Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 12001: , Crazy Swipe The Island of Greed End!

Yes, other uses. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

That is to buy cards from other players.

As for why Zhang Xiang can use the island of greed, this kind of money that can't be circulated in the outside world to buy cards in the hands of players.

This is related to the division of hunter levels.

Before the bomb Demon Ganshu gathered most of the people on the island and used his ability to kill them.

On the island, there are actually many poor hunters.

Yes, hunter.

However, these hunters are basically pseudo-hunters who have not obtained a hunter's license, and even only think so little.

Because their ability is not enough, they can't make enough capital to supply their lives in the island of greed.

At most, it is just to feed yourself.

Because, if you want to make enough money on the island, you have to participate in the plot and the game from time to time.

But in their hands, there are a few guys who hold a lot of cards.

Although, it is not necessarily a rare card.

However, among them, there must be a part of the ordinary cards that Zhang Xiang currently lacks.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang started thinking about using the money in his hands, which can be said to be waste paper, to buy the cards they lacked.

In fact, this method is also feasible.

During the few days when Zhang Xiang stayed at Masadora, he had collected more than a dozen ordinary cards that he didn't have at all, as well as cards above Grade A.

What makes Zhang Xiang even more happy is that he actually acquired two cards above the A level during such an acquisition.

This was an unexpected surprise.

However, the remaining twenty or so A-level cards, as well as S-level and even SS-level cards, will have to be discovered by Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't feel bored.

Knowing that he couldn't collect the cards he wanted, Zhang Xiang embarked on a journey to find A-level cards and S-level cards.

Fortunately, although it sounds like A and S levels are difficult, it looks like a nightmare mode.

But in fact, this is just a game for training junior hunters, and the difficulty is not set too hard at all.

On the contrary, as long as you take it seriously, plus a little ability, you can easily get A-level cards and S-level cards.

During this process, Zhang Xiang had a very happy life.

Because he saw many things beyond his imagination.

This place is like a super-large paradise. When encountering something, there is either a story or something interesting, which makes people feel like lingering.

It made Zhang Xiang a little bit happy.

In some levels, he deliberately used the transformation technique to become another person to experience one more time.

If it weren't for Zhang Xiang, he still remembered that some cards are limited in number.

So, he actually maxed out the cards of certain levels.

But unfortunately, if Zhang Xiang maxed out all the cards, wouldn't the next Xiaojie and others be able to get the cards?

You know, because Zhang Xiang recalled the original work, he knew about this game on the island of greed.

In essence, it was just a game developed by Jin to exercise Xiaojie.

Of course, this has something to do with him meeting a group of like-minded people who want to make an interesting game.

But it is undeniable that the first point is what Jin is considering.

Since this is something people use to exercise his son, and he and Jin are friends, it is inconvenient for him to hinder people from training his son.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang felt very interesting in some levels.

However, it did not go to max out these levels.

But even so, Zhang Xiang had already collected most of the cards after half a month.

However, Zhang Xiang's collection of cards is far more than the two hundred in the original book, but he has more than three hundred.

This made Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling that the imagination of Jin and the others was really rich!

I can imagine so many cards with different effects.

There are more than three hundred different cards, but most of them are cards with interesting effects, which is hard for ordinary people to think of.

Moreover, among these three hundred kinds of different cards, there are many cards with incredible effects. This is the key thing.

Although, on the island of this greedy island.

Because of the very special position, he was born with the effect of enhancing the ability of thinking, and was fully utilized by Jin and others.

But in fact, if you want to have such a strong effect, you must first have relevant abilities in it.

And Jin and the others were able to collect so many thought abilities, which is enough to see how powerful Jin and the others are.

After finishing these crazy card collection tasks, Zhang Xiang temporarily found a place to stay, temporarily transferring all his energy to the core of the refining world tree.

After all, if Zhang Xiang's tree clone acts outside, it will affect part of his energy.

As a result, the tester of the game on the island of greed, and the companions who made the game with Jin Yi, found that something was wrong. It seemed that a large number of cards were gathered, and some levels were obviously repeated by the same person. Several times.

Zhang Xiang's tree clone had already melted into the root of the World Tree that quietly protruded from below, and returned to his own body.

And time, also quietly disappeared under this situation.

During this period, Zhang Xiang observed many things he had never seen before through the roots of the World Tree that spread throughout the Hunter World, enriching himself with a lot of knowledge.

Even he was still in the Dark Continent and observed a passage connecting with another world.

However, when the World Tree had not been completely refined by him, Zhang Xiang did not test it.

Because he already saw it.

The other world connected by that channel is probably a subsidiary world of this main world, just like the Digimon world.

Of course, during this period, Zhang Xiang also observed Xiaojie and others fighting with the explosive demon Ganshu in real time.

Of course, if you oppose the son of Qiyun who is favored by Qiyun, you are doomed to fail.

In the end, Bomb Demon Ganshu was knocked down by Xiaojie's fist of friendship, breaking the face!

However, after Xiaojie and others defeated Gan Shu, Zhang Xiang didn't stop monitoring the opponent.

After all, in his previous life, he saw it as an old full-time hunter.

Although Zhang Xiang knew that the hateful rich old thief had already drawn the ants before crossing, but because Zhang Xiang didn't like to read comics, he didn't know the subsequent development.

So, this time he plans to take a good look at the next development.

Of course, Zhang Xiang also wants to know.

What kind of expression will Jin, a arrogant, shy guy with the attributes of a small offense and a weaker, look like when he meets his son!

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