Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1981: , Capture the core of the world tree and kill the demon!

After approaching the core of the world tree, the core part of the energy crystal also began to gradually decompose, turning into the core of the world tree for pure energy supply.

But at a time, Zhang Xiang changed the texture into the energy core of the spatial texture.

The outer shell of the energy crystal was finally decomposed, revealing the spatial pattern in the center.

And, at the moment of contact with the surrounding energy, a bright light came.

"This is the time!" A glimmer of light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

At the same time, his figure disappeared in the same place in less than a ten thousandth of a second.


A huge and incomparable mental fluctuation suddenly burst out from the core of the world tree, and it was about to stir up the peripheral mental power like the ocean to fight back.

But at the next moment.

That huge and incomparable mental fluctuation suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Affected by this, the mental ocean outside was turbulent for a while, but it calmed down again.

But right at the core of the World Tree, Zhang Xiang's figure was standing in front of it.

He stretched out one of his right hands and pressed it virtually on the core of the dark green world tree, and a golden film wrapped the core of the dark green world tree.

No matter what violent fluctuations erupted inside, they were still unmoved.

It was like Zhang Xiang completely suppressed the core of the world tree. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, there was a wry smile on Zhang Xiang's face.

"Is the estimation wrong... The World Tree, it is indeed the World Tree..." Zhang Xiang said with a wry smile, unable to even move his body.

Because, most of his current power is used to suppress the crazy counterattack of the core of the world tree.

And his current posture is also a bit miserable.

Not only was golden blood flowing from his nostrils, but even his eyes and ears were flowing with golden blood.

It can be said that he is almost bleeding now.

Because the huge and incomparable mental fluctuation that just broke out in the world shocked his lungs.

"However, fortunately, it was suppressed!" Zhang Xiang said with a light sigh.

Zhang Xiang felt that the core of the world tree was being gradually eroded by his own power, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At the same time, the strong resilience of his body started to work at this time.

It was just a moment, and the damage inside his body had already been repaired seven or eight.

However, it can only recover to seven or eight.

Because, the remaining injury was not because of his lack of resilience or lack of time, but the spiritual power of the World Tree still remaining in his body, so he could not fully recover.

And this does not affect Zhang Xiang's strength.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang closed his eyes slightly and began to change his mental fluctuations, slowly blending his mental power into the huge spiritual ocean around him, and slowly began to accept this. A huge spiritual force has come.

If the core of the World Tree had not been suppressed by Zhang Xiang, and Zhang Xiang had not been able to erode a part of the core of the World Tree and supply it for himself.

Then, he absolutely can't mobilize this huge ocean of spirit, it is already very good if it is not backed up.

However, after having the above two conditions.

Zhang Xiang initially possessed the ability to command this spiritual ocean.

With the gradual change and integration of Zhang Xiang's mental power, Zhang Xiang felt a burst of warmth beginning to continue to come. Even if he closed his eyes, his mental power did not spread out.

However, along with the expansion of the spiritual ocean he can control.

As if ignoring the boundaries of space and time, he began to observe everything in this world.

First of all, the World Tree itself has begun to be seen through by Zhang Xiang, just like the "fuckling" Doudou who was forced to the root of the tree, and it has already relied on unknown means to retreat to the golden gate at the gate. , Are all clearly seen by him.

Of course, the things contained in the huge body of the World Tree were also clearly seen by him.

Many mysteries began to be revealed in front of Zhang Xiang.

Some things even made Zhang Xiang feel amazed.

Then, Zhang Xiang began to start from the trunk of the World Tree, and his spiritual consciousness began to radiate along the roots rooted in the ground and the canopy that supported beyond the atmosphere.

The forests that grow on the branches of the World Tree, huge birds, strange-shaped creatures, super-large beetles like a building, and huge fleshy insects that can form colorful eggs, all kinds of different scenery constantly appear in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

Even, his gaze penetrated through the canopy of the atmosphere, and he began to observe the boundless starry sky.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang's mouth suddenly showed a smile.

"Found it! That guy who sneaked on me!" Zhang Xiang's mouth showed a sneer, and he noticed the world tree about a thousand kilometers above the ground.

In that place, there is a tree hole.

And in that tree hole, there is a strange growth, like a legendary demon. It is used for sharp teeth and sharp mouth. The skin is all black, and the height is about three meters. Very stout creature.

However, Zhang Xiang clearly remembered that the monster that used Thunder to sneak attack him was for the convenience.

"Then, goodbye!" The sneer at the corner of Zhang Xiang's mouth suddenly became cruel.

At the same time, just as Zhang Xiang's spirit moved, it caused a slight fluctuation in the huge ocean of spirit.

A terrifying pressure instantly appeared in the tree hole, suppressing the monster's body.

In the next instant, the demon-like monster that could use the thunder was already silently turned into powder and disappeared in this world.

The whole process was silent and silent.

Even the birds falling on the branches outside were not alarmed.

The power of the world tree is so terrifying!

No, it should not be said that it is the power of the World Tree, but it should be said that it is half the power of Gaia!

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