Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1988: , Mirage Brigade!

However, just when Xiaojie and others came back to their senses and wanted to find Zhang Xiang. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

He already didn't know where he was going.

At this time, Zhang Xiang naturally went to the side of the underground auction where the gangs gathered.

However, the underground auction was actually held in a building.

Moreover, it was held in a tall building with more than one hundred floors.

Of course, since the time has not yet arrived, what is being held now is a banquet.

However, when Zhang Xiang wanted to enter this building, he was blocked.

Because he was not dressed in a suit and had no invitation, he was stopped by the bodyguard at the door.

Moreover, it is the entrance of the building, not the entrance of the banquet.

Oh, I almost forgot to say that the building where the underground auction was held was completely expropriated at this time.

In other words, the entire building is the gang's sphere of influence, and it is almost impossible for outsiders to enter.

But is this a problem for Zhang Xiang?

Zhang Xiang just glanced at the opponent casually when he came up to stop him, and gave the opponent a low-level illusion. He already swaggered towards the banquet scene before the underground auction hall.

However, he didn't come to see an underground auction or a banquet.

Because the auction held at this venue tonight, as well as the banquet that has not yet been held, is doomed to fail.

What he wanted to see was the members of the brigade. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Of course, one of the purposes is to get in for a bite to eat, and to see what the gang banquet is like.

Heh heh, I won't tell you, he came here because he was hungry and remembered that he had a free dinner here.

And relying on the illusion that can be performed with just a thought, Zhang Xiang came to the banquet scene without any hindrance.

Of course, because I didn't wear a suit.

When I entered the banquet on the first day of the new year, there were many strange eyes staring at him. The eyes were also very complicated, with contempt, doubt, and surprise.

However, Zhang Xiang completely ignored the eyes of these guys.

After all, no matter how weird their eyes were, it wouldn't hurt him.

Not to mention, those ones are about to die, so what if you let them despise them?

Then, Zhang Xiang walked to the table in front of those guys' gazes, and started the meal on his own.

However, accompanied by Zhang Xiang's dinner.

Although the look of contempt has increased a lot, but it has not happened that any brain-disabled guy came over to mock him.

This makes Zhang Xiang a little disappointed.

Because he still wants to teach the next two brain-disabled guys.

However, it is normal to think about it again.

The guys who can come to the underground auction held by the world gangs are either the bosses of the big gangs or some famous gangsters.

Of course, there are quite a few third-rate and second-rate stars brought to the scene.

These guys are scheming guys.

Even if Zhang Xiang is not pleasing to the eye, they will not do it casually, but will do it after investigating the details.

In addition, Zhang Xiang did not come in in a suit that was pre-determined, which made them mistakenly think that Zhang Xiang was a special character.

After all, the bodyguard at the gate will not let anyone in without invitations.

However, if they let Zhang Xiang know about their ideas, he would probably laugh more.

Because, he didn't have an invitation, he just swaggered in directly relying on illusion.

And after discovering that there are no heroes to save the beauty, or the second generation of gangsters with brain damage, Zhang Xiang began to eat and drink.

Of course, in addition to eating for himself, Zhang Xiang will not forget the "baby bird" Doudou standing on his shoulders.

Even more, most of the food has entered the belly of "Baby" Doudou.

This is because the size of the "Chuckling" Doudou has been reduced to this.

However, its appetite has not diminished in the slightest.

As far as Zhang Xiang can see, even if the food that can be provided for hundreds of people at this banquet is removed, I am afraid it will only be half-filled for the "baby bird" Doudou.

However, just after Zhang Xiang swept the food on the two tables, the surrounding gang members looked at Zhang Xiang in amazement.

The plot of the original book has already happened.

The guys in the brigade have already begun to act.

The nine spider members dressed as gang members walked onto the big stage of the banquet in a gaze that everyone did not understand.

"Everyone..." Fei Tan, wearing a black suit, walked to the front of the big stage, picked up the microphone and said that, attracting everyone's attention.

And behind him stood eight people including Wojin, Xiaodi, Nobunaga, Parker Nottan, March, Knight, Finks, and Franklin.

"Please die!" Feitan said with a smile on his face.

And it was in the next moment that Franklin, who was standing behind him, used his mind without hesitation.

"Two-handed machine gun!"

A steady stream of bullets shot out from Franklin's ten fingers and blasted toward the audience.

And at the moment when Fei Tan said'please go to death', someone had already reacted and flew directly to one side to avoid it, or directly grabbed the people around him and blocked him. In front of you.

How could these gang bosses and subordinates who were killed from the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain have not experienced the incident of being attacked?

However, it is useless, their actions like this are destined to be useless.

The Nian bullets blasted from Franklin's **** were like armor-piercing bullets, directly piercing everything that was blocked in front of him, and hitting the target directly.

Whether it was the guys hiding behind the stone pillars, or the guys who used their own people as a shield, they were all shot into a sieve.

After ten seconds, when Franklin stopped shooting, his hands were in smoke.

Except for Zhang Xiang, no one was standing in the court.

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