Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2054: , Miss Sasha and Xiaoyan!

After ‘teaching’ Mei Yu a bit, Miss Sha Xia turned her attention to Zhang Xiang’s direction.

"And you! My cutest little chick had his birthday, and he forgot to notify me. If it weren't for Miyu and Xiaokong to remember, I'm afraid I don't know?!" Miss Sa Xia was a bit aggressive towards Zhang Xiang Said.

But listening to Miss Sa Xia's words, Zhang Xiang was a little speechless.

After all, as the other party said, Zhang Xiang really forgot to notify the other party.

When Miss Sa Xia was teaching Zhang Xiang, Mei Yu had already sneaked up to Xiao Chi.

"Xiao Chi, a birthday present from your sister, okay?" Mei Yu asked Xiao Chi quietly.

"Well, this is the best birthday present Xiao Chi has ever received. Thank you sister." Xiao Chi happily thanked Mi Yu and kissed her on the cheek.

However, her sneaky behavior was eventually discovered by Miss Sasha.

After all, the distance between the two of them is not far apart.

"Miyu, are you saying something ill of me to Xiao Chi again?" Miss Sa Xia turned her head suspiciously and asked Miyu.

Miyu naturally denied this.

And looking at Miss Sasha and Miyu, they were talking about a normal mother-daughter relationship, even better than the usual mother-daughter relationship.

Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling a touch of relief.

No one would have thought that the two of them were mother and daughter who had not known each other for a few months.

Moreover, shortly before they met, Miyu had a cold war with Miss Sasha.

However, these things have now changed.

Miss Sasha has become a true mother and daughter with Mei Yu. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

It's no longer just about blood relationship, but not mother and daughter in the actual sense.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to say it.

Some people may wonder about the relationship between Miss Sasha and Miyu.

But in fact, this is a very simple relationship. When Miss Sasha was three years old in Miyu, because of the civil war in the country where she was originally located, her father died in the civil war, and Miss Sasha had to go back to take care of her. Own mother.

At the same time, Miss Sa Xia had a conflict with relatives of Xiaoniaoyou's family.

So, in the end, Miss Sa Xia divorced Mei Yu's nominal father, and went to her motherland to take care of her mother by herself.

And Miyu was just left to take care of her nominal father.

It was agreed that after Miyu was sensible, she would be allowed to make a choice, whether to follow her mother or stay at Xiaoniaoyoujia.

As for the aforementioned nominal father, it involves another matter of privacy.

That is, when Miyu's mother, that is, Miss Sasha, was actually pregnant when she married Xiaoniaoyoujia.

As for the more previous things, they are a bit too complicated, so I won't talk about them here.

However, at this moment, Miss Sa Xia keenly caught the smile on Zhang Xiang's mouth.

"It seems that you still haven't been fully educated, and you forgot to inform me of the important thing of Xiaochun’s birthday, and you can still laugh. Is it because you specifically didn’t want me to come to Xiaochun’s birthday? Do you want to monopolize the chicks?..." Miss Sasha said aggressively.

Thus, another round of crusade began.

And Zhang Xiang had to accept it silently.

Why did he really forget it?

Moreover, Xiao Chi also giggled while watching.

However, in the end, under Xiao Chi's comfort, Miss Sha Xia forgave Zhang Xiang.

This made Zhang Xiang couldn't help but stick out his thumb in the direction of Xiao Chi.

The young chick was also in the arms of Sha Xia Xiaojie, and also secretly held out his thumb.

But at this moment, the bell rang again, but it was the neighbor's Xiaoli who came to celebrate Xiaoxiao's birthday.

"Happy Birthday, Little Hina", Xiao Chuan with long pink hair, holding a projector, came to Xiao Niaoyou's house.

And listening to Xiao Xiao's familiar voice, Xiao Chi couldn't help but stand up from the sofa, squatted on the back of the sofa, waving her hand happily to Xiao Xiao.

"Sister Xiaoxin, you are here" Xiao Chi's face showed a happy expression.

Because Zhang Xiang was busy with school and part-time jobs before, and Xiaokong and Miyu were far away from the school.

However, there was a period of time when Xiao Xiao was responsible for picking up and down.

Therefore, Xiao Chi and Xiao Shi's family are very familiar.

Especially with Xiaoxin, who likes young chicks very much, it has a good relationship.

Moreover, Xiao Xiao's mother also helped the Xiaoniaou family a lot.

And seeing other people coming, Miss Sa Xia stopped stalking Zhang Xiang and turned her gaze to Xiao Chuan.

"Ah, is Xiao Shi also here? Welcome, really welcome" Miss Sa Xia said after Xiao Shi, like a hostess.

However, looking at Miss Sasha who suddenly appeared in front of her.

Xiao Qi's face showed a trace of confusion at first, but then she remembered the situation that morning, and then Zhang Xiang and others explained to her.

"Ah, you are Miwa's mother, Miss Sasha, right? My name is Toshi Kitahara. I live diagonally across from the neighbor. I came to celebrate the birthday of the young chick." Xiao Shi was very polite and introduced herself to Miss Sasha. .

"Ah, what a lovely girl... sit down." Miss Sa Xia praised Xiao Shi.

However, she was muttering in her heart.

‘How come so many girls like him... It seems that I have to work hard too! This thought flashed through Shaxia Xiaojie's heart.

At the same time, Xunzi and Laixiang-senpai also turned their eyes to Xiaozhu's direction.

Then, he stared in Zhang Xiang's direction again.

With a slightly angry look in your eyes, You Yuanhe attacked Zhang Xiang at the same time.

At the same time, both of them seemed to have made a certain decision in their eyes.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiang only felt an unexplained rise from the soles of his feet, causing him to shiver.

"How do you feel, it seems a bit bad foreboding..." Zhang Xiang muttered in his heart.

However, at this moment, Xiao Qi began to follow Xiao Kong to arrange the things in the room.

The projector brought by Xiaokong was placed in the middle of the table by Xiaokong.

"Xiao Chi, this is a gift from the two of us," Xiao Shi and Xiao Kong said to Xiao Chi at the same time.

"Ah, what is it?" Xiao Chi asked expectantly, standing on tiptoes in front of the sofa.

And Zhang Xiang was also attracted to the past and looked in the direction of the white wall beside him.

"It's started" Xiaokong's slightly cheerful voice rang, and pressed the button to light the lamp.

At the same time, Xiaoyan also pressed the button of the projector.

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