Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2070: , 100 million kilometers!

And the ultimate spread of his spiritual power is one million kilometers!

Yes, one million kilometers!

What a huge number!

In other words, with just one thought, the distance he can move can go back and forth between the earth and the moon more than!

However, Zhang Xiang felt a little pity. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

You know, even if he recovers to one-tenth of his strength, he can still treat planets and galaxies as glass beads, as well as basketball.

But now, he can only spread his mental power one million kilometers, and he can only sink a continent with a full blow.

It has not recovered to one percent strength at all!

"However, luckily, there is still a lot of time!" Zhang Xiang said to himself after shaking his head slightly.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang's body shape disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he was already a million kilometers away.

This is a slightly deserted place, and nothing else exists around it.

Behind him, a broken meteorite belt is spinning around the small half moon in the center.

However, it looks relatively close, but it is at least hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

It was only because Zhang Xiang was in the starry sky at this time, without the obstruction of the atmosphere, that he could see it so real.

As for the small half of the moon that reflects the sun's rays, there is the huge water blue planet.

There is no doubt that that is the birthplace of mankind-the earth!

From this direction, the earth looked so blue, and it looked so beautiful in the starry sky lit by only dim stars. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

As for the latter, it is the extremely big sun.

The huge sun radiates light and heat all the time, and there is no occlusion from the atmosphere. If you look in this direction, it really looks like a super fireball burning violently.

However, the lunar meteorite fragments Zhang Xiang was looking for this time were not outside the sun's direction.

On the contrary, it was flying in the direction outside the solar system.

And now, although it has been half a month since the moon was blown up.

However, although these lunar meteorites are far from reaching the point of breaking out of the solar system.

Moreover, according to the calculations, most of these lunar meteorites cannot escape the gravitational circle of the solar system.

At most, like Halley's comet, it was captured by the gravitational loop of the solar system's various planets, and it became a supernumerary meteorite that revolved around most of the solar system.

Perhaps, one day, the extraneous meteorites formed by these lunar meteorites will break away from the huge gravitational circle of the solar system and rush into the unknown universe by chance.

Of course, it is more likely that the orbit of the meteorite will gradually deviate from the original orbit under the influence of the various planets in the solar system, hit certain planets, or even fly directly to the sun.

After calculating it again, Zhang Xiang knew which direction the meteorite was in.

"Calculated based on the current interstellar background pattern, it should now be close to Mars and Jupiter. There is still a distance of about 100 million kilometers! It is so far! How can it be in less than 15 days? He ran to such a far place within the time limit?!!!" Zhang Xiang thought of this distance, and he felt that his head was big.

Because, if the meteorite's speed is calculated at a speed of 20 kilometers per second.

It will take at least fifty days for this lunar meteorite, or almost sixty days to reach this place.

Even if a lunar meteorite runs at the speed of light, it will take more than five minutes to reach it!

Therefore, Zhang Xiang didn't understand.

You know, ordinary meteorites are not so fast!

Unless the moon erupts directly from the core, it is possible to cause this, or even a speed far exceeding it.

However, according to Zhang Xiang's understanding, the moon was suddenly exploded.

It didn't explode directly from the core of the moon.

The way it was exploded was more like the result of a sudden loss of gravity at the core of the moon, plus an explosion that was not originally enough to shake the moon.

But let's get back to the subject!

Although Zhang Xiang felt strange that the moon's meteorite would go so far.

However, even if it runs as far as possible.

Zhang Xiang's current goal is to recycle it, so naturally he won't give it up halfway.

So, after complaining, Zhang Xiang set off again.

But this time, because of the pre-calculated variables, he didn't stop for a moment.

When he recovered, he didn't know how many times he had teleported.

Behind him, the broken moon figure has completely disappeared, and even the earth has become an existence that is not much better than table tennis.

Around him, there was only an endless dim void left.

There is also the grayish yellow and grayish white on the front surface, and the color is constantly changing, from blue to white, brown, and even red. There is also a barren area behind him. From this direction, even You can see the desert above it, showing an earthy yellow planet.

As for the light lasing from the sun from a distance, when it reached this place, it also began to become a little dim.

Even the sun, which was originally seen as a huge fireball near the earth, now seems to have shrunk a lot.

However, the light and heat can still be felt above this distance.

Of course, it just feels.

In fact, in the cold space, how could you feel the heat with your body?

However, it is extremely cold here. As long as the body appears outside, ordinary people will be frozen in an instant without any protection. The background is dim, giving people an endless and empty space, but they still have other scenery. .

"Finally found it!" Zhang Xiang let out a sigh of relief, surrendering his gaze to the direction of a dim void.

Although nothing can be seen with the naked eye.

However, under the sweep of his spiritual power, 100,000 miles away, that lunar meteorite was moving in the direction of Jupiter at a speed of more than fifty kilometers per second.

If it takes another year or so, maybe it will reach the vicinity of Jupiter and be captured by Jupiter's gravity.

However, the opponent who was discovered by Zhang Xiang was destined to not reach Jupiter smoothly.

Because Zhang Xiang is about to recycle it!

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