Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2032: , Only, nothing!

"Wang, Wang"

After coming out of the card, the silver dog was obviously very lively, and he wagged his tail towards Zhang Xiang and the others. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, seeing the silver dog appearing alive in front of them, Xiaokong and Miyu were obviously taken aback, and their bodies shrank back.

"This, this is..." Xiaokong looked at the silver dog that suddenly appeared in front of him with some fear, and couldn't help stepping back a few steps and asked.

"Yeah, uncle, this is just..." Meiyu was bold. Although she stepped back a few steps at first, she poked her head and looked at it carefully.

However, watching the silver dog turned his head, he cast his gaze in Zhang Xiang's direction.

However, Mei Yu couldn't help but shrank and hid beside Zhang Xiang.

"This is what I told you, the new partner of the Ten Guards." Zhang Xiang said with a smile on his face, taking a look at Xiaokong and Meiyu who were afraid to move forward.

However, Xiao Kong was a little anxious.

"I didn't ask this one, what I asked was why it appeared suddenly. Could it be that it is a ghost, a ghost..." Xiaokong still showed a look of fear on his face, as he said, I was already too scared, and hid behind Zhang Xiang.

But listening to Xiaokong's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help being a little bit joking.

Because Xiao Kong is most afraid of things like ghosts.

And listening to Xiao Kong's words, Mei Yu poked her head out to look at it.

"A ghost?!" Meiyu widened her eyes and looked in the direction of the silver dog, as if she wanted to tell if the other party was a ghost.

Because the two sisters, Xiaokong and Miyu, have completely different personalities.

Xiao Kong prefers quiet places, has a quieter personality, and is easier to be shy.

On the other hand, Mei Yu likes to participate in some activities, and her personality is more lively and generous.

"Don't worry, this is not a ghost, but a living creature. This is a precious dog called the Silver Dog. As for how it came, didn't you just see it? It's me It's changed. This is magic." Zhang Xiang explained to Xiaokong with a smile on his face.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Xiao Kong was a little relieved.

"Isn't it a ghost?" Xiaokong said, patting his chest.

However, Miyu came with a disappointed expression.

"Ah, it's not a ghost!"

"Miyu! Do you like seeing ghosts so much? Ghosts, but a very terrifying thing!" Xiaokong seemed to recall something, but his hands were tightly held, with a nervous look on his face Come.

"Hehe, elder sister, you are still afraid of ghosts as you were when you were a kid." A smile appeared on Meiyu's face and said to Xiaokong.

"That's not it!" Xiao Kong placed his hands, stepped back, blushing, and shook his head suddenly.

"So, who was shocked just after hearing the two words ghost?" Meiyu said aggressively with a smile like a little devil.

"No, no! When you were young and young, you were more scared than me! Once after watching a horror movie, I was so scared that I didn't dare to go to the bathroom. I went with you!" Xiaokong was a little bit'angry into anger' by Miyu's step-by-step pressure, and suddenly burst out Miyu's black history.

"Also, when you were four years old, you didn't pee at night because you watched a cartoon with ghosts..." The more Xiaokong said, the more things he remembered, he continued to plan to get upset. Miwa's black history comes.

However, listening to her sister's plan to explode her darkest history, Miyu hurriedly ran to stop him.

"Sister! Uncle is still here!" Meiyu blushed and suddenly covered her sister's mouth.

However, her dark history is destined to be hidden.

"Ah, elder sister, do you still wet the bed when you were four? Ashamed, I didn't wet the bed when I was 3 years old," Xiao Xiao said with a proud expression.

And listening to Xiao Chi's words, Mei Yu's face couldn't help but flushed even more.

"Ah, elder sister, I blame you. In Xiao Hina's heart, I have become an incompetent elder sister!" Mei Yu blushed with some dissatisfaction and complained to her elder sister with a pouting mouth.

"You were the first to violent my dark history. If you hadn't talked about me first, I wouldn't have called you!" Xiaokong retorted weakly.

After all, Xiao Kong didn't like that kind of show off his record.

And listening to their words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but cough lightly.

"Well, it is normal for girls to be afraid of ghosts, and it is normal for everyone to wet the bed when they are young. Some children will occasionally wet the bed when they are five or six years old. So, you don't have to ..." Zhang Xiang intends to comfort them both.

However, when he was halfway through his words, it was the blushing Xiaokong and Miyu who had planned.


"……say no more!"

Xiaokong and Meiyu looked at each other, blushing and interrupted Zhang Xiang's words.

"Why?" Zhang Xiang touched his head somewhat unclearly.


"...Uncle is a big fool!"

Then, they blushed, snorted, turned their bodies to ignore Zhang Xiang.

Obviously, Zhang Xiang offended them again without knowing it.

After all, even the girl's yearbook is a secret, and it's something that a boy cannot know.

And the dark history of girls is even more a secret in secrets, how could they let Zhang Xiang, who they like, know.

And these things, they couldn't tell Zhang Xiangming.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang can only continue to be confused.

However, at this time.

Another thing is to attract everyone's attention.

In the words of Zhang Xiang, Xiaokong and others, the young bird was already out of Zhang Xiang's arms, and he didn't know where he went.

When she appeared again, she was already dragging a bag of dog food to the silver dog.

"Big dog, be good. You must be hungry, come on, give it to you." Xiao Chi took out a handful of dog food from the dog food bag that was torn open and handed it to The direction of the silver dog.

However, seeing this scene, Xiaokong and Miyu were a little nervous.

"Little chick, be careful!"

"Don't move, wait for the sisters to come."

Both Xiaokong and Miyu uttered tense words.

After all, the dog that the young chicks are feeding is not a miniature dog like Ten Guards, even if it grows to be as old as Ten Guards, there are still only miniature dogs less than fifty centimeters tall.

It's a medium-to-large dog with a height of one meter and two, standing up.

And the young bird is only one meter two tall now.

If that dog goes crazy, they can't imagine what will happen.

However, they have forgotten.

Will Zhang Xiang forget such an important thing?

He had already considered this long before he released the Silver Dog.

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