Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2035: , Communication with Gaia!

In the boundless starry sky, a large group of meteorites, like a river, is quickly approaching a blue planet. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

This is a meteorite with a length of more than 2,000 kilometers, ranging from fifteen kilometers per second to hundreds of kilometers.

In the river formed by this group of meteorites, meteorites are as small as a fist, and will burn out when they are close to the earth. They are also huge creatures with a diameter of one or two kilometers.

You know, the meteorite that caused the extinction of dinosaurs in the past was only ten kilometers in size.

If these one or two kilometers of meteorites fall on the ground, it may be possible to destroy a small country in an instant, or even change the global climate, so that it may return to the ice age.

It's just that, under the cover of so many dust-sized smoke and dust, a looming meteorite that does not know how big is hidden at the end of the meteorite pile.

And above the earth, in the starry sky, Zhang Xiang's body slowly floated into the air.

Then, he stopped rising.

After teaching a little bit of the unknown yellow creature that strayed into this area in the morning, as well as the two fighters, no one bothered him now.

The ethereal breath slowly escaped from Zhang Xiang's body and gradually merged into the surrounding space.

"It seems that this time, relying only on my current strength, I can't do it..." Zhang Xiang raised his head and looked at the traces of the meteorite group that gradually appeared in the starry sky.

Although, with his naked eyes, he couldn't feel how magnificent the meteorite group this time was, and he didn't know how much damage the meteorite group could cause.

However, through the spiritual power that spread beyond the starry sky, he has already detected that even the number of meteorites in the front is enough to cause at least three thousand meteorites to hit the surface of the earth.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiang also felt the aura of panic emanating from the earth itself in the face of danger from the aura that blended into the planet.

That is the rough Gaia consciousness formed by the confluence of the dim consciousness of the earth itself.

However, it is Gaia consciousness.

However, because the unity was not completed and the traces of the existence of the creatures on the planet were too short, it did not give birth to real Gaia consciousness.

Therefore, it only has instinctive power, and it can't even change the speed of the planet like the real Gaia that unifies the global power.

Therefore, in the face of such a crisis, it can only send out dangerous messages and can do nothing.

And the existence that can make the rough Gaia consciousness emit a crisis, that is, there must be a meteorite that can severely damage, and even destroy the earth.

This point, Zhang Xiang couldn't be more clear.

Because Gaia's consciousness is a global consciousness collection, not a consciousness collection of humans or simple creatures, but a consciousness collection of everything including inorganic matter.

If it were just a crisis of destroying most of the living things on the earth, the rough Gaia consciousness on the earth would not show such panic fluctuations.

For the earth, the destruction of dinosaurs is just a cycle of its long life.

At best, it can only be regarded as a minor injury, far from a serious injury or even destruction.

After all, dinosaurs are just a big family of the earth, oh, it's just part of the surface life.

And this time the crisis that can cause it to panic must be very huge.

"Then, let me take a look at what kind of crisis it is!" Zhang Xiang's mental power began to urge it with all its strength.

Under his urging, the powerful mental power began to catch the meteorite group ahead in a net shape.

Ten thousand miles, twenty thousand miles, thirty thousand miles!

After leaving the earth, Zhang Xiang's mental power only spreads a distance of 30,000 miles, and then it cannot be stored.

After all, although there is no material obstruction in the starry sky, the ubiquitous radiation and energy in the starry sky will interfere with his spiritual power.

Moreover, because the meteorite group is composed of a broken moon, there is no idea what minerals are wrapped in it, and dozens of mixed magnetic fields are scattered, but it seriously hinders Zhang Xiang's mental power.

Not to mention, he still spread out perception in a net-like manner.

However, Zhang Xiang is already doing very well.

Under these magnetic fields that can even distort the line of sight and mass, most of the countries on the earth are not as many as what he has detected.

‘It’s a pity, if my soul can recover a bit more, I don’t have to be so troublesome, and I can directly use the power of my soul to perceive the distance in units of tens of thousands of kilometers! Zhang Xiang thought with regret in his heart.

After all, the trauma caused by the soul that he split up when he created the world has not yet recovered one-tenth!

"It seems that I still have to borrow the power of the earth! After all, I am for your own good. You shouldn't refuse, right?" Zhang Xiang projected his gaze to the blue planet under his feet.

Even in the night sky, Zhang Xiang could still see the rotation of most of the blue planet.

However, Zhang Xiang knew that with the words alone, even if the earth had a rough Gaia consciousness, it would not understand what he meant.

However, his breath and consciousness have long been fused into the surrounding space.

Therefore, he is talking to the whole planet with his spiritual consciousness.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's body also exploded with an ancient breath.

That was when he lifted the suppression of his own breath, and let his own god's breath that occupies the rules of the dark world burst out unscrupulously.

Although it was the breath of a **** from the dark world, because he became a **** by fusing the rules of several worlds, the rules used can be applied to this world.

In particular, the rules of judgment, water, and moon are universal in the world with the same elements.

Needless to say, the trial, as long as it is a country with living things, there must be laws.

And water is the foundation of life, let alone.

As for the moon, although most of the moon has been destroyed, there is still a small part of it. The concept of the moon also exists naturally!

Therefore, the three concepts are complete, and he is a real **** before the Gaia consciousness that has not yet fully formed on the earth.

The gods are the existences that can communicate with Gaia.

In a sense, Gaia is also a god, just a **** that is naturally generated.

And feel the breath of Zhang Xiang's god, and the message he passed on.

Following Gaia's consciousness that instinctively was seeking a solution, he chose to believe in Zhang Xiang without hesitation.

-It has no other choice.

Suddenly, a force called a torrent of power was instantly blessed onto Zhang Xiang's body.

Although the Gaia consciousness of the earth is still unable to exert its own power, it is possible to lend its power to a certain degree to be able to communicate with its own existence.

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