Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2040: , Play in the morning!

However, when Zhang Xiang came out, he found that the TV was not broken. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

The fixed screen before the news broadcast is playing on it.

Although it’s a bit strange, it’s because this time is usually a funny variety show, and there is also a morning animation rerun.

"What's the matter? It's not bad?" Zhang Xiang asked strangely.

"But, but, every station is this uncle and sister, and the little rabbit disappeared halfway through the broadcast." Xiao Chi's face showed an aggrieved expression, and said to Zhang Xiang.

But listening to Xiao Chi's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling a little strange.

Then, he picked up the remote control and started to press other channels. The result was really just like what Xiao Chi said, no matter which channel, whether it is a local channel, or a national channel, it is the same. Vice screen.

This is something incredible.

You know, in the case of Neon, because of the special division attributes of TV programs, they are divided into national and local channels.

Needless to say, the national station, that is a program station that can be received by the entire neon.

On the other hand, local channels can only be received locally. No matter how you receive programs outside of this place, you cannot receive programs.

In the case of local stations, the rights are usually very large, and they are basically not controlled by the relevant departments, and the relevant departments cannot arrange when they will broadcast specific programs.

Even if it is a national charity program, you still have to pay to broadcast it.

Unless it broadcasts something that violates the law, the relevant departments can control it.

But at this time, among the TV stations that Ikebukuro can receive, they are broadcasting the same content. How can this not be surprising?

At this moment, listening to the voice of the young chicks, everyone also walked out of the dining room one after another.

"What's wrong, brother, where is the TV broken?" Xiaokong's somewhat puzzled voice rang. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

With the sound of her voice, Miyu and Huahuo also came out.

"No, it's just that all the TV stations suddenly broadcast the content of the same program." Zhang Xiang turned his head and explained to Xiao Kong and the others.

"How is it possible? Could it be that something big happened?" Meiyu's face showed a surprised expression.

As for the fireworks, he showed a thoughtful expression.

"Could it be the moon yesterday?" Hua Huo said speculatively.

"Ah, by the way, it's really possible that it's the moon! I don't know how the moon became the way it is unknowingly. Shouldn't it, it is to announce that the moon has been destroyed for most What kind of impact will it have?" Miyu suddenly guessed nervously.

"No. If it is true, then what should we do?" Xiao Kong covered his mouth with some horror.

However, at this moment.

Zhang Xiang suddenly gave Meiyu a brain collapse.

"Don't talk nonsense, there must be nothing. Moreover, even if there is something, it should be uncle and I worry about it. You only need to live happily." Zhang Xiang said somewhat domineeringly.

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the scene suddenly fell silent for a moment.

But immediately, Miyu spoke up.

"Ah, uncle is so domineering! However, now it is not a pure patriarchal society, women can hold up half of the sky!" Mei Yu retorted with her small fist.

However, she felt warm in her heart.

"But, you are not an adult yet! So, of course, you have to grow under the wings of your uncle!" Zhang Xiang touched Meiyu's head and said with a smile.

"Humph" Meiyu snorted to show her resistance, but she didn't go on.

However, the little chicks next to him had **** eyes with bright doubts.

"Ah, does my uncle have wings?" With an expression as if he had discovered a new world, Xiao Chi stared at Zhang Xiang up and down, but he didn't notice anything suspected of being wings. A little confused.

And listening to Xiao Chi's words and looking at that serious look, everyone couldn't help feeling amused.

"Little chicks, what my uncle said is just a metaphor, it doesn't really have a pair of wings..." Zhang Xiang explained to Zhang Xiang with some amusement.

"Yes, Xiao Hina, the'wing' that my brother said is here, pointing to the care of us, not the real wings." Xiaokong also took two steps forward, with a smile on his face. Xiao Hina explained.

"Ah, didn't it? If it's true, Xiao Chi's wish can be realized until..." Xiao Chi muttered a little disappointedly.

When Xiao Chi heard the word wish, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but **** his ears.

For him, it was a difficult decision for Xiao Chi to give her something for her birthday!

Although he had many rare treasures in his hands, he even had the fruits of the spiritual tree that made people suddenly able to burst the earth.

However, birthday gifts are not the best gifts to make young children happy.

Only the most suitable gift that Xiao Hina hopes will make her happy.

But unfortunately, at this moment, the sound on the TV suddenly became a little louder, drawing everyone's attention.

At the same time, Xiao Chi's attention was also drawn to the past, which made Zhang Xiang feel a bit regretful.

At this time, the news on the TV began to be broadcast.

And, it was just a moment, and it attracted everyone's attention.

On the big screen of the TV, five consecutive pictures appeared.

The first one is an island that went out near Hokkaido, but at this time the island was cut in half from the middle.

A huge meteorite landed on the island, breaking through the middle of the island that was split into two halves. A large amount of seawater poured in along the cracks on both sides, and the big crater that the meteorite impacted. They are all filled with sea water.

The second picture shows that a series of wrecks of steel ships are sinking into the sea on an unknown sea.

Vaguely, we can also see that among the wreckage of the densely packed steel ship, there is a ship that broke apart from the middle, but it is nearly several hundred meters long.

Nearly half of the wreckage is hundreds of meters long.

This is enough to see how big the entire ship is!

The word ‘aircraft carrier’ marked on the side of the picture, however, makes people understand what it is.

The third picture is naturally endless, but it is bordered by a series of land, forming a scene like an inland sea.

However, on the other previously overlooked map marked on the side, it clearly shows that this place has a continent.

Especially people who are familiar with the United States can guess where it is all at once.

It's just that now that continent has disappeared.

And the fourth picture is the moon in the sky missing two-thirds of its volume, and the high-definition video of the surrounding meteorites.

There is no doubt that this is the moon that suddenly disintegrated for most of the time.

As usual, there is still a picture of the original moon next to it.

As for the last picture, it is even more shocking.

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