger and shook it.

"No, but, what is it? This is a secret. For now, you think of me as a power-enhancing system. Because, I can imitate it as long as I have been attacked by the strike system. Eight or nine are not separated from ten, this is my talent," Jin Yao said with a mysterious smile.

And listening to Jin's unwillingness to reveal his ability to read, Zhang Xiang stopped exploring.

"En." Zhang Xiang nodded.

Then, the three of them fell into the silence of the journey.

However, fortunately, the surrounding green is full of mysterious green oceans, giving them a way to pass the time.

Facing the green ocean that they had never seen before, everyone looked around in a curious manner.

But it is a pity that the clean green tissue fluid all around is just a little darker in color.

But just after they advanced more than ten miles, the situation finally changed.

In the green ocean, something different finally appeared.

In front of them, a large number of grid-like translucent things finally appeared, and there was a thin membrane-like thing inside, and a large number of unknown organelles appeared in this thin membrane.

Of course, thinness is only relative to the huge cell wall.

It's hard to imagine that a thing like a cell can now be viewed with the naked eye.

You know, Zhang Xiang's previous life, the largest cell in the natural world, is also somewhat difficult to observe with the naked eye.

Not to mention, the organelles in it were spied on.

However, in this world, the mysterious nature has magnified everything hundreds or thousands of times to the point where people can observe it.

However, when these cells were observed, trouble came.

A large group of pale green unknown creatures surged toward this side like a sea tide.

"Well, what is that?" Jin opened his eyes wide and looked into the distance.

"Well, probably because of our invasion, the world tree itself derives something to destroy us. After all, even ordinary trees will deal with themselves if they are invaded by viruses, let alone the world tree." Zhang Xiang some Said indifferently.

"So, let's not run away?" Jin said with a blue face looking at the pale green creature with a number of at least ten thousand, wandering over.

"You think I don't want to go. It's because we can't go if we want to." Zhang Xiang turned around and pointed to Jin's back.

Jin also turned his head to look at it immediately.

I saw a large group of pale green creatures, and I don't know when they also wandered from behind.

Not only behind, but also basically everything.

In a word from the League of Legends, that means that the enemy has already attacked the entire army.

"What should I do now?!" Jin said with a blue face looking at the total, at least a hundred thousand light green army, and gritted his teeth at Zhang Xiang who was indifferent.

"What else can I do?! Fight back!" Zhang Xiang said indifferently, with a hint of warfare on his face.

After listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Jin almost didn't jump up and choke Zhang Xiang to death.

Because he just looked at Zhang Xiang with a relaxed look, thinking that Zhang Xiang has a solution!

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a bad idea.

However, there is really no other way.

"Alright!" Jin's face turned into pig liver color, and he nodded reluctantly.

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