Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2043: , Big Apple

And as usual, in the singing of the young chicks.

Zhang Xiang held Xiao Chi's little hand in one hand and walked towards the home.

As for the original small schoolbag that Zhang Xiang had taken back with help, it was now firmly carried on Xiao Chi's shoulders.

I don't know when it will start, but Xiao Chi has already begun to think that she has to do her own business.

Therefore, since the last time, she has insisted on carrying a small schoolbag to and from school.

But fortunately, there are only two picture books in the school bag, and some daily supplies.

And the distance is not too far.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang agreed to Xiaochun to do that.

But only for ten minutes, Zhang Xiang has already returned home with the chicks.

"I'm back" Xiao Chi's tender voice passed from the entrance to the inside.

"Ah, are Xiao Chi and Uncle back? Come and help, there are big red apples" Mei Yu's voice passed from the depths of the house.

And listening to Mei Yu's voice, Xiao Chi's face couldn't help showing excitement.

"Little chi is here!" Xiao chi responded excitedly.

Then, she quickly took off her shoes in the hallway and put on warm shoes at home. Without even putting down the schoolbag on her back, she ran towards the depths of the house.

And behind Xiao Chu, Zhang Xiang smiled and shook his head, helping Xiao Chu to put some scattered shoes on the ground.

Then, he walked towards the inside of the house.

And when Zhang Xiang walked into the house, he saw the little figure of Xiao Chi already running into the kitchen.

Through the transparent closet, Zhang Xiang could clearly see that the young chick was sitting on a chair, lying on the table and watching Meiyu cleaning the big red apples with cloth in the sink. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

But let's be honest.

The greening of the Ikebukuro community is doing very well, and Neon is the country with the largest forest coverage in the world.

Therefore, the fruits planted by the ‘harvest tree’ planted in the backyard actually don’t have much smoke and dust.

In addition, no pesticides are applied at all, so it is edible even if it is taken directly.

After Xiaokong waited for someone to take it off, he got the sink to clean it with a cloth, just to make his heart more comfortable.

While lying on the table watching Meiyu cleaning the apples, Xiao Chi's face showed a greedy little look.

Watching this scene, Mei Yu beside her couldn't help but smile.

"Come on, Hina, give it a try." Meiyu handed over a big apple that had just been cleaned.

Looking at the big red apple handed to her, Xiao Chi's face couldn't help showing an expression of excitement.

"Well, thank you sister" Xiao Chi said happily, and stretched out her hand to take it.

However, halfway through reaching out, Xiao Chi suddenly remembered something.

"Ah, Sister Miyu, wait a minute. Hina forgot to wash her hands, wait until Hina finishes washing her hands, and then eat." Although Hina's face showed a greedy little look, she ran to the side obediently. I want to push my own small chair to the sink and wash my hands.

And looking at Xiao Chi's sensible look, Zhang Xiang's face also showed a smile.

In the past year, Xiao Chi is really sensible.

"Well, Xiaochun is so sensible. Come, let's uncle help you." Zhang Xiang walked over and picked Xiaochun up so that her little hands could reach the sink.

"Well, thank you, my uncle." Little Chin showed a happy expression on her face, stretched out her little hand and turned on the warm water switch of the washbasin, while humming: "The big red apple is sweet and big. Apple's original little song began to wash her hands happily.

After clearing her little hands, the young bird turned out to be delivered by Miyu, and the big red apple came out deliberately.

Amid the crisp sound, a small bite was made on the big red apple.

"Ah, it's so sweet, my uncle, sister Meiyu" Xiao Hina held the big apple in both hands, with a satisfied and excited expression on his face, and said to Zhang Xiang and Mei Yu.

"Really?" Zhang Xiang said with a smile.

At this moment, Xiao Kong's voice also came from outside the glass sliding door in the hall.

"Xiao Hina, what's so sweet?" Xiaokong's voice sounded, but he changed his outdoor shoes and walked in with a basket.

Behind her is a firework holding a pair of shears for pruning branches and leaves.

However, seeing Xiao Kong coming in, Xiao Chi's face showed an excited smile.

"Apples, red, big apples, really sweet," Xiao Chi could not wait to say to Xiao Kong.

In general, he also contributed the big apple in his hand and showed it to Xiao Kong.

"Really? Xiao Chi just likes it." Xiao Kong said to Xiao Chi with a sweet smile on his face.

"Sister, take a bite" Xiao Chi's eyes showed expectant expressions, and handed the big apple in her hands.

However, looking at the big apple in Xiao Hina's hand, Xiao Kong showed a slightly distressed expression.

"Little chi, you can eat by yourself, my sister's hands are a bit dirty." Xiaokong said while putting the basket on the table.

The contents of that basket are all red and big apples.

Obviously, Xiao Kong was picking apples just now.

Therefore, her hands are indeed a bit dirty.

However, Xiao Hina shook his head.

"No, Xiao Chi will help you hold it." With a look of expectation on Xiao Chi's face, he brought the big red apple in his hand closer.

"Okay, then, thank you Xiaochun." With a smile on Xiaokong's face, he gently took a bite on the big apple.

With the same clear voice, Xiao Kong suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"Yeah, it's really sweet! It seems that squeezing into juice is no problem at all, and you don't even need sugar." Xiaokong stroked the hair that was scattered in front of him as he leaned down and exposed. Came with an excited expression.

"Yeah, Sister Xiaokong, it's really sweet." There was a happy expression on Xiao Chi's face, obviously he was very happy that his views were approved.

However, at this moment, Miyu's voice came in.

"Ah, Xiao Hina, you are too partial. You only feed it to Sister Xiaokong and not to Sister Mei Yu," Mei Yu gagged next to her, and said to Xiao Hina jokingly.

However, in the face of Miyu's jokes, Xiao Chi is much mature than before.

It's not as true as before.

"I don't have it, Sister Mei Yu, you eat too, ah" Xiao Hina Jiang Xiao's big apple in his hands also handed Mei Yu's direction.

Seeing this action of Xiao Chi, Mei Yu smiled and took a bite without hesitation.

In the same way, she also exclaimed.

Next, Xiao Hina did not forget Huahuo, and also handed the apple in her hand to Huahuo's direction, letting her take a bite.

In the end, it was Zhang Xiang's turn to take a bite in the place where no one was biting.

Suddenly, the crisp and juicy flesh was bitten by Zhang Xiang.

The sweetness radiates from the mouth, giving people an endless aftertaste of fruity aroma...

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