Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2045: , Apple picking scissors! (Please be honest!)

"Little chick, are you ready?" Zhang Xiang asked the little chick who was sitting on his shoulders.

"Well, it's okay" Xiao Chi said excitedly.

Although she didn't know what method her little uncle would use to let her pick apples.

However, she believed that Zhang Xiang could do it.

She was quite convinced of this.

"Then, let's start..." Zhang Xiang said as he walked in the direction of the'harvest tree'.

And then, the magical thing happened.

As Zhang Xiang approached, the "harvest tree", which was supposed to be more than five meters high and only a small distance from the roof, began to gradually decline.

Yes, the whole tree is beginning to sink downward.

This scene, Xiao Kong and others felt a little weird.

"Tree, did the tree sink?"

"This, how is this possible?!"

Both Xiaokong and Meiyu showed shocked expressions on their faces.

As for the fireworks, they didn't show any surprised expressions.

It's just a tree sinking toward the ground, and it's not that a tree suddenly came to life. She was not surprised at all from the Hokage World.

Because, if you count it down, there are related ninjutsu that can do this.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang also spoke.

"Didn't I already say it before? I have many incredible abilities" Zhang Xiang emphasized once again to Xiaokong and the others.

At this time, Xiaokong and Miyu also recalled the scene Zhang Xiang performed in front of them not long ago. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Before, they had accepted that Zhang Xiang had some magical abilities.

However, subconsciously, they still feel that Zhang Xiang is an ordinary person.

However, everything in front of them reminded them again.

Seeing what happened in front of them, Xiaokong and Meiyu couldn't help but glance at each other, and there was a sudden flash in their eyes.

However, they still feel that what is in front of them is very magical.

And at this time, Xiao Chi also began to clap his little hands.

"Little uncle, little uncle, so many big apples, and they are so red and fragrant." The chick patted her hands, her cheeks were slightly red, and she looked at the gradually sinking'Tree of Harvest' hanging on Those big apples.

And the "Harvest Tree" is also the name of not falling into the harvest.

The branches and leaves were covered with heavy, red apples.

It can be said that, except for the places where the lower layer is less exposed to sunlight and picked up by Xiaokong, other places are still full of big red apples.

"Then, Xiao Chi will pick it." Zhang Xiang smiled and said to Xiao Chi.

"Well, Xiao Chi is going to pick the biggest and reddest one!" Xiao Chi nodded heavily.

And under Zhang Xiang's encouragement, Xiao Chi's expectant gaze scanned the numerous big apples on the "Harvest Tree".

In the end, her eyes were placed on a big apple not far away.

"Uncle, uncle, over there, that one..." Xiao Chi said, waving her little hand.

"En, that's okay." Zhang Xiang said as he moved his body slightly, and walked under the big apple that Xiao Chi was pointing at.

And then, Xiao Hina had excitement on her face, stretched out her little hand with a little nervousness, and sat upright, only then did her hands grasp the sides of the big apple.

The feeling of coldness passed from his hands.

Although the "harvest tree" ignores the influence of the season, it only needs enough nutrients to produce different fruits.

However, the "Harvest Tree" has not yet reached the anti-sky ability that can affect the weather.

Therefore, after the fruit grows, it is unavoidable to be affected by the weather.

However, feeling the cold feeling from his hands, Xiao Chi did not let go of his hands as usual, but showed an excited smile on his face.

"Uncle, uncle, elder sister, look, I grabbed the biggest apple!" Xiao Chi's face was full of excitement, and he turned to Zhang Xiang and the others.

Looking at Xiao Chi's excited look, Zhang Xiang and others naturally wouldn't let Xiao Chi's excitement anymore.

Not to mention, everyone was a little excited watching the young chicks picking apples for the first time.

"Well, it's great, little chi!"

"Come on, little chi, pick the apples!"


Everyone is cheering for the young girl.

With everyone's encouragement, Xiao Hina nodded heavily.

"Well, Xiao Chi will work hard!" Xiao Chi nodded heavily, then turned his head and started working hard.

However, the stalk that can withstand the weight of the big apple is not so easy to be torn off.

Although Xiao Chi's two small hands have already begun to work hard.

However, the big apple was only torn down ten centimeters from the front end of the stem and branch, and the apple was not torn off at all.

After getting here, Xiao Chi's little face was already full of unwillingness, showing an aggrieved look.

However, she still did not give up.

Looking at Xiao Chi's appearance, everyone couldn't help showing a worried expression.

Everyone was worried about whether she would cry if she couldn't pick this big apple.

However, at this moment, Xiao Kong suddenly remembered something.

"Little chi, my sister has forgotten one thing. To pick apples, it will be easier to cut off the stems with scissors. I'll get them for you..." Xiaokong suddenly remembered this matter and wanted to move forward. Go inside and get a small pair of scissors out.

As for the pair of big scissors she used before, she didn't plan to take it out.

Because Xiao Hina is only four years old, let alone use that pair of big scissors, even if it is not easy to pick up.

She was struggling to use it just now, let alone Xiao Chi.

However, she was a little worried that she could not find any small scissors that the chicks could use at home.

At this time, Zhang Xiang also remembered one thing.

It seemed that there seemed to be a pair of special scissors in many of the shipwreck treasures he found in the Hunter World.

"No, I have it on my body, is this okay?" Zhang Xiang prevented Xiao Kong from trotting into the house, and took out a pair of scissors from the space bag.

However, it is said to be small scissors.

But in fact, this is a small pair of scissors made of azure blue unknown jade, with amber rim inlaid on the edge.

It seems to be very valuable.

And of course this is really valuable.

You should know that the shortest history of the sinking of those sunken ships is more than ten years, and the longest term is even more than a thousand years of history.

Naturally, the complete things found out of these sunken ships are not ordinary things.

Not to mention, after soaking in sea water for so long, there is no change in color.

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