Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2008: Catwoman Meow

Ten minutes after entering the capital of the Republic of Eastern Gorda, everyone rushed from the periphery to a place not far from the palace. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

This is a delicate distance!

Because, a thought power full of evil is covering the entire palace.

"What is this one?" Mo Laowu, who was carrying a big smoking gun, changed his face suddenly.

"Circle, the circle that envelops the entire palace!" With an airplane-shaped explosive head, Take Kusu, his face was full of shock, and his words trembled.

However, no wonder he was so shocked.

Because, in the Hunter Continent, the guy who can use the circle to cover a ten-meter radius of his own is already a guy who can make a difference.

And being able to cover a place with a radius of fifty meters is already a top-notch player.

If it is like Qi Ya's grandfather, who can cover a circle with a radius of three hundred meters, he is already considered a top average hunter.

And the one in front of it, which covers at least a few kilometers in diameter, can only be described by the word incredible.

And feeling the thoughts full of evil nature, everyone can no longer be described as shocked, and some people even begin to collapse in their psychology.

Just like the original work, wearing a suit and possessing a'four-dimensional apartment', you can arrange entrances and exits where you arrive to lead to the room you created. The door in the room can only be opened by your own master key. , Even the psychological defense line began to collapse a bit.

Don't forget, mind is transformed from the essence of life, and is inherently powerful against the human body.

Just the pressure of an ordinary hunter's mind can directly oppress an ordinary person, but Nifei Pido's mind is not only full of oppression, but also full of an unspeakable evil atmosphere, naturally very easily It can disintegrate people's psychological defenses. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Even Xiaojie and Qiya, who had not experienced Kate's death, struggled to exercise and fight, and had not improved much in their thinking ability, were a little trembling at this time.

But fortunately, Xiaojie and Qiya, who had already experienced the evil spirit of Nifei Pido before, finally survived.

As for Nob, who possesses the ‘four-dimensional apartment’ ability, he also managed to survive with his rich combat experience.

However, I just don't know that he can't stand the impact of Yupi, who has a more violent impact, that kind of thought full of oppression.

You know, in the original work, he was directly impacted physically and mentally by Yupi's reading.

But no matter what, everyone still started to rush inside.

Not surprisingly to Zhang Xiang, it was the first time Zhang Xiang and others rushed into the palace.

A Jiao Fitness shadow standing on the top of the palace in the distance suddenly stepped on the tiles on the top of the palace from two kilometers away, squatted down, exploded with explosive power from his feet, and turned his body into a person. An afterimage suddenly rushed towards Zhang Xiang and the others.

That speed has already broken through to the speed of sound.

Visible to the naked eye, waves of air were oppressed to the extreme ripples, waved to the surroundings.

It was just a moment, and the opponent had already rushed in front of everyone.

At this moment, President Nitro, who was originally like an ordinary old man, gave a violent shout.


Without his prompting, all the people felt the evil thoughts moving forward quickly, and the goal was still their own place, and they had already spread out suddenly.

But at the moment when everyone dispersed, a vague afterimage suddenly impacted.

Amidst a loud bang, it hit the ground and shook out a hole in the extremely hard stone ground.

At this time, the continuous rumbling sound that broke through the speed of sound was considered to dissipate to the surroundings, causing the surrounding air to oscillate. A gust of wind waved and swept away the smoke and dust caused by the opponent's landing. , Revealing the figure of the catwoman Nifi Peter.

However, her appearance at this time is very cool.

"Are you here to die? It seems that I can have more toys again!" Catwoman Niffey Peto tilted her head, her face was full of cruel smiles, her eyes flashed with evil purple light, her body exuded With a heavy sense of oppression, she said to President Nitro and others in front of her.

Suddenly, a heavy pressure was applied to their bodies instantly, making them feel scared.

Even some people have the idea of ​​shrinking.

However, under the close oppression of this evil thought force, some people still did not respond.

That was like a withered tree trunk, the hunter president Nitro, who did not exude any aura, Mo Lao Wu frowned slightly, Jin with a serious look on his face.

Facing such a strong person in front of them, although they were a little surprised, they did not have the slightest fear.

Even Xiaojie and Qi Ya have gradually adapted to each other's evil thoughts.

This surprised Zhang Xiang a little bit.

‘Should it be said, are they worthy of being the protagonists who have only one qualification among thousands of people? Zhang Xiang thought a little surprised and enviously.

If he had such a good aptitude at the beginning, the road behind would be easier.

Don't think that Zhang Xiang's strength has improved so quickly, that is, he has good qualifications.

It was nothing but the legacy of his mighty life. (The various help of the system, the help of the endless soul, and all kinds of opportunities. In general, it is the addition of the residual luck of the previous life.)

His actual talent is not too good.

But immediately, Zhang Xiang shook his head and smiled.

‘How can I have this kind of mind? After reaching a certain level, talent is already unimportant. The important thing is accumulation and luck! Zhang Xiang said in his heart, correcting his mentality.

And immediately, he said.

"Hello, we are seeing each other again." Zhang Xiang walked out of the crowd in a slightly ridiculous tone, and said hello to the catwoman Nifi Pido.

And it was this greeting that made the strong figure of the catwoman Nifei Petuo that had just been erected, but it collapsed in an instant.

"Ah! Why are you? Meow!" The moment when the catwoman Nifei Petuo saw Zhang Xiang, the hair on her tail stood up, as if she was annoyed by a cat, staring at Zhang Xiang, revealing An expression of wishing to cut Zhang Xiang a thousand swords.

This sudden change, especially when the catwoman Nifi Pido was nervous, and finally exclaimed: The situation when'meow' came, even more so that the originally tense atmosphere suddenly became misty and rainy. Broke up.

Even, there are people who are surprised in their hearts, it seems that the other party is not very vicious, this kind of naive idea.

Of course, this kind of naive thought is that only Xiaojie and Qi Ya will come out.

After seeing the oppressive evil thoughts of the other people, they already know that the other party is definitely not a good one.

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